Author has written 2 stories for Devil May Cry, Naruto, and Tenjho Tenge. Current Status Update
I have removed the links to the pictures that were here for some odd reason (for the life of me, I can't remember exactly why). If all goes well the revisions won't even need them. If you still want to look at them though you can look them up on wikis. Ifrit: Ifrit from Final Fantasy Crisis Core Yamato: A cross between Nero's Demon (The one that hovers over/behind him in the game) and Raiden's Armor from Metal Gear Solid 4 Red Queen: Mostly just an enhanced Yamato form, I don't think I actually used a linked image. Name: Yea, I have one...more than one in fact Age: (sigh) I feel older than I really am... Gender: Male Likes: anime, manga, video games, sleeping, drawing, internet, reading, procrastinating, and women. Dislikes: I'm pretty laid back... I'm trying to take this to heart when I write anything other authors should too: "...when writing a 'fic you must keep in mind that what people really want to read, and what is most worthwhile to write, is the struggle. All the hard times, all the bad days, all the grinding work, all the nasty weather, all the emotion. You can't just rattle off a list of things that happened. We want to see them happening! We want to feel the pain and the joy and the pride and the disappointment. Take the gray seas and snow-covered pines and fluttering auroras burning in the darkness behind your eyes and convert them into text!" - Quoted from some other author's profile. Future Ideas: I try to be unique and original with ideas, but seriously what hasn't been done? Still, I try to pitch the idea in a different way even if it's still the same concept. Things that aren't done often strike my fancy as well. Very difficult, I'm well aware, especially when the general outlines all blur together after a while. I cling to a hope that perhaps I'll stumble across something new or at the very least make my writing stand out just a little bit. I've also been branching out of the Naruto area over the years, but I still keep to things that I actually know about or have easy access to. I currently do have a few documents that I've been mulling about in my absence. Some are only paragraphs of mindless rambling ideas, others are only a small piece of what could be considered the rough draft of a first chapter, and others are only a single sentence long and a constant reminder. For the sake of showing small steps in progress I'll share what they are. A few Naruto Crossovers from back in the day. A Persona 4 novella that wants to tie in a bunch of stuff from the persona series as well as a few other megami tensei games. A few more Game fics/novelizations. Skyrim, Dragon Age, Final Fantasy, etc. These as common as they are, can still be fun because plenty of games are experienced differently. A mashup of...something that's based in Evangelion with inspiration from a few other things thrown in a blender. I'm not even sure what it is yet. A couple of Self Inserts attempts. Write one of these for fun, you'll find out really quick your strengths and weaknesses and how much you want the world to love you. Or if your like me, you'll see the world doing everything in its power to screw you over because you can't stand the asshole you're reading about. And of course, the rewrites of my two beginning fics DDC and DF. These two are mostly just still plot building so they won't see light for a while. It's slow, but slow and stead (and not having to reset your computer/get a new one because of cruddy luck) wins (or at least finishes, pity clap and all) the race right? My Stories: - Devils Don't Cry (Naruto/Devil May Cry) My first attempt ever. Starts off terrible (Muse: still is...), but I think it improved over the few chapters, if slowly (Muse: Might have to squint to see it). I think the plot is my strong point here (Muse: It's different), while not written out as well as I'd like it still kept readers entertained enough on what could happen. Doesn't officially follow the games, instead using them more as basis and guidelines, but the obvious. The romance is weak and rushed. I consider the action decent. Status: Dead, but most likely to be rewritten. I'll most likely going to wait for the new DmC remake to fuel me into a writing frenzy (which will most likely occur whether the game is good or bad). Reason why I've edged around it so much is because my computers keep getting wiped after I get a good idea basis. It becomes a chore to start over/ try to remember where I was going with it over and over again. I've played the remake! And I liked it (gasp!) its own game. I will admit there were some small things that bugged me to no end, but the game itself wasn't bad in my opinion. Some of the concepts and ideas themselves were pretty good and you may see some in the remake. - Dragon's Fist (Naruto/Tenjho Tenge) My attempt to redeem myself slightly after easing into being an author. I wanted to have a good plot that combine both manga, attempt to develop romance, all with a more serious and darker type writing. It never really took off in my eyes, instead I kind of floundered after starting and sputtered before plummeting to my doom. Now that I look again, I think I completely flubbed on the start too. Status: Also dead and due for a rewrite. Even though Tenjho Tenge (and Air Gear) have been completed this may still sit for while until I start rereading both of those as well as Naruto for a better grasp on the characters. |