![]() Author has written 3 stories for Transformers/Beast Wars, and Chowder. 2 April 2009 Yes folks, I'm back. Sort of. I've been diagnosed with elevated blood pressure and decided to take it out on all of my fans. Both of them. He he he. ;-) I have not forgotten my story, it's just been on the back burner for a while. I have many other ideas that I have been working on as well, including one I recently found and finished for Ghost of Beethoven. Unfortunately, I do not remember the whole story, so it was cut short, but I believe the point was made, none-the-less. I wrote "For The Ghost" during last summer's turmoil over his critiques. It was intended to poke fun at all involved and possibly lighten things up a bit. I halted work on it when I recieved news of Ghosts absence and the reason behind it. I have not spoken to him for a while, but I do wish him well with all my heart! Take care, my friend, and flame on! ;-) Much love from the middle of a thunderstorm! -"me" I would like to remind all readers that my stories are written for enjoyment. Your criticism is welcome. Your hypocrosy and vengence toward my stance or my friends is not. If you would like to leave a review, please keep in mind that the stories are written for enjoyment, mine and yours. They are not written and/or posted for The Real Ghost and company to niavely point out what Microsoft Word lights up on thier computers. Often MS Word is mistaken, and you actually have to know and understand the English language as well as its grammatical structure to override these things. A friend recently passed on--via e-mail--a poem that was intentionally and drammatically incorrect, but edited with MS Word. It reminded me of ScienceTeacherSE's comments about how my story "lit up like a christmas tree" on her computer. You cannot rely on a computer to think for you. It is in everyone's best interest to actually use the God given gray matter between your ears and not try to find a lazy way out of self education. After all, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." Thanks for the Avatar idea Deceptigrape! I'm not quite THAT mean, but almost! ;) 15 July 08 Thank you so very much to The Real Ghost for cleaning up their forum! I normally do not mind if anyone swipes and uses my stuff. I actually encourage it, but please do not use it against anyone else. This is not why I write. It would be wise to ask first, I will say yes--provided you are not using it to someone else's detriment. This includes anyone's reviews where they have copy/pasted portions of my fic. Ask. That's all I want. I show the same courtesy to others. The Thundercracker version used in chapter 4 of my fic was borrowed from kaydeeblu who also wrote his lines for me. I gave her credit on the top of the chapter and referenced her fic as well. But before any of that, I ASKED for her permission. As for the fic... my new beta (I MISS you kaydeeblu --sniff!) is reviewing the latest chapter. I'm sorry it is taking so long, I got carried away with the violence, and I'm afraid it may be WAY over the top. I am a dark little thing... ;) insert evil snicker here He will be done with it soon, and it will be posted... eventually. I have not dumped the idea. I abhor unfinished fics. In case anyone is curious, yes, my new beta is in fact Ghost of Beethoven himself. This should be interesting since he doesn't like my dark, evil style of writing! Ha ha ha! But I believe he will be able to help me keep my OC from Mary Sue-ing out too much on me. I really AM trying to avoid that. I'm not sure I succeeded, but hey... "A for effort?" Okay, not so much. GoB will likely motivate my lazy butt to finally fix the glaring problems he found early on in the fic, too. He he he. And finally, I am a fair person. I often take up the side of the person with the least support just because I feel bad for them. But please do not tangle with me. It awakens that dark, mean streak I was so notorious for in the military. I am a person of extremes: I can be equally as cruel as I am kind. I am a 33 year old single mom, and second generation veteran. I don't mess around. 29 May 08 It has been brought to my attention that not everyone is happy about the apparent "Flamer's Club." I have been warned that obvious association may result in the loss of friends/fans. To this I have but a few things to say: 1. Loss of any friends over my chosen associations is fine by me. I do not care for such fair-weatheredness in my friends. I am not such myself. 2. I really don't have many fans, but I would like to think that anyone who enjoys what I write, does so strictly for the enjoyment, not some petty association or lack thereof. 3. I find the ring leader of the "Flamer's Lounge" to be quite astute. I challenged him to read and flame my own works, and, yes, he did read and review. He left no flame, but plenty of REAL criticism, for which I am eternally grateful. I will be putting his ideas and suggestions to good use. Unfortunately for me, he thinks I'm a bit too dark for his personal preference. ;) But, hey, we can't win them all! He he he! He strikes me as an intellectual that actually has a firm grasp, not just on grammar and simple things of the like, but on story progression and literary devices such as... oh, I don't know... FORESHADOWING? Something, I might add, that is quite prevalent in my TF fic, but has as of yet gone unnoticed. I'll admit my efforts to be a bit clumsy, but still... Anyway, this is one technique, among many, that remains dreadfully absent in nearly all the fics I have read on this site. Do you call yourselves writers? I don't know... ;) 4. While I am not the most vocal--BY FAR--of the group, I am proudly a member of the "Flamer's Club." If you can't read my stuff because of that association, then, in the words of Jack's Mexican freind (Jack in the Box commercial, circa 2003), "Just go." 5. Feel free to flame me. I dare ya. All criticism is accepted, read, and considered. No matter what you have to say. Can't promise I won't laugh, but I will accept, read, and consider, regardless. ;) On a side note, I am having difficulties with my computer. This makes editing chapter 6 (which has been complete for a while now) difficult at best. Also, I have taken a different direction, and chapters 7, 8, and 9 have been rewritten. No, they aren't posted, and won't be for a while. Bear with me, it's coming... 9 May 08 I want to thank everyone who has been so kind and compassionate during our recent tragedy, especially kaydeeblu! I would also like to spread a little wisdom I have come to know through my experiences: 1. Grief is like a waterslide. You won't get anywhere if you hold on tight, dig your heels in, or stand up trying to see where you are. The only way through is to relax and let go. Just let it be. 2. I don't need to know the answers, they only bring more questions. There is no one to blame, no good reason why it happened, and nothing that can be done about it now. Peace only comes in accepting that it just is. 17 March 08 The third chapter has taken on a life of its own. It has been a beast to write, there are many transitions and a few elements that I did not originally intend to write in. I've found that, although it's only half finished, this will be too much to put into one chapter, so I will have to split it up into the third and fourth chapter. MUCH THANKS to KayDeeBlu for all her help and encouragement. She is an inspiration to me and a great friend! We're all waiting for the rest of Ronin--yo! Okay, that was my daily jab! ; ) Ha! Ha! Ha! Have patience with my fic, I am trying desperately to get the next chapters out before I go on vacation. I will be gone for 10 days, leaving on the 21st of this month. Although I will not be on line, I will have notebook in hand, writing away. That's a much slower process, so there will likely be a big lull before chapter five gets out. Hope you all enjoy what I've written! 7 March 08 My one and only fic needed a lot of tweaking. I apologize to all those who already read the first chapter and now must go back and read it again... I left out too many details and it just didn't seem to flow the right way. I discovered that the second chapter was far to late to add those detail in, thus the rewrite. I hope you enjoy the first chapter as it is now, I've added a dream sequence that both explains a lot, and adds a little more action before the monotony of the "school" scenes. The second chapter is pretty much done, but I'm currently having Internet problems, so it may not get posted for a few more days. I'm already working on the third chapter, it will be out soon too. Hope you enjoy! Feel free to tear it apart--if you just write nice gushy stuff, I may not believe you! Ha! Ha! Ha! It never ceases to amaze me how a person can be misjudged. If you could see me, you would find before you a rather youthful looking face (my unfortunate curse) framed by wispy blonde hair that reaches to the middle of my back on my 5 foot 0 inch lightly built frame of 109 lbs. Running at my feet are my two beautiful daughters, one 6 and the other 3. I take them to church faithfully every Sunday--and we actually believe all that stuff too! "Church Mouse" Yes, I would appear the poster child. Inside is another story. I am a giddy, mouthy, prankster with a mightily confrontational attitude problem. I own and ride a 1200cc sport bike (that's a motorcycle for those who don't know). I am absolutely obsessed with technology and anything to do with the Transformers! I can dance wickedly and find the lustful reactions I get to be quite a high! I spent 8 years in the Air Force working as an aircraft mechanic by choice. My jet? The F-16 Fighting Falcon. I love it and miss it. I am very friendly and easy going, but have trouble making deep connections. Actually I don't really have any deep friendships right now. And I am content with that, for now. I don't like to receive gifts, it's awkward. I don't have any piercings because I'm too lazy to keep up with them. My hair is usually died with funny colored streaks (usually a shade of purple-my favorite color), but I have decided to dedicate my long locks, such as they are, to locks of love for children with permanent hair loss, so the hair dyes must wait. I don't like to list favorites because I don't like to be pinned down in that way, but I will admit to being completely infatuated with both Transformer characters Starscream and Skyfire. I tend to think that Skyfire and Jetfire are really two different characters. Jetfire, in any media I have managed to peruse, has always been a fiery and fierce warrior, while the G1 Skyfire of the cartoon was a mild mannered, slow moving (and a bit naive) scientist who fought reluctantly. Well that's pretty much it. I hope you enjoy what I write. Feel free to contact me if you ever want to know about the F-16. I will tell you all that I am aloud. I can even give unique insight into the relationships on the flight line in the military, especially from the vantage point of a woman. |