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![]() Author has written 42 stories for Song of the Lioness, Protector of the Small Quartet, Hunger Games, Gone, Young Justice, and Beka Cooper series. For all of you reading my stories, do me a favor a leave a review...please? I would really like to know what you all think instead of just looking at my stats and saying "wow, 30 people viewing this...and no reviews" so let me know what's up :D I am the moderator to a forum. Starvation has a lot of discussions, and competitions going on. A monthly one shot prompted challnge, and our Quarter Quell which is yearly. Feel free to stop by and check us out or send me a PM asking about it. URGENT: PETITION AGAINST THE CATEGORY CHANGES IN THE TAMORA PIERCE SECTION Please sign this petition - http:///online/30539.html Change it back to the way it was! General things about myself or my thoughts... Just a minor rant here, why is it that no one reviews completed stories. I check the stats to my stories every so often. I have over a hundred visitors, not hits, visitors for the month of february, I've only posted one new story but so far only one person has only reviewed anything. SO come on people, you read something, review it its not hard a few words to describe what you liked, what you didn't, I don't care if rip my story to shreds, that only helps me improve myself. That ends my rant. for now anyway How can a person truly explain something so another grasps the concept the same as you? That is why I sit here scratching my head so many tales to be told yet so little time for the telling. "Leave me in peace before I leave you in pieces."- my new favorite saying that I made up haha "Better to stay silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt" - "I am the social butterfly who went and broke her wings" Thought it was time for me to update this a little. I am currently a freshman at a University majoring in Biology to someday hopefully become a Wildlife Biologist. Other than that, well I guess I'm a pretty boring person at the time umm...yeah, but if you have any questions about me feel free to send me a PM or an Email. Story extras: View the images created for my stories at this link and let me know what you think or better yet thank the actual creators. :D I have been working on playlists for my stories so I am goin to start putting the songs up here. If you have any questions concering these feel free to PM or email me:D The Abyss: The Shadow: I found some awesome fanmade trailers from youtube and I would like for you all to see them as well they are amazing Random news I might post for everyone, if anything exciting ever catches my eye... Happy 25th Birthday to Alanna The Lioness!! Collaborations: Replacing the Rogue:We always knew replacing George Cooper would be difficult. One person managed. Collaboration between Sweet Sassy Sarah and Kate of Carlay. Rated for violence. My Stories: Most of my first stories here have been in the Tamora Pierce Books, but as of recently I have been focusing on The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Ever since the category change in TP, it was just a pain to navigate around there. So now I've been focsing on one shots and small things like that, I don't have the dedication to pull out a real multichap any time soon. And of course a Thank you to xxTunstall Chickxx for being my Beta from the middle of The Abyss and has picked up the Shadow without a problem! And also to Sweet Sassy Sarah who has filled in while xxTunstall Chickxx was on a well deserved vacation and has proved to be an amazing person. I was bored so I decided to put a poem that I wrote up on here if anyone reads this feel free to PM me what they thought: The Master Piece Life is a blank sheet of paper. The corners are now bent and worn, ~7 November 2007~ Lynching Here I am, Each step that led me here was laid out by those before me. So now here I am, Now the trap is ready to spring. ~Me~ The pain. The guilt of the pain. Where does it all end? Where does it even begin? It’s not resentment. It’s not jealousy meant. It’s not even numb. Where does this pain come from? The pain comes when joy leaves, When my homes makes a liar out of me. The bird flies the nest, with no wish of return. While the fledgling and egg wait in yearn. The snake tries to steal the egg, making it its own. The wind tries, but the nest will not be blown. The egg sheltered within the shell of ignorance, The fledgling puffs up in protective defiance. Each time the bird flies They wish to cry. But when the mother bird smiles, They know it’s worth their while. The pain is there. The pain of feeling forgotten. The pain of being left without a care. The pain of expectations for the never rotten. My pain comes from so many facets. Trying to hide tears in closets Smiles stuck like crescents. If eyes would open. Or the guilt meet rope’s en’. Maybe I could speak, Not be so weak. The fledgling watches the nest, Never admitting the need of rest. Crying out, but silent, Wishing for some relent. But never, even a moment. Just a wish. Maybe a mother’s kiss. -Me- 1-3-11 Some Quotes that reflect upon me or I find amazingly true (BOOK QUOTES) "'Oh of course you'll agree. You're a warrior. You won't question orders.' I do, all the time, Kel thought to herself--I just don't do it outloud "- Conversation between Keladry of Mindelan and Daine Sarrasri in LADY KNIGHT "It's bad enough my chest keeps groing. Now something like this happens."-Alanna of Trebond in ALANNA:THE FIRST ADVENTURE "Commanders are as rare as heroes...You've shown flashes of being a commander Keladry it's my job to see if you will do more than just flash." -Lord Raoul of Golden Lake and Malories Peak "Here I was thinking that just once it would be nice if you fought a battle yourself without getting others to do your dirty work."-Daine Sarrasri in IN THE REALMS OF THE GODS "The king doesn't think you have to be perfect--you're the only one dolt enough to expect that"-Nealan of Queenscove in PAGE "Where had all my shyness gone?--No it was that I felt so comfortable doing true Dog's work"-Beka Cooper in TERRIER "Curiosity killed the cat, yet satifaction brought him back" Trickster's Choice "'You're alwaysreading." retorted Sandry 'The only way people can ever talk to you is to interrupt.' 'Then maybe they shouldn't talk to me.' Tris said" -Conversation between Trisana Chandler and Sandrilene fa Toren in BRIAR"S BOOK "Tris lifted her chin, 'I'm not a kind person. Everyone says so.' 'You mean you don't want people to think you're kind. You believe that they'll see it as a weakness.' retorted Niko." -Niklaren Goldeye and Trisana Chandler in SHATTERGLASS "'Did you just make a joke?' he asked. he'd never thought she had a sense of humor. If she did it was very dry. 'I hardly ever joke,' Tris informed him, striaghtfaced as she sat at the table. 'It steams up my spectacles'" -Trisana Chandlere and Kethlum Warder in SHATTERGLASS " 'Has anybody ever told you you're bossy?" demanded Keth 'All the time,' Tris replied" -Trisana Chandlere and Kethlum Warder in SHATTERGLASS "'You're actually a nice person, aren't you?' she went beet red. 'No,' she retorted." -Trisana Chandlere and Kethlum Warder in SHATTERGLASS "Perhap not, wiht Tris, Daja thought. YOu'd have to get her attention first, and she'd probably hit you with a book." -Daja Kisubo in The Will of the Empress "'When am I not nice?' demanded Tris with a scowl. That reduced Daja and Sandry to laughter. Each time they met Tri's glaring gray eyes, a fresh surge of laughter began. Finally Tris herself smiled crookedly. 'Well nice by my standards anyway'" -Trisana Chandlere, Sandrilene fa Toren and Daja Kisubo in The Will of the Empress I am so ignored and unheard that I know it won't matter if I say, Why does it not surprise me, that the Landregs breed mules?" - Briar Moss in The Will of the Empress (OTHER QUOTES) "Captives are a Cowards way of War"-Alan of Pirate's Swoop in The Abyss "Nothing is impossible, simply mathmatically improbable." -unknown "Tis the duty of intellectuals to expose the truth and discriminate against lies"-unknown "Live in the present, dream of the future and always remember your past."-ME "I love random ideas, they are where great ideas begin." -Me "My daughter has an addiction to books. I got in her truck the other day and found receipts from the book store hidden evrywhere and she claims she has no clue where they came from but asked me the other day if she could get a bigger book shelf"- My Mother "Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."-unknown "My knight in shining armor is on his way. He just took a wrong turn, got lost andn is to stubborn ta ask for directons"-unknown " 'Why do you always expect the worst from me?' 'Is there anything else to expect?' "-A conversation between me and a cousin "If the pen is mightier than the sword why is it that no one hears the pen until after the sword has struck?"-me "Two kettles of the same stove." -Me and Sweet Sassy Sarah loooooong story " 'People are retarded, thats why I'm mean:D' 'You my friend have discovered the most neglected truth in the universe.' ." -Me and Sweet Sassy Sarahwith another loooooong story "Battle not with monsters IN CASE I FORGET THIS IN ANY OF MY FANFICS: I AM NOT TAMORA PIERCE/Suxanne Colins AND DO NOT 'OWN' ANY CHARACTER,SETTING, ETC THAT YOU RECOGNIZE FROM HER BOOKS. thank-you XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX Girls I am the girl...that doesn't go to school dances, or games, and when I do go, I sit in a corner and read a book. I am the girl that people look through when I say something. I am the girl that spends most of her free time reading, writing, or doing other activities that most teenagers wouldn't call normal. I am the girl that people call weird, and a freak either behind my back or to my face. I am the girl that doesn't spend all her time on MySpace, or talking to a girlfriend on a cellphone or regular phone. I am the girl that hasn't been asked out in a year. I am the girl that has stopped to smell the flowers and jump and splash in the rain. But I am also the girl who knows and is proud to be who she is, doesn't care if people call her weird (it's a compliment), who loves reading and writing and doing the things that no one seems to have the time to do any more, who loves and is obsessed with Harry Potter, who can express herself beter with words than with words, and knows the importance of the little things. Copy and Paste this onto your account if you are anything like me, so the girls who are diffrent and unique can know in their weakest times that they are unique, but not alone. |