Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter.
Potterhead. Lover. Writer. Fighter. Ravenclaw.
Bonjour all!
My name is Emily, or as my pen name goes Emmie Rose.
I live in California and am a Disneyland employee as well as an avid college student. Now that the season is upon us, my updates will be far in between but I guarantee you when I do update, it'll be worth it.
I love writing, particularly Harry Potter fics. Currently I dabble in Harry Potter Fanfiction. I particularly enjoy writing Next Generation fics, but we will see where I go from here. I take claim to all my original characters, plot lines, and situations but leave the world that J.K. Rowling created to her. I take no credit for that mastery.
If you have any questions about me or my stories feel free to private message me. I love making friends and answering questions.
My favorites:
My favorite stories and authors are special. I only add stories that I truly enjoy and find to be well written as well as particularly entertaining. I don't often review stories, unless they really really move me. When I add you to any favorite lists it's my way of telling you 'Great Story! I really enjoyed it!'. If you have any suggestions for stories feel free to drop me a line, I love to read new material and it often inspires me to write my own fics.
I love you all, truly I do! Each and every hit/reader/reviewer/ect, means the world to me.
Forever yours magically,
Post Script: I can't go on with my stories without acknowledging one person. She is the Gus to my Shawn and the JD to my Turk. My lovely editor/psychologist/co-author/otherhalf/wife Kinsey. She is the one person that knows my characters like myself and even goes as far as declaring them her godchildren. She could answer any question about them without a blink of an eye and these stories wouldn't be here for you guys if she wasn't there to calm me down at three am when I think it's all gone to shit. She's often worked out with me, chapter by chapter, what's going to happen and have made putting them up for your all's enjoyment possible. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be the writer I am currently. So hats off and a million Bertie Bot's Every Flavored Beans to my Kay. She's my doppelgänger--but curly haired and feisty, Love you always Gus.
Extra Post Script: Another shout out goes to my little sister, Kenzie. Without her these stories wouldn't exist because she's been reading them and encouraging me to keep writing them since I was writing Jonas Brother's fanfiction--way way long ago. She loves every character, tells me when I'm being an idiot (which is half the time), and always tells me the truth. Would die without her. So a thousand chocolate frogs and rainbows, love you always sis!
Check out my tumblr site!
Dream Casts
So you all can picture what I see in my head. Other characters available upon request.
The Children of Unspeakables
James Sirius Potter
Kenneth Jarrod Scott
Kaylie Michelle Scott
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Alice Longbottom
Victoire Fleur Weasley
Teddy Remus Lupin
Luke Masters
Center Stage
Dominique Apolline Weasley
Cameron Hutchinson
Leah White
Destined to Implode
Fred Arthur Weasley II
Addison (Adder) Giselle Ryan: Red & Ebony
Roxanne Alicia Weasley
Kelly Dawson
Callen Parks
Pirouettes and Transfiguration
Louis William Weasley
Elena Miller
Marcus Miller
Tatiana (Tati) Polair
Miranda (Miri) Reynolds
Warren Collins
Devin Hastings
The Unspeakable Aftermath
Caroline Hamilton
Westley Patterson
Seventh Years: Destined to Implode
Not all may be used in the story but here's a handy guide to keep track of what is!
Fred Weasley
Callen Parks
Darren Fahl
Corey Harlow
Adder Ryan
Parker Finnigan
Kelly Dawson
Carrie Palmer
Ethan Smith
Douglas Rent
Kyle Samuel
Dominique Weasley (Head Girl)
Dansey Patil
Clarissa Jones
Laura Collins
Hollis Fairwright (Head Boy)
Jacob Torrence
Steven Ramirez
Farley Patton
Tawney Lawrence
Bridget Rylie
Nora John
Sarah Carmichael
Paxton Joss
Jarred Flint
Grant Goyle
Sage Saller
Courtney Callwell
Patrica Zabini
Quidditch Teams: Destined to Implode
Captains are underlined. Not all characters may be used in the actual story, but possibly be used in future stores! If you want their Years just let me know!
Dennis Creevey
James Potter II
Kenneth Scott
Adder Ryan
Callen Parks
Replaced by: Darren Fahl
Fred Weasley II
Roxanne Weasley
Albus Potter
Scott Downing
Kayla Wright
Dominique Weasley
Louis Weasley
Lorcan Scamander
Lysander Scamamder
Lucy Weasley
Molly Weasley
Kyle Hornbuckle
Jamie Daniels
Franklin Boyle
Horton Wix
Phil "Red" Maril
Paxton Joss
Gary Hawk
Skylar Nelson
Jamerson Skky
Kevin Wolff
Sage Saller
Freida Collins