Author has written 5 stories for Death Note, Vampire Knight, and Phantom of the Opera. Bonjour! Alias- qurota ayuni. ( no, it isn't japanese. It's a prayer and a family joke.) Self-proclaimed writer. Singer. mad scientist. I own a water gun. 7 April 1993 I HAVE RETURNED!!! ( silence...) anyone there? as of May 2011, I am back. :) ALL stories will be continued, and more is yet to come. :3 It might take a while, because I'm currently on a full law scholarship ( i.e- studying my ass of so that they won't kick me out) but I'm going to try to update regularly, because I miss writing fanfiction, and I now have my own laptop. Fckyeaaaa! My plot books, pages and pages of bad handwriting are Gone. But have no fear. I still have my head. Some squishy brains. A rusty memory. And imaaaaaagination. *insert rainbow here* I want to apologise to all the readers that I left hanging. I'm really sorry guys. :( I'll make it up to you I promise. |
Blackened Wing (20) BonneNuit (51) Clue-Sama (18) | MizzMarvel (24) Rina76 (16) SlightlyPsycho (6) | TalksToSelf (64) |