Author has written 8 stories for Misc. Comics, and Kingdom Hearts. Oh lord...I haven't written anything in so long I'm not even sure where to start anymore. I enjoy writing but find myself spending more time reading other people's works rather than my own lol. My favorite fics are from Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts though I have read a few from Gorgeous Carat and 07 Ghost. My favorite parings were originally Riku/Sora and Axel/Roxas but now I find myself adoring Seifer/Hayner and have recently discovered that Balthier/Vaan isn't half bad either. I used to write short stories before getting into script writing for comics so if I'm a little rough around the edges, forgive me. Comments and constructive criticism is always appreciated but please keep any nasty comments to yourself as I will delete them without hesitation. I am currently studying to become a High School teacher but may end up going to culinary school when I graduate...I really have no other plans in the immediate future and plan to take things one step at a time. I have a few favorite authors but go check out Xerxies19! Black, White and Cigarette Smoke is setting up to be an all time favorite story. |