Had this idea in my head for a bit, decided to keep it short and more on the subtle side of things because I can't seem to update frequently enough as it is. I will answer your reviews soon, I've been sick and this was my first day off in two weeks.

Theme provided by: Wheredestiniesmeet17

Rating: PG

081. Relax

He hadn't intended to interrupt three adults that appeared to be breaking into one of the many shops that circled the market district, but once their gazes turned on him he very intentionally took off running. Another person, a woman who was probably their lookout, joined them in the chase as he ducked into an alley. Minutes of putting distance and darkness between them in the maze of Twilight Town did little to steady his heart rate, especially since he could still hear them as they fanned out to try and track him down. Just as he came up to another corner he was grabbed and pulled sideways forcefully, a hand over his mouth and an arm around his torso to pin his at his sides.

"Relax, it's me," whispered a low voice in his ear, body automatically loosening before he even consciously recognized the person holding him.

Measuring his breathing through his nose in the hopes his heart would stop pounding in his chest, he wondered what the hell Seifer was doing out right now, and why he'd taken it upon himself to rescue the skater he counted as an enemy more often than a friend. He kept his mind on answering those questions to prevent it from focusing on the hot breath on his neck or the way Seifer's chest felt pressed against his back.

Somewhere a trashcan was struck, creating a noise loud enough that he nearly jumped, and the group following him thundered off in the opposite direction. Apparently certain he wasn't going to scream or run away for the moment, the scarred bully let him go, stepping away from the wall and holding his arms out, looking up. Fuu fell into them seconds later, apparently jumping down from the roof of the building, and he set the slight girl on her feet before meeting his eyes.

"We should get farther away from here before we strike up a conversation, chickie, come on," he instructed.

Rai fell into step with them after a minute, and they headed in the direction of Seifer's apartment, though he had no way of knowing how far they wanted to take him. This wasn't at all how he saw his late-night walk to clear his head going, but he supposed as long as he didn't end up injured it wasn't a complete loss. This certainly had taken a lot of things off his mind. He stopped in front of the other blond's door, only to be grabbed by the wrist and yanked inside, the door being shut by the black-haired boy behind him.

"First off, are you hurt?" The blue-eyed male began, Hayner suddenly finding himself pinned against the wall next to the door.

"No, I'm fine. What the hell were you doing out there, and how did you know it was me?"

"Really, you're the one who ends up chased by would-be criminals, and you're asking me what I was doing out this late? I knew it was you because I saw you run into the alley, you dumbass. Did you just not notice them breaking into that building, or did you honestly walk up to them to try and get them to stop?"

"I didn't notice them, asshole, you really think I'd approach three guys who probably had weapons and ask them politely to stop trying to rob a business at two in the morning?" He spat, intensely aware of how little space there was between their faces.

"At least you had the good sense to run when they saw you. Rai, Fuu, could you give us a moment?" He called over his shoulder, the others nodding before walking out of the building, likely going to keep an eye out for the people from before even if they were long gone.

"What do you want, Seifer?" The brown-eyed teen hissed, shoving off the wall and unbalancing his counterpart enough to escape the pin.

"I was surprised when you actually followed my suggestion and relaxed so quickly, what's up with that? I thought you hated me, if anything you'd get more tense."

He knew he was blushing and it really wasn't helpful right now, "I don't hate you, and even if I did, at the very least I knew you weren't going to hurt me."

"Why do you blush so much around me?" The other pressed, smirking like he already knew the answer.

"Because you make me uncomfortable," he returned, glancing away.

"You didn't seem all that uncomfortable in that alley once you knew it was me."

He felt anger break through his nerves, eyes narrowing and hands clenching into fists at his side. This really had to stop and if he didn't do something now it never would.

"Alright Seifer, you really want to push this? For some reason, despite your shitty attitude and abrasive as fuck personality, I'm really fucking attracted to you and I actually like you. If you've got a problem with that you should start avoiding me because I'll be damned if I'm changing myself because someone who bullies me constantly is uncomfortable with me," he answered, chin up and teeth bared.

The other blinked and canted his head slightly to the side curiously, "Anyone ever tell you you're really hot when you're mad?"

"You're about the only one who makes me angry, is that why you do it?" Hayner returned as evenly as he could, heart rate spiking again.

"Hell yes," he began, grabbing his companion's arms and slamming him back against the wall as was his penchant before leaning in and continuing, "Relax, it's me."