Author has written 2 stories for Naruto, Mega Man, and Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei/魔法科高校の劣等生. Chapter Progress A War-Torn Future - Chapter 14: 0% The Natural Law - Chapter 5: 30%, Chapter 6: 0%, Chapter 7: 25% Name: Pegasai Age: Too old Location: A place that uses English...obviously Race: Does it matter? Occupation: Student, Medical Student Information: I suppose I can say that I'm a manga/anime fan although I can't really point to a single favorite manga series. I like the setting (fantasy, adventure, and sci-fi) but don't really like the recurring themes (nakama power-ups and clueless main characters) & lack of heavy plot that come with many shounen series. On the other hand, shoujo series often seem to needlessly over-dramatize romance. Writing Style: I'll be using third person-limited & deep POV and switching between points of views. I understand a lot of fanfiction writers opt to use third person-omniscient or use the terrible head-hopping because it's significantly easier to write in that way, but I find that the best scenes happen when told from a single character's perspective. I almost always write exclusively adventure/romance stories...comedy and mystery really aren't my thing. |