Author has written 8 stories for Twilight. Hey there! My name is Becca. I'm a twilight addict, a shopaholic, and I love to write. Soooo i'll skip right around other random facts about me and get straight to story info Alice's New friend is finished! Haha the sequel might be up later tonight...if i feel like writing it XD I'm in a writey- mood. Bella's Christmas Adventure Probably never going to be updated again... IMing with the kids was deleted for breaking the rules. sorry. I said sit down Looking for a set pic to inspire it :D Any normal guy The nessie/jake one shot is up and will not have any more chapters. The Hold Rewriting the chapter i had planned. Update post poned. It's time to move on Was my way of showing how I think Leah feels with the whole Sam thing. I think Leah doesn't get as much credit as she deserves...I mean, Jake ran away when it hurt too much, and Leah is there every day, watching her cousin be in love with her ex...I can't imagine that = So I wrote this story to try and show it. Soon to come;; The Hold chapter 4 is in progress Alice's new friend chap 17 A few notes about Alice's new Friend;;; It's going to end very soon. I'm thinking 19 or 20 chapters and then it's going to be finished. I might write a sequel, if I want to, or if you guys really want one. So just leave me a review and let me know what you think. A note about the whole "no updates in like a month!" thing;;; See, there's this thing called school, and there are these people called teachers, and they hand out a lot of homework that I have to do or I fail the grade. So as much as I'd rather be opening a word document and writing new chapters and such, it hasn't been happening very much lately. My schedule is crazy busy! But I'll try to write more when I can. Anddddd! A thank you! To everyone who has reviewed and favorited my stories, thank you so much. Seriously. I don't think they're all that great, but obviously some of you do. I really appreciate all the feed back. Keep it coming! Even if I don't reply to all of the reviews, I read them all! Contacting;;; If you'd like to e-mail me;; random_blond_becca95@ If you have suggestions for stories, or want to talk about Twilight, drop me an e-mail :D Peace out for now luvs, becca |