A/N: Hello Everyone! As some people may know, I'm writing another story called "The Odyssey". (which is another Twilight based fanfic) I was going to finish the other story before I started this one, but I was too pumped for this one! This first chapter is only a small introduction to the story! Trust me, this is only the beginning! The other chapters will be much longer! Anyways, please read and review!!


MSN with the Cullens

Bella: InLoveWithAVampire

Edward: stupid.shiny.volvo.owner

Alice: pixiechick

Jasper: SnazzyJazz

Emmett: studmuffin

Rosalie: blondebombshell

stupid.shiny.volvo.owner has signed on

InLoveWithAVampire has signed on

studmuffin has signed on

pixiechick has signed on

SnazzyJazz has signed on

blondebombshell has signed on

InLoveWithAVampire says: hey everyone...what's up??

stupid.shiny.volvo.owner says: just reading the book you got me! :) :) :)

studmuffin says: NERD!

SnazzyJazz says: :P

pixiechick says: I was just about to go shopping! :)

blondebombshell says: typical

pixiechick says: :(

studmuffin says: guys...

pixiechick says: what??

stupid.shiny.volvo.owner says: What is it this time?

SnazzyJazz says: do we want to know?

blondebombshell says: ...

InLoveWithAVampire says: tell us!!

studmuffin says: I'M BORED!!

stupid.shiny.volvo.owner has signed off

blondebombshell has signed off

pixiechick has signed off

SnazzyJazz has signed off

InLoveWithAVampire says: what?

InLoveWithAVampire says: I don't get it?

stupid.shiny.volvo.owner has signed on

stupid.shiny.volvo.owner says: Sorry Bella... it's just... the last time he said that he was bored, we nearly got arrested!

studmuffin says: :) lol... good times!

InLoveWithAVampire says: OMG!...what happened!

stupid.shiny.volvo.owner says: Don't ask!

studmuffin says: WE PLAYED TRUTH OR DARE!

stupid.shiny.volvo.owner says: EMMETT!

InLoveWithAVampire says: I luv that game! :P

Studmuffin says: hmmmmm...funny u should say that!

stupid.shiny.volvo.owner says: Oh God!

stupid.shiny.volvo.owner has signed off

InLoveWithAVampire says: what did u do?

studmuffin says: lets just say, we probably shouldn't go back to egypt anytime soon!

InLoveWithAVampire says: whyyyyy?

studmuffin says: Bella...has anyone ever told you how the sphinx's nose really fell off?

InLoveWithAVampire says: OMG...you didn't! :0

studmuffin says: yes...yes we did!

InLoveWithAVampire says: :0

stupid.shiny.volvo.owner has signed on

stupid.shiny.volvo.owner says: Are you two done talking about it yet?

studmuffin says: nope!

stupid.shiny.volvo.owner has signed off

InLoveWithAVampire says: way to go emmett!

InLoveWithAVampire has signed off

studmuffin says: hehe

message was not sent

studmuffin says: Bella?

message was not sent

studmuffin says: DAMN IT!

message was not sent

studmuffin has signed off