A/N: Hello everyone! I haven't been on fanfiction in months, and I apologize! But hopefully I'll get back into it a little bit and start making my updates regular again. This chapter is a lot longer than my usual ones, so long that I might not have edited that great... but oh well. Um... language warning as always, I guess. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I'm not Stephenie Meyer.
Chapter Nine
9. Detention
The rest of the school day flew by, and the next thing I knew I was lacing up my tennis shoes in the locker room.
Cheerleading practice.
I was terrified for some strange reason. I honestly had no idea why. I was probably the best athlete out there. Hell, I could kick all these girls' asses into the ground if I really wanted to.
"Hey, Alice! You ready yet? Practice is starting!" Bella yelled at me from the other end of the locker room.
"Coming!" I yelled back, hopping off the bench and running down to Bella. She smiled at me, and I managed a weak grin in return.
"You'll be awesome. I can't wait to see your skills," Bella told me encouragingly. I nodded, not trusting my voice at the moment and followed her out to the gym floor.
"Alice! Front and center, shorty," came Rosalie's clear, booming shout. I jumped, but took my place, much to my annoyance, next to Victoria.
Luckily, she didn't even glance my way.
We spent most of practice going over what Rosalie and Bella referred to as "technicalities." Most of the girls were yawning and complaining, obviously bored, but I was soaking up information like a sponge. I learned what a herkie, a toe touch, a pike, and a hurdler were, and all the other cheerleader terminology. I discovered that I was going to be a flier, and when I asked what that meant, Bella and Rosalie exchanged smiles.
"Okay, girl. Watch Bella. This is what a flier does," Rosalie said. Still grinning evilly, she pressed a few buttons on the stereo next to her. A rap song started blaring out, and I moved to cover my ears reflexively.
"Five, six, seven, eight!" I heard Bella screech.
All at once, everyone got in position and started doing all these stunts and tumbles, and a group of four, including Bella, gathered in the middle of the commotion.
"Come on girls!" encouraged Rosalie in her loudest yell yet. "Work it out!" I winced—she was still standing right next to me.
The next thing I knew, Bella was standing up, supported by the three other girls. I watched in awe as she was suddenly launched in the air, doing a complicated twirl before landing back in the arms of the other girls.
"Damn," I breathed. "That's a… flier?"
Rosalie grinned. "Hell yes. The most dangerous, exhilarating job a cheerleader can have. And it's all yours."
"Thanks, Rosalie."
"Don't thank me, thank your genetics. You're by far the smallest girl on the team. And you're pretty damn flexible. I remember that day at the gym. You had fucking wings, Alice," commented Rosalie. The other girls had finished their little routine, and most were panting like they had just run a marathon. Rosalie scowled. "Alright, girls. We're heading outside now. I want a half mile from each of you, around the track twice. Nobody pass me—like you could anyway."
Everyone groaned, including me. Rosalie only smiled, shaking her head. We jogged out to the track, and Rosalie took off. I grimaced, and darted after her. She looked shocked that I was keeping up with her, but she didn't slow. We kept our pace at a steady dash.
"Damn, Rosalie. You're fast," I sputtered out between my heavy breaths. She smiled.
"I run for fun. Keeps me in shape." Suddenly, her hand shot up and she started waving frantically. I turned my head, and saw that the football team had stopped what they were doing, and most of them were whistling at the girls running the track, staring.
I sped up, knowing that Jasper was surely watching me. Rosalie did too. "I think I know the real reason you made your girls run. So you could show off the team."
She shrugged. "I like giving the boys a show. Makes me feel good, as well as the other girls, when they're cheering us on."
I nodded, suddenly too winded to speak. Rosalie and I ran side by side the rest of the way, finishing a whole minute before everyone else. Bella was almost the last one to finish, but she didn't seem embarrassed. When I asked her about it, she shrugged and answered, "I'm just glad I didn't fall over my own two feet. I can tell Edward is too." She pointed to Edward, who was giving her a thumbs-up. I laughed. "Just don't mention to him that I'm a flier this year, along with you. He'll be pissed at me."
I nodded, still giggling. "Alright, back to the gym to stretch it out, and get our schedule back together," Rosalie called out to the girls. We followed her back into the gym. Once inside, she made yet another announcement. "I've decided to hold an optional practice Wednesday at the gymnastics place, so those of you who want to practice your moves some more, or are missing practice tomorrow," she broke off, making eye contact with Tanya, Victoria, and lastly, me, "can brush up a little."
We stretched, and then practice was over. I said goodbye to Rosalie and Bella, grabbed my duffle, and headed outside. I had just made it out of the school and was almost in the parking lot when strong, moist arms darted out from behind a vending machine, grabbing me around the waist, pulling me out of sight from everyone. I was too shocked to scream, and I tried frantically to escape.
"Calm down, Alice! It's just me."
I immediately relaxed. "Jasper, you scared the shit out of me," I choked out.
He frowned at me. "Who did you think I was?"
James, I thought. "I don't know… you just scared me. But it's all better now," I told him, sinking into his arms. He held me tight against his sweat-drenched clothes.
"You didn't think you could leave me without saying goodbye, did you?" he whispered in my ear.
I shook my head. "I should've known."
He chuckled. "I'll see you tomorrow," he said, squeezing me tighter.
I shifted, planting a kiss right on his lips. He greeted my mouth enthusiastically, but I pulled away before we got too carried away. "Bye, Jasper."
"Bye, Alice." He placed a soft kiss on my forehead, then jogged back up to field where it looked like the guys were still practicing. He turned and waved halfway there, and I waved back. He smiled a big goofy grin and turned back around. And then I saw Mom's car, and more importantly, a very quizzical looking woman in the passenger seat.
Oh shit.
I raced over and hopped in the driver's seat, and started the ignition. "Wasn't that the boy who came to visit you when you were sick? The one that just waved at you?"
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah."
"Are you… a couple?"
I nodded. "Yeah. We are."
Mom smiled. "He was such a sweet boy…" she trailed off, suddenly looking stern. "Your principal called today."
I frowned. "What'd he say?"
"Detention tomorrow afternoon. He told me to ask you what happened."
I laughed. "Well, there was a big accident in the cafeteria that the vice principal mistook for a fight. We told him it wasn't, but he still didn't believe us. He couldn't suspend us though, since he couldn't prove there had been a fight—because there hadn't even been one—so he just gave us detention."
She nodded, believing my story. "I've never liked that fellow. Oh, and here," she pulled a card out of her purse. My eyes widened. "I picked this up for you today."
My license. Fuck yes! "Thank you so much Mom! Now you don't have to pick me up tomorrow!" I was practically ecstatic.
"Or ever again," she added. "Now get going. I bet you're starving. How was practice?"
The bell rang, signaling the end of the day. I groaned as I stood up. Yesterday's half-mile sprint was taking its toll on me.
I wasn't until after my bag was packed and my locker was shut that I finally realized that I had to go to detention. My first ever detention.
Even though I had been a bit of a rebel the past three years, I had still prided myself on being a model student. My grades had always been superb and I'd been to a grand total of two parties since high school had started. Which basically meant, no drugs, alcohol, or sex for me. My life was centered around gymnastics; it had been that way as long as I could remember.
I caught sight of Jasper in the hall and hurried over to him. His back still turned to me, I snaked my arms around his broad torso.
I was too shocked to speak when I felt his hands clasp around my wrist, forcefully pulling himself out of my grip. His back still turned to me, he slammed his locker shut and started down the hall leaving me alone, my mouth hanging open in confusion.
"'Sup, hoe?" Kate greeted me, now at my side.
I couldn't find words. Jasper's rejection was like a slap in the face. I was still staring blankly at the spot he had been seconds ago, and a strange tingling sensation was hanging around my wrists.
"Alice? What the hell is wrong with you?"
"I—I—Jasper—he—he—"I sputtered.
"Whoa, calm down. Let's get to Mr. Larson's room, then we can straighten this shit out. 'Kay?" Kate grabbed me by the elbow, and guided me down the steps, and down the hall to the room where are detention would be. When the classroom came in sight, I started to muster all the courage I could. I was going to hold my head up high, and breeze right past that little bastard.
And I did just that.
Once I entered the class with Kate, I steered her straight past Jasper and into the back corner. I could feel his gaze on me, but I ignored him completely. I plopped down in my seat, pulling Kate down in the empty desk next to me.
"What the fuck is going on? Did you and Jasper break up already? I thought you two looked just fine today at lunch." Kate hissed at me.
Suddenly, I didn't want to talk about it. I crossed my arms, and stared straight ahead. Kate wasn't done yet.
"Oh, great. What did he do to you? Why are you so pissed?"
"Why," I whisper-yelled, "do you even give a shit about me and Jasper's relationship?"
"Because!" she replied. "I don't want you screwing yourself over! I actually give a fucking shit about you, because we're best friends. Believe it or not, I want to help you. And I want to make fucking sure you know exactly what the fuck you're doing."
I didn't respond to that for a while. I turned my head, prepared to glare at her, but before I could, I made eye contact with someone else.
It was Jasper, staring at me, a mixture of hurt and confusion written plainly on his face. A weird pang of guilt hit me like a roaring ocean wave, and I was knocked off balance for a second. After it passed, all that was left was the dire urge to flick him off. I settled for narrowing my eyes a little bit at him and turned back to Kate.
"Please tell me what the fuck is going on!" she hissed at me.
I told her. Even as I said it, I realized how easily this could've been one big misunderstanding. Maybe that hadn't been Jasper standing in the hallway. Maybe he was playing some insanely unfunny practical joke on me. Whatever the case, I was utterly confused.
Mr. Larson entered the room, his shiny blond toupee set off kilter atop his sweaty pink head. "Students," he drawled, his low, nasally voice drowning out the conversations going on in the room. "Your detention ends in an hour. During that time, you are expected to remain silent and preferably motionless. I have a few spare Economy and Government textbooks up front that I will hand out to you to keep you occupied during your time here…"
I glanced over at Jasper again and noticed with some horror that he was sitting right next to Tanya, who was clearly whispering something to him. An angry looked flashed across his face and he mumbled something in reply. Tanya giggled flirtatiously, flipping her strawberry blonde hair across her Abercrombie and Fitch-clad shoulder.
I jumped as the heavy textbook came in contact with the desk, the loud smack ringing in my ears. I scowled at Mr. Larson for dropping the book and scaring the shit out of me, but he was already moving back towards the front of the class. I sighed, thinking about what Rosalie and Bella were probably doing right now, already pissed at myself for missing the second practice. But I didn't regret the fight with Tanya and Victoria. I was glad I had gotten it out of my system. That didn't stop me from still hating their guts though.
"Students, I ask that you please open your textbooks and begin to read. I will be back in a moment…" Mr. Larson droned, a bored look on his face. I wondered how much he hated his job.
We all buried our faces in our textbooks, but as soon as the door shut behind Mr. Larson, the fun began.
Immediately, Victoria leapt out of her chair and took her seat on James's lap, and they began to cuddle and suck face. Tanya leaned even further towards Jasper, and I noticed with some disgust the view she was purposely giving him down her shirt. But I didn't really give a fuck. If Jasper was being all fucking weird and emo, he could fuck that whore all he wanted. At least, that's what I kept telling myself.
"Are you going to go talk to him or what?" Kate muttered to me.
I shrugged. "Looks like he's already over me, the bitch." Kate followed my gaze to where Tanya was slowly inching her way closer to a very unconcerned Jasper. I wondered if he would let this happen—let himself fall into Tanya's trap…. I mean, lap.
"Damn, I thought you really liked that son of a bitch. Why are you letting him go so…easily?" That was a good question. I liked Jasper. I liked him a lot. A whole lot. I thought back to that day at the lockers… just the two of us. I thought back to the way he had made me feel—so happy and spectacular and just… completely whole.
Instead of telling Kate all of that, I merely shrugged again. "I honestly don't have clue," I sighed. "But, hell, it's not like he's making much of an effort either."
Kate laughed. "For good reason! Every time he looks over here with a sweet, apologetic look on his face, you give him the fucking death glare. No wonder he isn't exactly marching back here to talk to you."
I heard a fake, tinkling laugh, and my eyes shot directly to Tanya, who had her head thrown back and giggles pouring from her excessively glossed lips. Jasper's face was cool and marble. But then, to my horror, a grin cracked across his stony expression. His eyes twinkling, he murmured something else, causing Tanya to go into another rage of laughter. I was just getting ready to go up there and see what the fuck was up when the door rattled. We fell silent seconds before Mr. Larson entered. He shot us a furious look (he probably could've heard us down the halls), but didn't say anything. He simply plopped down in his desk and began shuffling through some papers.
I reached into my purse soundlessly and pulled out a pad of paper and a pen. I scribbled a message on the note, but before I could rip it off and fold it up, another folded up piece of paper fell on my desk. I unfolded it, and read the message.
Beat you
I shook my head, fighting back a smile, and kept reading.
What's up with you?
Frowning now, I wrote back:
I'm mad at you… at least, I was.
I made sure Mr. Larson wasn't looking, then tossed the note back to Jasper. It landed on his lap, and he picked it up and unfolded it without glancing back to me. He jotted something down, looked up and caught me watching him, and a questioning look entered his soft, golden brown eyes. The note was on my desk in a second, Jasper's back turned to me yet again. This time, the note read:
Why? What the hell did I do?
I scribbled in reply,
In the hall… I tried to hug you… you pushed me away.
I lobbed the note back towards Jasper, eagerly awaiting his reply. Someone cleared her throat suddenly, and my gaze flickered to Tanya. Grinning devilishly, she winked at me and stood up out of her seat. I watched in revulsion as she walked by Jasper's desk, her foot slipping out from under her. She landed right in Jasper's lap, her hands landing in his crotch and her chest pressing against Jasper's face. Everyone started to giggle, even Tanya. She pulled herself off of a very dazed looking Jasper, her hands lingering a few seconds longer in his lap. Mr. Larson was peering at her from behind his book, a stern look on his face.
"Something the matter, young lady?" he hummed nasally.
"Oh, no, sir," Tanya snickered. "I was just going to ask if I could go to the restroom."
Mr. Larson nodded. "Well, you may."
Tanya smiled widely, sneaking a glance back towards me. I met her look glaringly, daring her to lay her hands on Jasper one more time.
And then, Jasper's reply landed on my desk, and I unfolded the note carefully.
I thought you were Tanya. Sorry.
I shook my head, gritting my teeth. This bitch seriously needed to get a life, and get her hands off of my guy.
:) Okay. I'm sorry too, love.
And just like that, things were all better between me and Jasper… right?
A/N: Please review, guys! Positive and negative feedback is welcome.