Author has written 14 stories for Harry Potter. Hello! Okay so what's going on with my fics? The Veela Diaries: I thought I could take it up again but sorry, no can do Love Isn't All That Simple: Pfft that was abandoned a while ago Forbidden: Dooonneee Oneshots are going to stay oneshots apart from in extremely rare circumstances. I'm also trying to work more on my writing-writing. Tbh I'm really slow. But after finally finishing a story of my own I have a million more I'd like to write if I had the time to, and as such, any FF attempts have been abandoned. I moved here a little while ago, to escape my really bad stories at and read some other pairings. But I guess I should put a link to those stories here. They show just how much I have improved: The Forgotten Item Rated G 5Stars Harry after Hogwarts A Life With Ginny Rated PG-13 2 1/2Stars Sorry everyone but I just can't write Ginny's PoV of Deathly Hallows. I've got heaps of ideas but I'm getting into higher classes and after the stress of dropping a subject I'm just not ready for a big-as fic which I'll have to be constantly referring to the books for. I know thats what fanfiction is all about but I'd prefer to start something new. Sorry for everyone who wanted a Ginny Weasley and the Deathly Hallows. I DID appreciate your reviews and encouragement. If you'd like to start GWDH, you can contact me and I'll share my ideas with you. I had an imaginary sorrel Somali kitten called Cheeky. I got her on the 27th of September 2007 and she was born on the 21st of July. I gave her away to my friend Mirie. I've had an imaginary dog, Walter, but he died after a couple of months when I forgot to feed him. He also went potty on the science lab desk and got kicked by my friends. If you've ever read reviews of a fic (other than yours) and think the reviewer is being mean, copy and paste this into your profile |