Author has written 1 story for Teen Titans. Hello hello hello, and thank you for paying me a short visit. I've really no idea what to say in all this space, so I'll just recommend that you take a quick look at either the story below or rather one or two of the ones I have marked as a favorite. I assure you the favorite ones will be worth your time. My own tale... well... read it for yourself and find out! Once again, thank you for stopping by. IMPORTANT!!! The issue regarding private messages not being sent to my account appears to have been resolved. I can now receive messages again as normal. You should feel free however to drop me a line directly if you wish by Email at GenHavoc@ or hit me up on AIM at Screen Name GenHavoc (sensing a pattern here?). Thank you. "War is an ugly thing, but it is not the ugliest thing..." - John Stuart Mills |
GuardianSaiyoko (36) | The Lady Bonny (6) |