![]() Author has written 6 stories for Naruto. Yosh. Oo I'm Katie... I love Naruto (Like Most people on this planet . ) SHUN THE NON BELIEVERS! And well, I'm an aspiring novelist. That's about it. How about we learn a bit more in detail about myself? Favorite Anime: Naruto, Bleach, Eureka 7, Tsubasa, Fruit's Basket, Cased Closed, Spiral, Fullmetal Alchemist, Samurai Champloo, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Shin-chan, D.N.Angel, Hellsing, Death Note, Furi Kuri, Code Geass, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Blood, Cowboy Bebop- Oh god I can't stop xD Favorite Book: Guitar Highway Rose, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Midnighters: The Hidden Hour Favorite Food: Ramen, Taco Bell, Mexican Food, Japanese Food Favorite Song: Sakura Drops by Utada Hikaru Favorite Quote: "Childhood is a Kingdom where nobody dies." - Edna St. Vincent Millay Favorite Color: Red on Black Favorite Movies: Transformers, Howl's Moving Castle, Sweeney Todd And of course I have favorite couples, I mean few people don't. Naruto: Sasuke x Sakura (EPIC. WIN. SASUSAKU = Ownage) Itachi x Sakura (What can I say?! I love me some crack!) Neji x Tenten (The Youth blooms within them, you so can tell ) Deidara x Sakura (I've grown to adore this couple completely! Yay for Crack!) Shikamaru x Temari (I absolutely ADORE this couple. I hate Ino, I really do. Her point in the whole series is to annoying and just be there to annoy. Temari is one of my favorite kunoichi, so it makes this couple all the more likeable.) Naruto x Sakura (I've grown on this couple, what can I say? They have a bond that I can't wait to watch it develop!) Sai x Sakura (Same reason as the above. The Manga just makes me think.) Suigetsu x Karin (Yay For SuiKar! It's good for your soul!) Juugo x Karin (Karin is obviously and blankly a new favorite kunoichi of mind, and she really looks good with all the 'Snake' members) Sasuke x Karin (Same reason as stated above, but my FAVORITE is SuiKar x3) Pein x Konan ( PEIN X KONAN IS LOVE Woo) Anyone male (Save Orochimaru and a few choice others) x Sakura (Gah. Sakura looks good with everyone. How can I resist?) Shizune x Kabuto (-cough-) Final Fantasy: Cloud x Aeris (I really don't like Tifa all that much, aside from the awesome battle in the movie, she really proved to be more useless then the dead characters i.e: Aeris, Zack, etc) Reno x Yuffie (What's there not to love?) Vincent x Yuffie (I don't like this couple all as much as I do Reno and Yuffie, but it's still on my list) Squall x Rinoa (Wow I really don't know if that's how you spell her name or not O.o; But eh, this couple is Okay. Though I'd rather her not make him smile again. That is not something that really makes my day, it was just plain Cree-py!) Irvine x Selphie (Eh, Once again. What's not to love?) Zidane x Dagger/Garnet (Zidane is like, the awesomeness 'Nough said) Steiner x Beatrix (Not even sure if I spelled HIS name right. It's been years since I've played this game. But eh I liked this couple.) ( I didn't have really any couples I liked in the next two games.) Balthier x Penelo ( -shot- Yeah, I'm weird. I know. Hey, that handkerchief scene really got to me, eh.) Fullmetal Alchemist: Brace yourself for this long list... Ed x Armony (I hate Rose and Winry, 'nough said) Yeah.. long eh? I hate Rose, and I hate Winry. Both ooberly annoying. Legend of Hero's: A Tear of Vermillion: Avin x Rutice (Duh.. happened in the game's ending, didn't it?) Mile x Emillie (Eh.. Shannon annoyed the hell outta me plus Emillie is reaallllllyyy pretty o.o) Mile x Rutice (Sue me, before I knew it was gonna turn out Avin x Rutice I liked this couple ) Muse x Martie (I so see it happening ) Douglas x Lucias (She fell back in love with him, it was really sweet how they connected in the game) Avin x Archem (Archem is ADORABLE, enough said.) The Legend of Heroes: The Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch: Jurio x Chris (No Reason, I just do) Goose x Chris (OMG I love Goosseeeeee 3333 What other reason would there be? Goose x Shirla (If you've played the game, enough said) The Legend of Zelda: Link x Zelda/Sheik (Do I really have to explain? ) Link x Malon (Malon is adooooorable!) (Eh... I feel bad for forgetting the names of those two bird people in WW. Komali was one, and I like him paired with that girl that was the sage of that temple. Eh I forgot her name Oh well xD) Eureka 7: Holland x Talhou (Eh, She's having a kid by him. And I adore every couple eposide they have of them, enough said) Dominic x Anemone (YAY FOR DOMINIC X ANEMONE!) Moondoggie x Gidgit (Woo xD) Bleach: Ichigo x Rukia (After the bravery he shows to save her from her brother, it's hard Not to like this couple) Rukia x Renji (Flashbacks. Nuff Said) Matsumoto x Gin (WOOOO :D EPIC OWN) Toushiro x Momo (Yay for Toushiro x Momo!) Fruit's Basket: Yuki x Tohru ( I love Yuki and his devotion. What Can I say?) Kyo x Tohru (Yay for KyoxTohru ness!) Hatori x Kana (D: His past is oober sad.. but I love how those two looked together.) Hatsuharu x Rin (woo For HaruxRin Love) Kingdom Hearts: Axel x Yuffie (Axel = Reno Reno x Yuffie = Love) Aerith x Cloud (Same as Aeris x Cloud So it's all good) D.N.Angel: Daisuke x Risa (Cute Of course.) Daisuke x Riku (Cannon. Naturally.) Dark x Riku (W3wt x) Satoshi x Risa (Hinted on the last episode, of course. So why not?) Favorite Characters: Naruto: Sakura Haruno, Deidara, Tobi, Pein, Konan, Karin (YES. TAKE THAT YOU KARIN HATERS! xD!), Itachi, Sasuke (Post Timeskip), Tsunade, Temari, Shino, Neji Tsubasa: Fai! (Love for Fai all around!) Eureka 7: Dominic, Anemone, Holland, Talhou, Moondoggie Bleach: Uryuu, Toushiro, Matsumoto, Gin Blood: Solomon, Diva, Hagi, Lulu, Carmen Final Fantasy: Rikku, Yuffie, Auron, Reno, Rinoa, Selphie, Irvine, Dagger, Eiko, Amarant, Zidane, Vivi, Paine, Ashe Kingdom Hearts: Yuffie, Aerith, Cloud, Riku, Sora Hellsing: Alucard,Seras D.N.Angel: Dark, Riku, Daisuke Fullmetal Alchemist: Roy Mustang, Edward Elric, Armony Fruit's Basket: Hatori, Momoji, Hatsuharu, Rin, Hana, Yuki, Kyo, Shigure Furi Kuri: Haruko is my IDOL Yay for Insane people xD Death Note: Light, L, Matt Samurai Champloo: Muugen, Fuu NEW. FREAKIN. YEARS. RESOLUTION. SHANNARO. To write at least a complete Fic/Oneshot/Small Story of all the Naruto Couples I like = SasuSaku: Ch. 20 of 20 Completed NejiTen: Completed ShikaTema: Completed All the following art was done for me by the best person in the world: Katelynn~! Title Pages: Living Reality Title page: http:///art/Living-Reality-75185260 Chapter Art: With the Heart of a Shinobi Chapter 1- http:///art/Kitty-Kitty-87101979 Scene: Kitty Kitty~! MEGA IMPORTANT. Interested in my fics? Want to know more? Want to know when the next update is scheduled? Then check out my freewebs. /aileena-marusaki |