Living Reality
A Sasuke x Sakura Fiction
Chapter 1: Reunion
Description: Sakura Haruno: Age 16. Second best medic in Konoha and apprentice to Tsunade. There's one male in her life she wants to prove herself too, and above all costs she will find him, and she will show him what the years of training has done to her. But when his time is up, and the ritual has begun, Sakura Haruno has to make a choice, either try and save Sasuke, or give him the revenge she craves for his betrayal.
"Hana Megami watch your location." A dark voice spoke into the ear of the kunoichi.
The pink haired kunoichi pressed her body harder against the plush grass as her sharp jade eyes peered through her location in the brush. "I know I know," She mumbled in annoyance back into the ear piece, "This isn't my first mission you know."
"Just saying," The voice returned into her ear, sounding a bit peeved. "You've been out of commission for a while."
"I know, Neji. Don't need to repeat it a bunch of times."
"Sakura-chan!" The voice rang in her ear.
"Codenames you two," Neji sighed into his own mouthpiece.
"Whatever, Watchful Eye," The other male voice came with thick sarcasm, "Hana Megami!"
"What is it?"
"You think maybe after this mission you wanna go with me for ramen?"
Sakura Haruno Sighed, Naruto was always the same asking her out on ridiculous times.
"This isn't a good time to ask Naruto.."
"I know I know-"
"Troublesome, will you two cram it for one second?" A lazy tone came into both the ears of the friends. "He's here. I spot him."
"It's time Naruto. Are you ready?"
The blonde clenched his fist from his position atop a tree, his blue eyes staring dangerously at the clearing below him, "Do you need to ask?" He whispered.
"Yeah.. I'm ready too... let's go."
"What about you, Deep painter?"
"Ready anytime, Di-"
"Naruto, Sakura, Sai. Be careful okay?" Neji said with a sigh of his own as he interrupted the painter.
"No sweat!" Naruto jumped from the tree in unison with Sakura who jumped from behind the branch and Sai whom came from his position behind the tree.
All at once the three came face to face with the enemy, large men all burly and tall. Naruto gulped, and looked nervously at his two companions. "You've got to be kidding me."
"They're like Godzilla people," Sakura pointed out with an odd tone.
Sai looked at her strangely, Sakura made the weirdest observations at times like this.
"Alright!" Naruto pumped his first forward at the group of men, "Where is he?!"
"Where's who?" The first man sneered.
"Don't play dumb." Naruto growled, "Where is Konohamaru?!'
Sakura looked around and mumbled nervously into the mouthpiece, "Neji... Do you see him?"
"Look harder then!" Naruto hissed.
"Watch out!" Sai called, and just as the large men were about to surprise attack the small group, they found themselves unable to move.
"What?! What is this trick?" One of them called angrily.
"Troublesome." A voice yawned behind them, "Sakura go find him."
"You got it!" She called before running off.
As she ran off Naruto, behind her, took out the frozen shinobi one at a time as Shikamaru would release them.
Alone Sakura jumped from tree to tree, looking around sharply with her eyes for the young shinobi. Through her concentration, the female failed to notice as several kunai flew her way until it was a bit to late. She moved around to avoid them, but one slammed into the earpiece sending it flying into a tree.
"Dammit.." She growled raising her eyes to where the weapons came from.
Great so some Godzilla people escaped Shikamaru's grasp.
She chuckled, and slipped two gloves from her pockets. The Godzilla men raised eyebrows and watched her as she slipped one on.
Sakura raised her right hand as her left tightly slipped the remaining glove on it. Getting into her all familiar fighting stance she stared up at the Godzilla men with a haunting look.
Three... That's how many.
"Only three of you?" She taunted tracing her feet over watching as the three jumped in front of her.
A noise was heard to her right and her jade eyes wandered over only slightly.
Okay Four... that's not as bad.
Several more noises was heard around her until it was a sonorous chorus, one that would bring upon her crushing reality.
"Hell.." She growled as she was surrounded by these Godzilla men.
Together they jumped at her and she raised her foot up collecting her chakra to the heel of it before slamming it down hard onto the ground sending rocks crumbling upward onto the men.
Damn they were huge, that didn't even phase them.
Sakura traced her feet around in a circle and moved in a dancing and haunting way to dodge the hundreds of weapons that rained down on her location.
The Raven haired silhouette let out a simple 'hn' as two more ANBU level shinobi ran at him with swords high.
Sasuke Uchiha pulled the Katana from his waist only slightly, and spun around with such quick speed the two were dead at his side without another second's hesitation.
How many more were there?
Orochimaru had spoken of fifteen, and he had already taken care of eleven. So there were four more Sound runaways he was to take care of. Hardly was Sasuke Uchiha would call decent training. But if the sound runaways ever got to Konoha and gave up the location of the Sound village, his training would come to abrupt stop there would be no doubt about that.
Then.. There would be no more opportunities available to him, to gain the power he craved, needed to kill his older brother.
To Kill Itachi.
Black obsidian eyes wandered to the side for a second as two of the four shinobi he was searching for came into view. They were 'attempting' to sneak at him from behind, how amusing.
The moment they finally lunged he raised his fists back and moved, slamming them right into the gut.
That's when he felt it, some sort of earthquake nearby. But it wasn't exactly an earthquake, more or less it was coated with chakra, in a single spot, and very powerful.
It could possibly be the two remaining shinobi he was seeking out, so the Uchiha moved with such speed it was next to impossible to even track his movements.
When he landed not far from the battle site what he saw was far from what he expected.
A pink haired female was taking on much more then several large men, VERY large men. But that isn't what caught his attention.
Her strength, her inhuman strength would completely knock these VERY large men off their feet and send them flying. It was a kind of strength he had only seen once before, in the 5th Hokage of Konoha, Tsunade.
The pink-haired kunoichi moved around with grace and ability, it was almost like watching a dance. Black eyes snapped from their gaze as he finally realized who this strange female was.
It was HER.
He gave off some sort of a grunt before he disappeared from the site.
She nearly froze on the spot as she felt a very dark chakra presence above her in the trees, she continued in her normal fighting pattern taking out the men giving no mind it.
But the dark chakra remained there for longer then a moment giving the female chills down her spine. Finally, what felt like hours later to her the Dark chakra was gone leaving behind only a scent of it's presence.
A scent she took in for a moment. A Scent she knew all too well.
Sakura slammed her foot onto the ground knocking the rest of the men off their feet before she took off after it, her brain wasn't speaking anymore her mind wouldn't comprehend fast enough what she was doing. It was just her heart speaking to her now, her gut telling her to go after the chakra. To follow it until she got to it's source.
Sure enough, she stopped a few feet away from a halted figure who stood taller then her. She gulped and clenched her fists together landing behind him.
Sasuke remained quiet as she came up behind him, he knew he could easily outrun her and just go, but something was telling him to stay.
To face his past and cut the bonds that didn't need to be there.
But the moment he turned around he felt the blunt of a fist connecting with his face so hard it sent him flying back into the tree behind him leaving a very large dent within it's surface.
"Sasuke Uchiha," The female spoke clenching her fist where he stood only moments before.
He grunted in reply and stood up, completely surprised at her strength. This couldn't have been the same twelve year old girl he knew those years ago. The same girl that would swoon over his every move, the one that begged him to stay in Konoha.
"Have we met?" He questioned, which pissed her off even more.
"I believe we have, Uchiha-san. Does the Name Sakura Haruno ring a bell?"
No way...
"Perhaps." Came the reply.
She punched at him again, and when he raised his hand to block, the moment her fist connected with his palm he felt his wrist snap, using his speed he continued his posture and grabbed her hand with her other arm knocking her from her feet with his leg and pinning her to the ground with her arms behind her back.
"I don't appreciate being hit at, Sakura-san."
"Kiss my ass."
He raised his dark eyebrow, "I don't recall you having such a mouth."
"I don't recall you ever not being an asshole."
She sounded brave, her words fueled by anger but her inside expression completely different.
It was fear.
She didn't know if it was his dark chakra, or that impassive gaze in his eyes but something about him made her afraid. Made her afraid for her life, like he was going to wrench it from her hands within any second.
Sakura Haruno was afraid.
As he pondered on what to do, he felt a slight burning sensation on his neck and let a sigh escape from his pale lips. He released her and snapped his wrist back into place with his other hand.
Sakura got up and glared at him darkly, ready to beat the hell out of him again.
Before she could even say anything else he was gone, leaving once again only his scent in the air.
She closed her eyes taking it in for a moment, "Sasuke..." She whispered.