Author has written 9 stories for Dark Angel, and Supernatural. hey guys i thought concidering that i've posted not one but two, count them TWO! stories i should update my profile too. so... I've been reading and writing fanfiction for years, that hasn't changed but now i have writen and got reviews from people. It's sooo fun :) (Can you tell i'm excited?) Well I supose I should say what everyone else says on these things. I did exensive research ( I looked at one other profile page) and saw what other people wrote. You should know I am not an evil space alien nor am I a conservative hippee who runs around nude at forestry meetings (but good on you if you are... Welcome to earth if you are the former and you have more guts than me if you are the latter.) My deal is after six long, long years I have finally finished high school! Thank heavens. So this year I am off to University with a new wardrobe, a new hairstyle and hopefully a new life. Now don't get me wrong I wasn't one of those kids who dreaded going to school. I'm pretty smart but not one of the genius', I'm not hideously deformed nor am I one of the 'beautiful' people. I had my friends and they rock! But it got to the point where I knew exactly what would happen every single day. Get on the bus (can't drive wasn't 18 when school was on) go to school. go to class. have lunch talk about the same things you talk about everyday... you get the picture. I am totally looking forward to getting out there and actually living you know? So... what else can i write? Oh. I love to travel. I've been to Japan (so clean and the people are some of the nicest you'll ever meet) Italy, One of the most beautiful countries in the world. France... Paris really is a wonder postacards can't do justice to. England, one word 'London' Need i say more? And Scotland. Land of my forefathers and just a magical place. Okay enough of that. So here i am sweltering in the Aussie heat (Australia not Austria) writing fanfiction and hanging with my three best friends. Kristal, Steph and Bec (aka casus 17) HI BEC! check out her stuff she's the best supernatural writer on here... i have abbsolutely no bias lol. My favourite TV shows are Supernatural (Those men are so beautiful), Dark Angel and the 4400. i also love NCIS and Battlestar Galactica. You can probably tell I'm a bit of a sci-fi geek but if you're on my profile page you probably are too. i don't understand how people don't think watching TV is a legitimate hobbie. so i prefer to watch TV than run up and down a basketball court... so what? by the way even though i sound like an obesly overweight middle age man, I"M NOT!!! haha The fic's i've posted so far are "Loosing me would mean he was wrong" which is a different look at the kinda-character of Jondy from Dark Angel. I like exploring Zack's emotiions and having a character that was mentioned, but never defined, like Jondy, is a fun way to do it. my second fic was a humourous tale of a hitchhiking cat. "Dean get's a cat" is just a funny fic about the guys from Supernatural and what happens when they're not fighting demons. My major work at the momentt is called Winchester Wives... now i know it sounds like a sappy schoolgirl crush like fic. And maybe it is a little bit bit i'd like to think it's also funny and maybe romantic and I did my best to make it as suspenseful as possible. And after all we're all writing fic's in the hope that they entertain. it's a tale about the significant others in the Winchester brothers lives. it and it's sequal should be posted soon. I think i've ranted on for long enough now. Drop me a line and say 'Hi' if you like. I nearly forgot... My name is Fiona but you can call me Fi. |