Author has written 5 stories for Supernatural, and Roswell. I am 24 years old. I love music, reading, writing, comedy, and hanging out with family and friends. I love a good argument, especially if it's for a lost cause, which is probably why I'm in law school. I am single because I am a straight edge liberal, and you don't get too many of those these days. Some things that are sure to piss me off: People who talk about things they know nothing about, Oprah, Dr. Phil, people in the drive thru, Evangelists, um...smoking, drinking, drugs... Some things that make me really happy: Some good comedy (Dane Cook, Pablo Francisco, Wendy Leibmann...), music of any kind (except heavy metal, which, I'm sorry, doesn't count), fan fics, marshmallows, Jensen Ackles, God who is a Pisces, Cheri-head, Mandi Lynne, Luella, family, a good book, writing, personality quizzes, Donny Osmond... Current obsessions: Donny Osmond (!), Supernatural (Jensen Ackles!!!), Roswell (the show, not Area 51), finishing the book I'm writing, Nora Roberts books, astrology. As for writing, I really enjoy a good family story. I love characters way more than plotlines, and I especially love the dynamics between siblings. If there's a lapse between postings, sorry, but it's because I am working on some original work (which hopefully I'll get the guts to publish soon). I can be reached through my myspace, http:///index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=82983653, or email at Tiff41883@ Please don't be offended if I can't respond right away. Between work, school, and family obligations I usually have about 4 free hours a week, and I try to use those to watch Supernatural and write. If you want to start a dialogue, I'll do what I can to get back to you but I am a notoriously bad pen pal. Happy reading! A Little Note to All of my Reviewers: Thanks so much for sending me your comments about the stories. It's nice to have another POV on what I write. A couple of things, in general, though: I was an English major in college, and I know you're supposed to start a new paragraph for each speaker, but I think it makes more sense to organize paragraphs topically, so I stubbornly go my own way on this one. Thanks for trying to help me out on that count, but my friends have already decided I am a lost cause. About Supernatural: I really do hate Jo, or maybe that's not totally accurate, but I certainly think she needs to stay the hell away from Dean, and that Ellen needs to stop acting like Sam's mom. Sam already has a mom: Dean! And Jo is too young for Dean. It also bothers me that Dean says he is in love with Cassie and yet he is suddenly over her and interested in Jo. As for Cassie, I don't hate her, I just think there needs to be some sort of closure there, as the girl who plays Cassie (I can't spell that name to save my life) is unlikely to come back for another appearance. About Roswell: I don't believe in any of the stuff after Alex's (supposed) death, and will go AU if forced to deal with that time period. I mean, Future Max can come back in time to save everyone but no one thinks of doing this for Alex in the future? Lame. Also, Tess is not my favorite character. I think she messes up the whole Michael-Max-Isabel dynamic, not to mention what's going on with Max and Liz. I think Tess should take Kyle home as her consolation prize and shut up about it. So I think that's it, and thanks again for reading! If you'd like to see some of my original stories, they can be viewed (when posted) at: http:///weird2/explosion/Stories.html. Original (and free) personality tests at: http:///weird2/explosion/tests.html ~Tiffany Renee |