Author has written 7 stories for Legend of Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, Star Wars, and Harry Potter.
Name: Hikari no Vikki
AKA: Time Sorceror
Gender: Female (unless you know a guy with the name Vikki...)
Age: 23
Birthday: October 18th
Job: Authoress, Artist, and College Student. (Currently Looking for Employment.)
Hobbies: Writing, Drawing, Reading, Playing video games, Rock collecting, and sleeping.
Muses: Music, books, anime... (see below lists)
Fandom Short-list:
Favorite Video Games:
Pokémon (all titles for GC, GBA/SP, DS, 3DS and N64)
Yu-Gi-Oh Falsebound Kingdom (GC)
Kingdom Hearts (All titles for PS2, PSP, GBA/SP, and DS, 3DS)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GC)
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask (N64)
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (GC)
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii)
Hyrule Warriors (Wii U)
Final Fantasy X, X-2, XII (PS2), FFXII: Revenant Wings (DS)
Dissidia Final Fantasy (PSP)
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy/Curtain Call (3DS)
Tales of the Abyss (3DS)
The World Ends With You (DS)
Dragon Age: Origins/II/Inquisition
Anime: Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles, Card Captor Sakura, Howl's Moving Castle, Hetalia, Digimon, Vampire Knight, Cardfight!!Vanguard, Cat Returns, Whispers of the Heart, Romeo x Juliet, Spirited Away, and High School of the Dead.
Books/Series: Inheritance Cycle, Warriors, Harry Potter, Inkheart, Charlie Bone, Kane Chronicles, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Lord of the Rings, Hunger Games, Mortal Instruments, Infernal Devices, Abhorsen, Bartimaeus, and Vampire Academy.
Favorite Pairings of the Moment:
Legend of Zelda OoT: Link/Zelda, Dark Link/Link
Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask: Anju/Kafei, Japas/Mikau, Mikau/Lulu
Legend of Zelda TP: Midna/Link
Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword: Link/Ghirahim, Link/Groose, Link/Pipit, Link/Zelda
Yu-Gi-Oh: Yugi/Yami Yugi, Joey/Kaiba, Kaiba/Yugi, Kaiba/Seth, Pegasus/Cecilia, Pegasus/Kaiba
Card Captor Sakura: Clow/Yue, Yukito/Touya, Sakura/Shaoran
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles: Fye/Kurogane, Syaoran/Sakura
Kingdom Hearts: Sora/Riku, Sora/Roxas, Roxas/Axel, Leon/Cloud, Xemnas/Saix, Demyx/Zexion, Maluxia/Vexen
Charlie Bone: Lysander/Tancred, Charlie/Emma, Charlie/Manfred, and Ehren Hatten's Morgan/Asa
Harry Potter: Harry/Snape, Harry/Ron, Ron/Hermione, Harry/Draco, Hermione/Snape
Heroes: Nathan/Peter, Hiro/Adam, West/Claire, Peter/Sylar, Sylar/Gabriel, Peter/Gabriel
House: House/Wilson
The Host: Ian/Wanda, Jared/Melanie
Inkheart: Silvertongue/Dustfinger, Mortimer/Teresa, Meggie/Farid
Mario: Prince!Peach/Fem!Mario
Pokemon: Red/Blue, Ash/Gary, Ash/Lance, Gold/Silver, Lance/Steven, Silver/Lyra, Silver/Ethan, Volkner/Rorak
Dragon Age: Alistair/Warden, Zevran/Warden, Zevran/Fenris, Fenris/Sebastian, Sebastian/Anders, Anders/Fenris, Fenris/Hawke, Sebastian/Hawke, Dorian/Inquisitor, Dorian/Cullen
Current Fanfiction:
- LoZ: The Time Keeper- Summary: Previously known as Divine Impurity. Following the events of Ocarina of Time, a girl with a legacy she knows nothing about joins the fight against Ganon. She falls in love with the Hero’s shadow, and is caught up in a war that seems impossible to win. (Status: Complete)
- Shadow's Light- Summary: A Light’s shadow is watching him he feels sorrow in his heart. Why if he cares so much about his light, does he feel no need to be his shield? He sees in him so much more, but will it be enough, when they meet face to face? (Status: Complete)
- LoZ: The True Force- Summary: A modern Hyrule is in chaos. After reconstruction from the receding sea, the New Hyrule is literally built from the ashes of the Old Kingdom. However, history is destined, or rather, determined to repeat itself. LoZ/Star Wars crossover. (Chapter 30 up. Status: In Progress)
Harry Potter:
- Harry Potter and the Spirit Riders- Summary: Crossover with Legend of Zelda. The Phantom Hourglass has been handed down since its beginning, until finally it makes its way into the hands of a boy named Gabriel. He fights alongside Harry Potter, and soon discovers a darkness that has been waiting to exact a deadly revenge. (Status: Complete)
Kingdom Hearts:
- The Beast Within- Summary: Sora, Donald, and Goofy land in Hyrule. At the same time, Twilight begins to blanket it. Will our heroes be able to aid a simple farm boy named Link in conquering the Twilight, or will they all perish in the shadows? (Status: Complete)
- It Will Be Enough- Summary: First, Midna destroyed the portals. Next, was the Mirror. So as they’re heading back through the desert, Link and Midna decide to share a passionate moment among the sands. Rated M for lemon. Giftfic for The Writer Who Writes. (Status: Complete)
It's technically only Zelda related, but since it's part of my Beast Within crossover, it's listed as such.
- Goodbye- Summary: On the night before he leaves forever, Roxas gives Axel one last pleasure. Axel, in his final moments, does not regret that it happened; only that he never had the chance to say good-bye. Rated M for semi graphic lemon. Written as a giftfic for xXxBloodDeathLovexXx. (Complete)
Planned Fanfiction:
- Reconcilo, Mei Natio- Summary: Title meaning: Unite, My People. Three years after the events of Time Keeper, Hyrule has changed. The landscape is unrecognizable, but technology has advanced, and the nomad tribes of the Sheikah are uniting. But is all as well as it seems, or is does trouble still linger?
Victoria is twenty, and Shadow, Link, and Zelda are twenty-one. Link allowed himself one last journey to search for Navi, who had left him a short while after Time Keeper ended. He wound up in Termina, saving it as an adult instead of as a child. He didn't find Navi, but he came back with a nomad tribe of Sheikah, the last one to arrive in Hyrule. However, these nomad tribes have adapted and rules have been changed. Uniting them will be difficult, but each tribe has brought new knowledge to Hyrule and thus, technology has advanced to the point of Twilight Princess technology. The Temple of Time was moved to a new location, and construction has finally finished on the Castle and its town. Hyrule's landscape has also changed so much it resembles little of the landscape of three years past. Though TP was supposed to be set a good fifty years after OoT (by my guess, as WW is 100 yrs. after OoT) I needed to speed up the technology process so that the processes in my head could proceed as planned. Don't blame me, blame the plotbunnies. It's their fault. I may or may not start working on this after Beast Within is finished, but a rough sketch is in the works.
- LoZ: Majora's Mask- Summary: Set exactly a month after Time Keeper, Navi has left Link and he requests one last adventure of Zelda to search for her. He finds himself lost in the Lost Woods, angry at himself for not paying attention, when a little masked Skull Kid catches his eye.
Basically, this is the same Majora's Mask from the series, only he's an adult this time around. Not quite sure how I'm going to make it work, but I will, I promise you. I love the game too much not to do anything for it. :D Like Reconcilio, Mei Natio, I may or not start working on this after Beast Within is finished, but a rough sketch is in the works. EDIT: Sketch is now complete. If either fic does come out after Beast Within, this is more likely of the two. EDIT 2: Scratch that. I have other fics to finish. But it will come up sometime. I hope. XD
- Alliance of the Dragon Riders- Summary: “It started out as just a dream, but then we realized, this was no longer a dream…” Yugi falls asleep with his puzzle (along with Yami in it) on one night and somehow ends up in Alagaësia. But when they arrive… strange things begin to happen. YGO/Inheritance crossover fic.
A story you won't be seeing anytime soon or even next year. It's basically a story involving Yu-Gi-Oh and the Inheritance trilogy. Ha! Told you I'd get one in! Working on a rough sketch of the story.
Harry Potter:
- Harry Potter and the Hidden Secrets: Summary: Gabriel has more secrets than he's letting on and Aria knows it. Strange things start to occur at Hogwarts, including a series of deadly attacks. Is Gabriel responsible? Or Harry? Only a house elf knows, and he's not telling. (You won't be seeing this one for a LONG time, so don't get your hopes up.)
Tumblr page: http:///, http:///
Fictionpress.com page: http://www.fictionpress.info/hikarinovikki
DeviantArt page: http:///
That is all. Have a nice day! :)