![]() Author has written 14 stories for Naruto, Death Note, Avatar: Last Airbender, Modern Faerie Tales, Twilight, Inheritance Cycle, Inuyasha, Princess Mononoke, Leap Year, Sailor Moon, Chronicles of Narnia, Marching Band, Gargoyles, and Legend of Korra. Author of (in order of most recent): • Moon Drops About the Author: So, a little bit about me, eh? How about one fact for every story I've written? I think that's pretty fair. • Name: Meg Lindsey [EDIT 1/14/14] Hi there everyone! Just wanted to let you know a few things: A. Most of my stories on here have not been finished. B. I do still plan on finishing them. I realize that I have not updated in awhile—some of my last updates on a few stories having been five years ago(yikes!)—but let me inform you that where I was five years ago and where I am now in life are two very different places. Five years ago I was around 14 or 15 years old just writing fanfiction to pass the time, expand on some of my favorite romances, and to be a shameless fangirl in general. Now I'm 20 years old—and if you've stuck with this hiatus that long I give you all the props I can, because that's a long time to go without any sort of updates from the stories you enjoy following—and, not unexpectedly, there's been a lot going on these past fives years. I suffered my way through high school, I'm into my second year at college, I've lost some wonderful family members, I've welcomed two sisters into my family, I still haven't been kissed/dated anyone, I've improved my writing significantly, I'm working on getting my first novel published, I've been hired at my first job, I've lost said job, I've flunked a semester at college, I was accepted to my first choice college, I've had puppies and kittens, I've seen the other side of the world, I've joined several rpgs, I've found new fandoms... So, you'll have to excuse my lack in updates. If it takes me forever to update, then it takes me forever. I'm trying to find myself right now, and it's taken me this long just to figure out what I want to do with my life—and to be honest, I'm still not sure if I really know. I'm stuck at a crossroads and I haven't really made a choice which direction I'm taking yet, because a lot of it has to do with money or talent—both of which I struggle with. Try not to assume that I have abandoned my stories or that I'm never going to finish—because that's simply wrong. I started them, and I will finish them. But I neither have the time, nor the patience to sit down and dig through old plots. I fully intend to dust things off in each of my stories and round them out to a close, but my real life needs to come first. That's probably about all anyone really needs to know about me, yeah? I thought as much. Please leave some wonderful reviews or critiques for my fanfictions! Feel free to PM me anytime, I'd love to hear from you or just chat! Also, I wanted to let everyone know that I now have an account with fictionpress http://www.fictionpress.info/tragischerromantiker to promote my own titles. So if you're interested, please stop by there and leave your thoughts on my original works! Vielen dank! |