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![]() Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter. Harmony "Our ship doesn't need canon to sail." There isn't much about me that is notably interesting. I'm a 21-year-old college student who works too much, but has high hopes on selling a book AND eventually getting a degree in Nursing. I started reading Harry Potter when I was in the fifth grade, and have since then been hooked. I still remember waiting impatiently for the books to come out, then devouring them in a day because they were just that good. Now that I'm older, I can look at it, see what I feel is wrong with it, then come here to find a story that has a more satisfying plot twist. Truly, I believe that's why fanfiction is just amazing. I love reading what people come up with here, and I love sharing my own ideas as well. That being said, this is not my first account on this particular website. I joined about seven years ago and started really just god awful fanfiction for the Inuyasha archive. Then it switched to Naruto, then Harry Potter, and now I just sort of dabble whatever fandom catches my interest. I confess--lately it's been the Hobbit. This particular account is where I wish to keep only my Harry Potter stories of the Harmony variety. I guess I just feel that this account really shows me how much I've improved on my writing--mechanics-wise as well as content-wise. The Life Bond is my new baby. I've thought LONG and HARD about how I want this to go, how I'm going to achieve it, and how I will stay true to the characters. It's turning out to be quite the experience, and my thanks goes to those that are going to stick around with me. Now, why Harry/Hermione? I mean, out of all the people for Harry, why would Hermione be THE ONE? They compliment each other so beautifully. I'm not just talking about on-screen chemistry. They have one of the most solid friendships ever seen, and for it to turn into a romance would be beyond epic. They had the potential to have true love--one that is ever kind, considerate, and beautiful. I simply cannot believe that Hermione, smart girl that she is, would not go for Harry (who treats her with respect, always values her opinion even if he doesn't really listen all the time, and always thinks about her regardless of what capacity his thoughts are in) and instead go for Ron (who belittles what she holds dear (learning), allows his petty jealousy and overall immaturity to overcome his rational thought, and completely disregards what she feels). I'm not saying this to bash Ron. He's an interesting character, the perfect sidekick. Hermione is way out of his league, however, and he's aware of this. That's why his fear was Harry and Hermione getting together. He doesn't deserve her, and while he's very protective of her, I just could never see him as anything other than the immature jerk who constantly makes her cry. Bickering like an old couple is not synonymous with having had a happy marriage, after all. It simply is not a good enough reason for Hermione to choose Ron. And while I can understand the debate about Harry and Hermione being like siblings, they are both only children. They do not know how siblings feel towards each other, therefore cannot say with absolute certainty that what they feel is entirely familial. As for Ginny, I cannot say that I hate her. I hate her portrayal in a lot of stories in which she is only bashed. I also hate her portrayal in the books. She starts out as Ron's little sister with stalker tendencies and a huge crush on Harry. Flash forward and BAM! She's a Quidditch star he takes notice in and he's all of a sudden captivated. If she was to be Harry's future love interest, there should have been more in regards to her character. The jump between sycophant and desired mate was too sudden with no explanation. And many people seem to believe that Ginny belongs with Harry because she looks like his mother. Now I know Harry missed the chance to know Lily, and I know that children often marry people like their parents when they're older. Ginny might LOOK like Lily Potter, but Hermione practically EMBODIES her. Hermione is the Muggleborn bookworm who is kind, compassionate, and his best friend that stuck beside him through thick and thin. Ginny has red hair. J.K. Rowling had the chance to write an epic romance at the end of an incredible series. Instead, she paired Hermione with an unworthy suitor, and paired Harry with someone who could have been worthier had her character been more developed. 7.6.14 So, suffice to say, I did not update The Life Bond as I had planned. I'm terribly sorry about my absence as for the past year, and I really feel like I owe my readers an explanation. My laptop not only quit on me, it took with it all of my files. That's years worth of photos and documents, including several stories that I had been working on. Everything I meticulously planned out for this story as well as others is gone--even the original story that I was working on since I was a sophomore in high school and had finally come close to completing. Needless to say, it was utterly disheartening. I, of course, had backups of all of my files, however they hadn't been updated so even my backups are worthless to me. And as if that wasn't enough, my car also recently gave up on me. So after deliberating and sorting out my priorities, I had decided to completely focus on school and work. I feel now, however, that I'm ready to pick up where I stopped. I'll need to research more and sort of backtrack for this story, but I have high hopes that I'll have this story updated before my birthday (which is in October). Thank you to everyone who has kept reading this, and has been patient with me. |