![]() Author has written 9 stories for Lilo & Stitch, Disney, Finding Nemo, and How to Train Your Dragon. "The good writers touch life often. The mediocre ones run a quick hand over her. The bad ones rape her and leave her for the flies." -- From Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury ABOUT ME: Who am I, you ask? Well, usually I'm known by the penname "Angel624", but apparently that one was taken, so...IamAngel624. I am going to be an aquarist, I am a SCUBA diver, I am a Christian, and I am a Texan. My favorite movie is How to Train Your Dragon. My favorite TV shows is Penguins of Madagascar. I love reading, especially ocean-themed and sci-fi novels. I'm nineteen years old and blond. And I sincerely apologize for my stupidity in reviews and so forth. I was young and arrogant, and if I ever offended you, I am sincerely sorry. WHAT I'M DOING NOW: I am currently obsessing over How to Train Your Dragon and remembering happy days. ALSO...still giggling over the fact that I rode a beluga whale (as seen in my avatar)! And I also played with penguins, babysat a dolphin, swam with dolphins, saw a newborn orca, patted a sea lion, held a baby penguin, patted an orca, fed sharks, and done a heck load of tank diving! :D I also work at a dolphin hospital; soon, there is a very good chance that I will be supporting a sub-adult spinner dolphin in the pool as he regains his strength. I worked with a young bottlenose named Donley, who now lives at SeaWorld San Antonio. STORY-WRITING UPDATE: I'm currently in TAMUG, and sincerely doubting I'll ever be able to work on any more of my stories. Pluss, I lost all of the original story files when my old laptop died. :( So I'm going to delete my multi-chapter stories. I'm so sorry. My oneshots are still going to be left, though. YAY! :D And I might end up posting some of my other oneshots in the future. We shall see. WHERE YOU'LL MOST LIKELY FIND ME: ~~And now, for some random quotes!~~ "What time is it?" "It's twelve o' clock." "Wrong! It's twelve...o' two."--Myself, my mom "It cannot be called virtue to kill one's fellow-citizens, betray one's friends, be without faith, without pity, and without religion; by these methods one may indeed gain power, but not glory."--Excerpt from "The Prince" "YAAAH! I GOT THE MARACAS!"--Myself "Just because you can think like a supercomputer doesn't mean you're smart!"--a loose translation of something I read on the L&S fanfiction.net forum "Hello." "Hello. Who is this?" "Jesus." (long pause) "You guys are so funny!" "Thanks. (longer pause) Moses says hi."--a very strange chat room conversation between a boy from my school and the computer lab teacher. "Where do you want to go?" "Wherever the wind takes me."--Gina and myself "Why is everyone in this room playing Tetris?"--my friend, AJ "SUUUUUGAAAAAAR and MEEEEEEEE go GREAT together!" --my friend, Sarah "Yeah, she's definately my 'little sister'." "See where I inherit my stupidity from?" --my friends, Gina and Sarah. "I want to slap the table, so I'm going to." (slaps the table) --Myself "I know where I wanna go, and that's where the HOT guys are!" --my friend, Sarah "My name is CherryVanilla Icee and I'm here to say/I'm the best darn rapper in the US of A/Cuz I'm here and I'm here and I'm here in the taxi/I need to get to 42nd Main Street you see. DANCE BREAK!" --Myself as my rapper alter-ego, CherryVanilla Icee "Doon tartin'!" --my friend, Lida "I'm not as crazy as you think I am!" "Yes, she is. She's lying." --Sarah and myself "You want a hundred for it? How about two hundred?" --My dad "I can see the headlines now: 'Girl saves puffer fish from choking. Swam to bottom of tank and performed heimlich manuever. Quote: "I wasn't about to do CPR".' " --Myself "My breakfast is what YOU'RE SNIFFING!" --Myself "You know what?" (sudden silence) "You can leave."--Sarah "I want him outta my courtroom, I want him outta my pants!" --Benderzass (from the IMDb boards) "JOHNNY CORKSCREW!!" -- myself "Johnny is a silent fellow...rolls eyes suggestively" -- myself "I'm wearing the Tumnus pants!" "Hey, those are mine!" -- myself and Evelyn "I...bet...you...think...you're...SMART!...oh, wait, tricky..." -- me reading my 20-Q "Life is frigid, life is vile, and the Pope is not the goal." -- Sarah "OH MY GOD ITS A BULLDOZER." -- myself and Amanda "Let's all have sex with whores! That seems like a good idea!" -- Dr. Curley "I don't think there's any more water in your cup." "...well, fuck it, then." -- Amanda and myself "Buh buh buh...I like swearing! So fuck you!" -- myself "If you're so horny, why don't you go fuck yourself?" -- myself LAGENORHYNCUS OBLIQUIDENS |