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Author has written 34 stories for Street Fighter, Vampire Hunter D, Mega Man, Justice League, Dragon Ball Z, Mortal Kombat, Ghost Rider, Naruto, Avatar: Last Airbender, DC Superheroes, Marvel, Batman, Hunger Games, Power Rangers, Rocky, Crow, Arrow, Yu Yu Hakusho, Superman, Elektra, Friday the 13th, and Captain Planet. I am Writer6886 I like fighting games. Want to be an author for a profession. I completed one book and am working on getting it publised. I have also been attempting to create a video game out of The tournament of realms. Much of the writing has been done but I still can't get anywhere. Lack of money and credibility. I was watching X-men Anime and noticed the how it was Fanfic form. I tend to wonder how many fanfics should be made into real books or comics. I remember a Spider-man/X-men Fanfic that was amazing. Karisan-karisan wrote great Tekken stories and iceangelmkx holds stories that would rule the street fighter universe. Not to mention she has great crossovers. Also I finished a Megaman X game and remembered a great fanfic I read where the enemies were named after gods from different religions. Why does such great writing go unnoticed? Free Ideas Time is seriously not my side. That and I am wanting to retire from fanfiction and work on my personal writing. I do however have a few Fanfic ideas in case anyone want them. Two rules, 1 don't start unless you plan finish (I hate being left in the dark) and 2 tell me I want to read them. Gargoyles-Tristen and Isolide shared a sercret love and a secret marriage. Legend says when the rings are worn by star crossed lovers they will bring the lovers together. In the hands of Goliath and Elisa the rings will allow them to be human or gargoyle at will. in the hands of Mcbeth he could be reunited with his wife. Vampire Diaries- A man who was murdered in the 1930's came back as a wraith. Now his soul cannot rest until he has achieved vengence. His partners are Reptile a circus freak altered by vampire blood and soon Matt who succeeded in dying by Tyler's hand. But soon with science and nuclear energy Matt will live again. Gundam Seed- A year after the death of Durandal Zaft is getting ready for the wedding between Kira and Lacus. Shin is still with Zaft as a general. Cagalli is with Orb leading it to greatness as a beacon of hope. A new group called the Arctic Republic has quickly gained world favor with helpful technology and growing into a world power. Athrun has disappeared not feeling comfortable in Zaft or Orb. A new masked warrior is in charge of the Federation and seeks out an island his grandfather owned. A private base for Blue Cosmos holding three deadly mobile suits and a warship along with the Ultimate Extended the masked warrior desires peace and want the base destroyed. To his Misfortune when he arrives everything in missing. Claymore/X-men- With the Awakened beings slowly coming to power the balance of power has shifted. Now certain humans have been gain unique abilities whether it's evolution for survival or an act of God to restore balance no one knows. But mutants have appeared and with the help of Clare the Claymore they are gathering. P.S Raki is a mutant. Hunger Games/Predator-The third quarter kell has come previous warriors have come to fight once more. However three intruders have entered the arena and this time their maybe no victor. Blassreiter/Crow- A man walks the streets destorying Amalgams. A dark clown with a black tear under his left eye. A myth until he stopped Gerald's rampage calming his soul in front of everyone. Who is he and what does he want? Marvel/Jurassic Park- Takes place during the third movie. What if Paul Kirby didn't hire Udesky but instead the heroes for hire. Hunger Games/Resident Evil-AU 74th Hunger Games will be run by Albert Wesker and take place in a city designated Resident Evil. Dark Knight/Avengers- Bane has control over Gotham city as Batman has dissapeared. Captain America, Hawkeye, and Black Widow enter Gotham to save the city. Can they stop Bane and the bomb he has in his possesion. Yu Yu Hakusho/Ultimate Spider-man-Kuwabara in need of training for the Dark Tournament joins S.H.I.E.L.D's group of young heroes learning new skills and abilities. Vampire Diaries-A brilliant scientist wrapped in bandages decides to make Mystic Falls a safe haven for monsters. He is the invisible man anad his first order of business remove Klaus and Rebecca. A sea creature, and mummy join the invisible man's group. 2012 Teenage Mutant Turtles- Raphael saves a man from a gang. The man seeing Raphael fight brings him into the world of underground fighting. Arrow/The Following-John Dinggle and Ryan Hardy are old friends. When Joe Carroll escapes John asks Oliver to help his old friend bring the serial killer and his group down. Seeing the amount to damage the following is causing Oliver agrees. Nightmare on Elm Street/ Freddy vs Teddy-A family moves to Elm Street with a young girl. Freddy believes he has a new playmate. Fortunately this girl already has a playmate a Teddy bear and this bear has won't let anything happen to his little girl. Star Trek 2009 series/GundamSeed- What if Kirk and the crew were part of the refugees on Helioplis when Zaft attacked? 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Labyrinth-April in a fit of rage at her fathers mutation, wishes the turtles away. Quickly regretting her wish April charges into the labyrinth to save her friends. Goku vs Wendigo-Wendigo is a Marvel character that has taken down the Hulk. So while Goku is camping with Pan and Goten the three are attacked by the legendary Wendigo. This will be Goku's deadliest fight." Captain America/Beauty and the Beast 2012-S.H.I.E.L.D has found someone else has been experimenting with the Super Soldier serum. Captain America enters the search to find the serum only to run into Catherine and Vincent. Wicker Man/Crow-The night the wicker man burned a rainstorm hit and a man rose from the ashes his desire, save the children and burn the village. Attack on Titan/White Knight Chronicles-When Titans entered the wall humanity needed a weapon. A monk shows the government plans for a magical knight able to match the titans. Hunger Games-Welcome to Panem. It has been ten years after war. The twelve districts are in order, flourishing and work hard under threat of death by order of Emperor Coin. This is an alternate reality where Katniss believed Coin and executed Snow. Coin used her influence to become emperor over Panem bringing order to the twelve districts. Gale is centurion of District 2, Peeta left off the face of the earth, and Kaniss is Coin's right hand manipulated by her grief over Prim. A small rebellion on the rise but without leadership it is doomed to fail. Whoever that leader is will be up to you. This can be solid where Annie, Snow's granddaughter, or Peeta will lead the rebellion, interdimension where Katniss with face off against her darker self, or crossover where a hero will appear shocked at how Panem is different from how the book ended. I have notes if anyone wants them. https://www.facebook.com/groups/ArrowverseCwDcUnited/permalink/2002597279780062/?comment_id=2002687656437691¬if_id=1534303769247434¬if_t=group_comment_reply Ideas I have and would like to sell. Movies Frozen 2-The return of many characters and there appearance of new ones. Skeletal script complete. The Batman-The start of a trilogy for Ben Affleck. Skeletal script complete. Iron Man 4-Featuring the true Mandarin. Skeletal script complete. Ghost Rider Spirit and Science. Skeletal script Armitage tri-matrix-Skeletal script complete. Crow a Mother's Tears-Skeletal script complete. Halloween: Hell on Earth-Michael is the Hero. A Nightmare on Elm Street: Dream Battle-This would be an action horror film. Birdman 2-Amusing story behind this. I had a dream where someone challenged me to write a sequel. I came up with a fantasy style sequel. Hellboy 3: A child's life. Descendants 2:Features the children of Hook, Aladdin, Ariel, and Tarzan. Also Disney's scariest villain as the main antagonist. Video Games Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe 2: Flashpoint. White Knight Chronicles Evolution Kingdom Hearts Genesis: Unique ideas, dangerous missions, New characters almost like a reboot sequel, and guest boss Darth Vader. Mortal Kombat XI-Features MK's Newest and deadliest boss to date. Makes Blaze look like a sissy. Tekken 8. A new saga featuring a Steve Fox and his family. Street Fighter Omega. Darker, deadlier and Ryu will get an official girlfriend! Marvel vs Capcom 4: New story, powerful new boss. Mega Man/Sonic cross over. The Blue Streak teamed up with the Blue Bomber. Wild adventures dangerous bosses eight playable characters. Injustice 2 Doom. A third would quickly follow. Dragon Ball unlimited. Massive character list exciting side quests. Script complete The Tournament of Realms-That's right I have a game script. All that's missing is the rivalry script. TV Series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012:Most people an idea for an episode I have a full season outlined. Motor City: I have an excellent season two idea featuring a new deadlier villain. Abraham Kain joins the burners. |