![]() Author has written 20 stories for Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, Avatar: Last Airbender, Twilight, NCIS, Law and Order: CI, Bones, House, M.D., and Eon: Dragoneye Reborn. You have found my (kathrynblack's) page. What exactly are you doing here anyway. Quote of the umm...i got it from now until whenever i decide to change it. "Okay, but the Bieber hair has to go." Writing is like acting, except you don't have to get up and emberass yourself in front of people I can not spell. So any thing spelled wrong on this page i blame the lack of spell check. my ficitonpress account link: http://www.fictionpress.info/u/666774/ My real name is Veronica. Place of origin: I tell you only because I'm no longer there. I was born in Detroit MI, though home will forever be southeaster MA. Current residence: a house in a home. I can not write fluff. All romance will be not so fluffy. I'm happy now i am very bad at telling you about myself so i will limit it to whats up there. Now we do some of my favorite quotes. Lets start with books: "You could however wait here for the LEP to arrive and discover your miraculus recovery from the usually fatal affliction of death." Artemis Fowl "I don't like lollipops.": If you don't know it's not funny He won't get lost. He can follow the path of destruction you leave in your wake. Dear Jacky, or whoever else happens to be the least bit interested in my wretched life. "We are gathered here today to join Katy Deere and Lightfoot,...eh Lightfoot do you have a last name -Bloody Jack "You will feel much better when you have a row of enemy heads to seperate from their shoulders" -Blade of Fire (Icemark Chronicles) "It's a pitty he didn't eat more of our knife happy friend." -Inkspell Movies now and t.v shows. "I have an idea for a portable phone." "This is starting to look more like a hate crime" Life on Mars "You mean i put down my sword and you'll put down your rock and we try to kill eachh other like civilized people?" Princess Bride "His sources include prisoners of war, pirates and a suprisingly knowledgeble merchant of cabbage." "Did Jet just die" -Avatar (it is sheer coincidence both of these happen to be from The Ember Island Players.) "But if you would perfer a lecture I have some very niceones prepared sin and brimstone, I think leppers in one." "Why'd ya guys order a body?" Firefly "Hmm..a pistol with one shot a compass that doesn't point north..ha, and I half expected it to be made of wood. You are without a doubt the worst pirate i have ever heard of." "That has got to be the best pirate i've ever seen." "Do you really want me back. Four of you have tried to kill me in the past, One of you has succeeded." First two from Black Pearl last one from At World's End. "And your case just entered a whole new dimension of wierd." CSI (the origional) "You do not have a bomb! Because A: you were convicted of maslaughter which means you didn't have the balls for murder the first time around. B: you were smart enough to make that agrivated joke, so you're smart enough to know threatening to have a bomb carries a far less penalty than actually having one. And C: if you had a bomb you wouldn't need a hostage." -Boston Legal "the only way to determine what story you are in is to determine what story you are not in. Strange as it may seem i just rulled out most of Greek and Roman literature, half of Celtic myths, a couple fairytales, and determined you are not King Hamlet, nor are you a golem. Aren't you happy to know you're not a Golem?" Stranger than fiction "I never really got hockey. You know i think americans like the suspense. Bottom of the seventh, two men on base, left handed batter, right handed pitcher...here's the pitch. With hockey even the guys calling the game seem to be suprised. 'And there's the pass to Pavel Datsyuk, who of course was traded from-Oh my God he scores!" (Personally i love hockey, but this quote made me laugh.) "Well, you see, i had a tendancy toward what some might call insubordination." West Wing "Adopting Asian children's all the rage, Bobby. I mean they're practically fashion accessories." Law and Order CI "FBI, CIA, NSA, whole alphabetts here." "Well, he's leading with the creepy uncle, but i'm gonna have to go with father figure you can trust." NCIS "I'm the sheriff here, as you can probably tell by the shiny badge, intimidating gun, and big hat." "Because you're all special agent Seeley Booth and Dr. Temperance Brennan, and I have a puckish side that will not be denied. So if you kiss Booth on the mouth i'll make sure your daddy has the best christmas he could hope for. No tree, mind you, but other than that as good as an accused murderer can get." Bones here are some really random ones: "I reject your reality and subsitute my own." -Mythbusters "Get your facts first. Then you can distort them as you please"-Mark Twain "A simple man eats with a simple spoon, Someone took my simple spoon so i simply cannot eat." -toontown. "There are two kinds of people in this world, those who cut the grass and those who smoke it. I don't think you own a lawnmower." -a retired marine who subs at my school. "One good thing about meeting new people, you can ask them the most random questions and it won't seem odd at all. Like, do you like donuts? Seriously answer that." -kid on my friend's softball team. "What is it with Peyton Manning and those hand signals. It's like 'I'm not changing the play, i'm just doing this because i think it looks cool." -NFL Network comercial "You've upset my little brother to the point of uselesness" -Ace Attorney Apollo Justice That's about it now you can read my stories. Remember Don't steal the government hates competition. Oh yeah and whenever you have a problem the United States Postal Service comes to the rescue. And i do need to end with yet another quote: "We have a saying here in Boston: 'Maybe someday you'll get terribly sick and die, but until then." |