A/N: Honestly I don't know where this idea came from, but the idea for this actual chapter was a conversation between Tony and Ziva in the elevator.

"It's not like everything in the book is based off us."
"Yeah like that memento Lisa keeps from a relationship that never had a chance to happen."

The anme of the episode is 'Cover Story'. Thank you to those poeple who told me.

Ship: Tiva (Tony/Ziva)

Spoilers: Dead Man Walking (I think that's the name of the episode)

Here goes nothing.


Timothy McGee had been stuck in the middle of chapter four for a while now. It wasn't that he didn't have the plot figured out, that was coming along quite nicely, but he felt the chapter was missing something.

As he sat down at his typewriter he remembered the hat Ziva had on her head when she came into work that day. He then had an idea. He smiled and started typing. In his opinion that was exactly what was missing


Lisa walked into the NCIS office with a red baseball cap over her black curls. She didn't know why she still wore it. She had only known the man a few days. Still, she found herself thinking about him a lot. How things could have been had he not died. It was a memento from one of her first cases, and from a relationship that never had the chance to happen.

She still remembered the first day she had stopped to talk to him on her morning jog. After that she stopped every day and talked for a few minutes before continuing on. It was not ten days after that she, Tommy, McGregor, and Tibbs were called to a murder scene in that park.

When she saw him lying there she had to fight tears. Tommy DeNardo, for as insensitive and idiotic as he appeared, could always read her well, and knew exactly how to handle it. Without a word he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. It was all she needed.

Lisa was too engrossed in her thoughts to notice the look that Tommy gave her or more specifically the hat on her head. It was one of jealousy. She had only known the man nine days, yet he held a special place in her heart, and his hat was one of her most prized possessions.

He was not jealous of a dead man and he was not jealous of a hat. At least that's what he kept telling himself. Anyone could have read the look on his face like an open book.


McGee ripped the page out of his typewriter, punched three holes in it and put it in his binder. As things stood Tony and Ziva would kill him if this made it into the final draft of the book, but McGee decided he might just have to bite that bullet.
