Reviews for Khaki Fever
bookshelfgirl chapter 1 . 2/10/2017
Wow, khaki fever is really interesting! i really enjoyed this short story! Have you written any books and are they published because i would totally read them. I also really liked your story about Finn, i just adore Enna Burning! Anyways, you should check out my story "close to you" it's about Finn and Enna as well.
echotheinferno chapter 1 . 11/30/2012
hah, awesome:D. if you're willing to tell me more about it then i would love to know...
5Athena5 chapter 1 . 2/22/2012
Ferdinand is not Alek's last name. it says so in Goliath.

just thought i'd let you know!
Jupiter-Lightning chapter 1 . 10/24/2011
Although I am barely into the second book, I think you captured Deryn's character perfectly. I've actually heard of Khaki Fever, but it's been awhile. Clever, clever idea. :)

The last line is my favorite line in this, but it's such a spoiler to me (well, I knew it was going to happen, but still. XP)
Fox Scarlen chapter 1 . 10/24/2011
Yes! You've gotten around to writing some of your own! Glad to see it. ;)

Anyways, I absolutely love this. ;D I've never heard of this 'khaki fever', so I'm glad I got to learn a little about history as well as enjoy a wonderfully written piece of fanfiction! Deryn's response to the reporter was completely perfect, and I loved the whole thing.

I hope to see more from you in this section, and I can't wait until I do!
Cmdr. Gen. Marasco chapter 1 . 10/24/2011
I've heard of kahki fever before. A good enough explanation for what Deryn was doing if I could think of one. Incorrect, of course, but fitting.
Penelope Wendy Bing chapter 1 . 10/23/2011
Interesting little look at that phnomenon! I like seeing a little bit more history mixed in with my steam/diselpunk. But not enough to do away with the flying whales and huge mechas. No, no, no.

-P.W. Bing
Julia456 chapter 1 . 10/21/2011
Well, I already told you I liked it, but I'll say it again: Well done, my dear, well done indeed! :D

(I'll confess, I didn't know what khaki fever was until I read this, so thanks for teaching me something, too!)
ReadySetJett chapter 1 . 10/21/2011
That. Was. AWESOME. it made me laugh SOOOO hard!
Cardboard Edward chapter 1 . 10/21/2011
Oh, brilliant story! I've seen you leaving reviews all over this section and glad you've stepped into the fray yourself. Really good idea- and it's a fic with HISTORICAL ACCURACY. /fans herself

Really fantastic, keep it up!

Side note: Deryn's first post-reveal interview being with Malone made me laugh really hard, because all I could think was, "Adela Rogers would kill her." Seriously, the girl keeps missing out on the big scoops!