Reviews for Butterfly Dreams
Lady Pinkroses chapter 1 . 12/10/2018
Hey, I love this? Interrogation mark not as a doubt of me loving it, but as a doubt of how can I love something this much.
It's perfect. Mina and Jonathan relationship, Dracula himself and the baby. Everything coming into one and the dreams, the past, the future, everything is related and yeah, definitely to my favourites to read again and again and probably more times than I am comfortable admitting. It looks as one of these stories you enjoy more as you reread them, and I am sure that's what will happen. You'll be surprised how much I want to read it again, just as soon as I've finished it.
Yujins chapter 1 . 12/7/2018
This is a true masterpiece. *goes to favorite this fic*
Lunaliceazreal chapter 1 . 5/28/2015
Brilliantly done!
Fiwen9430 chapter 1 . 8/26/2013
Fantastically written and just begs to be re-read.
Chiara Polairix Edelstein chapter 1 . 7/29/2013
Im listening the Song "Manos Al Aire" (Spanish Version) by Nelly Furtado and Read this awesome fanfic
Aoine Duine chapter 1 . 4/15/2013
Whoa. Creepy and really well-written! The way the Count keeps breaking in on Jonathan's thoughts reminds me of the 2006 BBC radio play with David Suchet and Tom Hiddleston as Dracula and Harker. At the part where Dracula rescues John from the three women, he has this absurdly paternal tone of voice when talking to him. Seems to hint that he intends to make Harker a vampire as well...which is, I suspect, the poor boy's fate in your story?

The part about the baby used to creep me out until I started wondering...if it died, wouldn't it turn into a vampire too, just like Lucy? Serves those icky vampire women right, then. Stuck with a crabby vampire baby forever! (Insert evil laughter here).
orka12 chapter 1 . 12/21/2012
Interesting, the influence Dracula continues to exert over Jonathan.
Psychopomposity chapter 1 . 11/20/2012
This is wonderfully written. I adore how well you manage to evoke the novel's vague and seldom-explicit sense of horror. You do a masterful job at slipping the narrative from one reality to another and do a great job capturing the feel of the period and the characters.
amsinc chapter 1 . 3/15/2011
Hi! This is one of the best stories I've ever read! Congratulantions!
Sister Madly chapter 1 . 7/11/2010
You went very in depth with Jonathan's inner thoughts, something that the epistolary writing style of the book couldn't quite do. I really enjoyed it. Everyone seemed in-character, and the language was definitely spot-on; I can't tell you how much it kills me to see fiction written like this where people use modern terms, like "Where are you guys going?" Dracula simply would not say that, don't you think? xP

This piece reminds me so much of the novel, I think you may have inspired me to reread it again! Great work.
Desdemona Kakalose chapter 1 . 5/24/2010
I'm keeping to myself the topmost reason why I like this story, but I'll tell you the secondary one.

It's beautiful. The flow and the slow flipping, and the moments between him and the Count, they link up to create this dreamy sort of twighlight zone narrative. I love it.

I love the ending.
Bit a Bit of Bitter chapter 1 . 4/14/2010
this was just beautiful...I adore this so much... wonderfully executed, caught and kept my attention to the very end.
Cathryn chapter 1 . 12/1/2009
This is gorgeous. I've just recently finished reading the book and was hoping for some fic of it, particularly of Jonathan's time in the castle (those missing weeks! So much potential!) and this is just what I wanted. I'm going to have to reread it at least once, but I like what you've done with the non-linear storytelling to draw us into Jonathan's sense of disorientation. His captivity broke and changed him irrevocably, and with the following events piled on top of that - well. You've done a wonderful job showing his inevitable frame of mind during and after, and the strain of it on his and Mina's marriage. Thank you for writing this.
Assimbya chapter 1 . 11/8/2009
I love this. Thank you. I would say more, but I don't think I can.
Robin chapter 1 . 11/7/2009
Awesome! I love it :D