Reviews for Why Her?
LoverGurrl411 chapter 1 . 2/12/2016
Awww! Great one-shot! Thanks for writing this!
Paradox.bookjunkie chapter 1 . 9/1/2014
I usually don't enjoy Lily/Sirius fics, but this was absolutely amaaaaaazing!
well done ;)
Lara1221 chapter 1 . 8/29/2014
Ugh. SiriusLily. I do /not/ ship SiriusLily.

But I do ship myself with excellent writing and let's be honest, this is entirely plausible. But I like stories where Lily loves James, not his best mate, but that's okay, because it's your stories and seriously this made me feel so many emotions all at once.

Sirius' loyalty to James was perfect. Dialogue was great. Characterization and chemistry were perfect.

Great job.
Mein Liebling chapter 1 . 8/29/2014
I've always shipped this and the fact that you wrote Starflower makes me dance an Irish jig inside. I like how you wrote Lily here, she was calm but daring and a lot more... kind then some authors write her as. She was the perfect amount of oblivous and not that it was great. Poor Sirius! He's an amazing friend, to still have James first instead of himself, but you can't help but to feel awful, you know?

Everything was lovely, except at the end you had ["Lil's."] and it should be ["Lils."] if you're going for endearing petname, but otherwise great job!
isaacswolfsbane chapter 1 . 8/28/2014
Bex, my feels!
This was so beautiful. How is it that everything I read of yours you manage to make me ship it a little bit?
I love how you've written both Sirius and Lily here. Lily's reaction to Sirius and the Marauders, what she thought of them all, was fantastic as well as her finding out it was her. It was great how similar their reactions were.
You've managed to tell me so much in such a short story. I applaud you!
I couldn't spot any major spelling/grammar errors. The only things I did notice were a typo [...knew that *is* his best friend...] instead of *if*, and the line [Merry Christmas Lil's] should be [Merry Christmas, Lils] - you missed the comma and the apostrophe isn't needed since it's a name and not a shortening of 'Lily is'.
Overall a very, very good story!
(Now onto the reviews for the rest of your fan fave entries. Hopefully I won't frazzle my brain too much)
autumn midnights chapter 1 . 8/27/2014
I really like how Sirius won't truly get together with Lily because of how much it would hurt James. That shows what good friends he and James are, and how much Sirius cares for him; it also seems very in-character for him. I really like how you left this piece, also - the ending was absolutely perfect, and the angst was very well-done. I feel like this pairing just works so well with angstiness in general.

There were a few small SPaG things - Lil's should be Lils, slytherin should be capitalized, and there were a few places that needed commas (between Christmas and Lils, between Merlin and no, etc.). Overall, though, it was pretty good. I really like the bit about how James felt the need to be the same person he was at school when Sirius came home with him, also.
broken-reverie chapter 1 . 8/22/2014
Awww really really like the way you characterised Sirius and Lily here! Even though I don't ship Sirius and Lily (I am all for Wolfstar and Jilly) but hey! Fanfics are meant to be creative and interesting (and you may have opened up my interests for Sirius/Lily).

Good job on this one! Love your style of writing and the flow of the story was nice :)
jennybenny2845 chapter 1 . 8/19/2014
You've portrayed Sirius' character well in the opening part - a notorious player who simply refuses to open his heart up or fall for anyone. Of course, that's until the lovely Lily comes along and takes hold of his heart, his head and his emotions. I particularly enjoyed the lines [the compassion in her voice cut through him like a knife] and [hex him within an inch of his life]. I liked how Sirius opined that Lily would give into James eventually. The bit with the Fat Lady complaining at the end made me laugh.

I like how Sirius addressed her by her first name first. Also, Lily thinking he loved James also made me smile. One could believe that given how close they are. I loved that Lily knew he loved her, and it prompted her to kiss him first. The mistletoe scene was incredibly sweet.

Sirius loyalty to James and desire to stay control despite how he feels about Lily works well with his character. Again, I like how he addressed her with a nickname at the end. This scene could easily fit into canon.

A few grammar errors, but nothing major. [Her eyes caught hers] - should be his not hers. Oh, and that scene with the eye contact was fab too!

Great job on this piece! You are quickly convincing me to read more Sirius/Lily or perhaps even attempt one! *gasps*
Fire The Canon chapter 1 . 8/12/2014
Awww, this was tragic. But I actually like (and have for a while) this pairing. It's interesting and could work. I like how you slottted it into canon. Sirius telling her to give James a chance... I mean, maybe this really did happen? Who knows, it could have.

It was bittersweet, too, and romance just makes my heart melt right now. It makes me happy, too.

It was well-written. A few little typos but that was all. I really loved this!
sweaterweather21 chapter 1 . 8/10/2014
I worried that this would be a difficult piece for me to get into, seeing as though I'm a huge James/Lily fan, but you wrote it in a very plausible way. Despite the pairing, I could almost see this as a part of canon.

A little moment I loved: after Lily storms off in the beginning, I thought that Sirius's dialogue with the fat lady was cute. She's teasing him, but I could really tell that she looks at him with affection, even though she must know about his mischievous nature.

I really liked Lily's thoughts on Sirius, especially this line [She hated the way he walked over girls, hated the way they simpered after him even when he had treated them badly, ...] and the fact that she thought he was a mystery. Her curiosity as to what was bothering him seemed very in-character.

Little note: if you're using it as a nickname, it should be ["Merry Christmas, Lils."] as opposed to ["Merry Christmas, Lil's], so it's not possessive.

I liked the whole fic, but I think my favorite part was the ending. I liked that Sirius tried so hard to be a good friend to James, but he just couldn't resist kissing Lily, especially when she's the one who keeps initiating/bringing it up. It's bittersweet, but I enjoyed how immediately the next morning her tells her it can never happen again, and goes even further by telling her to go for James. It's a testament to the connection they share that Lily actually obliges. Wonderful job :) Keep writing!
deletes chapter 1 . 7/25/2014
Ah, you kill me! I was so excited to get this notification after your last beautiful, angsty Sirius/Lily, and this certainly lived up to it. I really loved the mentions of James actually, about how Sirius knew he wanted to spend time alone with his family, and that if he took up the invitation, James would act like he did at school. And it cracked me up that Lily guessed he was in love with James first! Hehehe. The Lily PoV was a great touch. Awesome job!
accioweasleys4 chapter 1 . 7/24/2014
Awwww... this was so sad, and sweet. You write this pair really well! I thought it was funny when Lily thought Sirius loved James. Hahaha.
alyssialui chapter 1 . 7/23/2014
Omg! I feel it for Sirius, but I don't think Lily would be so willing just because she found out Sirius loved her. Either way, still good.
CentaurPrincess chapter 1 . 7/21/2014
Aww! I felt so sad for Sirius :(
But he's really an amazing friend
Loved it :)
Screaming Faeries chapter 1 . 7/22/2014
I adored this. It was so sweet and genteel, and I could imagine something happening between them. I love that Sirius remained loyal to James, however, instead of being bitter that he couldn't have Lily instead. I think the segment at the beginning showing Lily and Sirius having that cute bit of interaction was a nice addition, and the description of them kissing made my insides melt! This was very nice and very well written and I have no qualms with it. Well done!
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