Author has written 9 stories for South Park.
I run a Tumblr! Check it out. I do art, answer in-character asks, and reblog pictures of cute animals. [if the link isn't working, the blog is justcallmebuttlord DOT tumblr DOT com ; I've recently been made aware that my links have been misbehaving... trying to fix them.]
I also run a Discord server specifically for fans of the NKS series. Join us. We have a CAH deck, because I enjoy these stories that much. [If THIS link isn't working, poke me via Tumblr and I can give you an invite link. Sorry things have gotten goofy up in here!]
Thank you for taking the time to pop by my profile. Here is where my South Park fanfiction lives; little projects that let me unwind from the busier things in life. If you are thinking of sending me a private message, I would ask that you please consider the following:
Are you trying to 'help' me with my fanfiction series/send me ideas? Please. Don't.
Perhaps this is a 'youngest child' thing, where I grew up constantly being told that I 'got things' from my elder siblings, but if an idea is not my own I become almost spitefully adverse to it. I don't want assistance. I don't understand why people keep sending me their ideas. Please, if you have an idea, write your own fic. You have the technology. If it's something specifically inspired by my set of characters and interpretations, maybe write it out and submit it to the Tumblr? THAT would make my friggin' day.
If you are messaging me to ask me to read something of yours, the answer is likely going to be no.
I do not intend to be mean, but these little stories are what I do with my time when life is too hectic for bigger projects. I would love to say yes to every fellow author who respects me and my opinion enough to read their work, but I simply do not have the time. Thank you for thinking of me, though!
Are you messaging me because you feel I don't belong on fanfiction/disagreed with something I wrote/were offended by my lack of knowledge on something/ect.?
Please reconsider your message. I understand sometimes messages like these can be meant as constructive criticism, but there is a line between that and harassment. The latter will be deleted without a response, while the former will be happily accepted... and could be sent via review on the chapter it concerns. Saves me on hunting what the heckie you were talking about.
Are you re-sending a message because I didn't respond to the first one?
Please give me at least a week to respond to any given message. Sure, the system sometimes eats messages, and after I've been quiet for a week you're more than welcome to make another attempt at contacting me under that assumption. However, if I come to find the same person has sent me 12 messages over the last two day period, and all of them are repeats or just general pestering for an answer, I'm likely to delete all the messages and possibly block the user who sent them-- depending on the nature of the messages and whether I feel threatened by them.
Cool? Cool.
For those who are curious, I am 28 years old, enby [She/They pronouns, happily married and looking forward to the day when I can have a great many cats and a couple puppers. Besides fanfiction I also work on an original fantasy series, so if I disappear for a couple months between stories I'm probably working on that.
Thanks for stopping by, and as the username says... Just call me Buttlord.