Author has written 28 stories for Digimon, Lord of the Rings, Gundam Wing/AC, Harry Potter, Velvet Goldmine, Brokeback Mountain, and Queer as Folk. http:///~darkeclipsehttp:///~rosenblut My online journals ^_^ All right, I have finally gathered myself up to write a proper biography, which either shall remain untouched for about half a year or shall be changed in less than a week's time. Name: Blue Age: 17 in January 2004 Nationality: Italian Hair: long, straight, dark brown Eyes: hazel Height: 1.57. Do. Not. Laugh. Obsessed with: yaoi, music, reading, pestering those I'm with, chatting Music: Tori Amos, Muse, L'Arc~en~Ciel, Hyde Bishies & couples (no order): I have also recently fallen in love with Real Person Slash, mostly due to my recent love for Hyde from L'Arc~en~Ciel and for JRock. Quote of the Moment: |
AJ Matthews (43) Cobalt Violet (16) Crysie (27) Ely (6) | Florian (2) insert witty (27) Jennifier D (10) LittleShasa (12) Mister Bear (2) | Rhysenn (25) Rose Argent (0) Thundera Tiger (53) Yamato795 (22) yukuro (54) |