![]() Author has written 9 stories for Hey Arnold. Hello everyone, I consider myself a new writer since I been writing stories since late 2017. I didn't really explore my potential at story writing till then and now that I began to write I come to realize, I love it. Is a way to free myself by building a new world painted by my own words. My first story ever writing was "Arnold's Greatest treasure" and I'm very proud of it, I'm going back to each chapter to clean up some words and to make it even better. Thank you for being so understanding of some grammar errors since English is my second language, still I tried my best to express the drama and romance on each chapter. The words I do by are; Reflect your best in your writing, because is what your pasión for, write to free your mind and release a new wold Crafted by your words. Don't hold it back and leave it all on your writing, for the world will always judge what they find different and unique, but you're not writing for the fear of what they may say, you write because in your heart you're a writer. Don't write to simply create a story, write because it's your pasión, create a masterpiece. Siempre me a gustado escribir pero nunca lo había extendido a crear una historia, asta ahora. Me gusta crear historias, siento que es una manera en crear un mundo nuevo y darle vida con palabras. Muchas Gracias por leer mi escritura, mi primera historia fue "Arnold's greates treasure" en ingles, ahora estoy escribiendo "Arnold's greatest treasure and the secret of the Green Stone" también en ingles que se los recomiendo. En español estoy escribiendo "El tesoro de Arnold" que es parecido a mi primer libro pero será diferente y quizás asta mejor todavía que la versión original. Muchas gracias a todos por seguirme como autora. No escribas por escribir, escribe porque tu pasión y crea una obramaestra. Samy Find me at instagram deviantart, tumblr and Twitter (samypama or Samy1222) |