The wild burning flames extinguish the moment Arnold opened his eyes to meet Helga's cool blue sight. "Helga you're alive!!!!" He wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her body up and twirling her around in happiness.

"I couldn't let you give in to the flames, for a moment I fear I wasn't going to bring you back. What was happening to you Arnold?"

Arnold continued to stare at her comforting eyes. "I...saw you die in my arms Helga! Is this a beautiful dream?"

Helga place her hands on his cheeks and kissed him softly. "Of course not, you're not dreaming, I'm with you right now...I don't know how but, when I woke up Naku said you needed me. You were on fire Arnold, no one could touch you without being consume by the flames."

Arnold look down in confusing and look up again. "How where you able to reach me?"

"By remembering our lives together and...our love."

Arnold closed his eyes remembering the horrible sight he saw before letting the power of the rock fused with his body. "Helga, you being alive it's a miracle. Please forgive me!" Arnold couldn't stop sobbing.

"Forgive you? About what?" She asked saddened by seeing his sorrow eyes.

"I was suppose to protect you and...I failed. I should have never left you, I should have been there for you...I should have..."

Helga wrapped her arms around his head and pressed his face to her shoulder. "Is not your fault Arnold. Everything is over, you saved us all and I'm here with you."

Miles and Naku walked towards them. "Arnold your father is here." She whispered in his ear.

Arnold raised his face from her shoulders to find his father's worried expression. "Son you're okay."

"Yes Dad, I'm fine." Miles embraced his son with tears in his eyes. "I thought all was lost."

"So did I Dad. Helga is the real miracle."

"She sure is son" Miles turned to Helga and embraced her. "You brought my son back Helga, thank you."

Naku bow to Arnold "I knew the prophecy would pull through at the end. Thank you Arnold and Princess Helga for saving us all."

Arnold took a deep breath in relief. "Then, it's over it's finally over."

"Yes Arnold." Answered Naku.

"Helga how are you feeling?" Asked Arnold in concerned.

"I'm fine Football head, why?"

Arnold inspected her arms and legs. "You're completely heal from your wounds, how was that even possible! I saw La Sombra...shoot you Helga and your face was..."

"Naku said, it was because of the pure light Helga bears." Said Miles.

"What does that mean exactly?" asked Arnold.

Helga smirked. "It means I have pure love in my heart even if I'm cruel sometimes football head." Admitted Helga with her hands on her waist.

"You're not cruel Helga." Responded Arnold.

Naku smiled "No Princess, I meant the pure light you carry in your womb."

"My...womb?" She asked again in confusion.

Naku continued. "You already feel it in your heart princess, you carry the pure light of new life in your womb. Your child holds the power of the chosen one and it healed your body."

Arnold stared at Helga with wide eyes. "It's true then! Helga you're pregnant!!" Arnold wrapped his arms around her waist and held her deeply with joyful tears in his eyes.

Helga was in shocked feeling her body frozen from the news. "I'm...pregnant? I thought I might be...but, we barely started having sex over a week ago." She mumble with widened eyes.

"Helga! Not in front of my Dad!" He whispered to her.

Naku responded. "Your unborn baby is strong and growing fast, the power of the rock accelerated its growth."

"Awww, Congratulations Son and Helga!" Said Miles in amazement.

Arnold swung a bit "Arnold are you okay?" Asked Miles placing his hand on his son's shoulders.

"All this much for me." Said Arnold with his hand on his forehead.

"For you and me both." She muttered wiping a tear from her cheek.

Miles open his arms wide giving Arnold and Helga a huge hug.

The green-eye people emerge from hiding, a man ran towards Naku and whisper something to his ear.

"Your friend Jorge is badly wounded." Naku said.

"Where is he!?" Arnold asked in fear for his friend's life.

"Follow me." Naku directed them to a small temple were some ladies were trying to heal Jorge's wounds. The other green-eyes bow down the moment they saw Arnold and Helga enter the room.

"Crimity, did this happen!?" She asked in horror kneeling down next to his bloody body.

Jorge barely open his eyes "'s soooo good to see you. For a moment, I thought something had happen to you." He spoke weakly with his bloody hands shaking.

Helga began to cry "Jorge why didn't you hide!?"

Miles check Jorges wounds and pull Arnold back so that Helga couldn't hear. "He lost a lot of blood Arnold, his heart rate is weak, he won't survive more then a couple of minutes, at most."

"There must be something we can do Dad." said Arnold in desperation.

"I'm sorry son."

"What about my power or Helga's, if she was able to cure herself maybe she can heal Jorge." Arnold turned to Naku. "Naku is that possible?"

"Anything is possible your majesty."

Arnold kneel down next to Helga. "Helga we must try to save Jorge, concentrate on healing him and place your hands on his chest. I still carry the power of the eyes of the forest and the powerful emerald, maybe with the pure healing light you poses we might just save him!"

"What if you're wrong and you end up burning him!?" asked Helga in panic.

"That's why I want both of us to place our hands together on his chest. I have a feeling, you help me balance my power, I felt it when I open my eyes. We have to try!"

Helga stared at Jorge taking his last breaths. "Very well, let's try it. What more can we do."

Naku stepped back with Miles and told the people to pray. Helga place her hands on Jorge's chest and Arnold place his hands over hers. "Crimity, I'm so scared." .

"Let's close our eyes Helga" Suggested Arnold.

Arnold began to feel heat in his hands, suddenly the heat turned in to a green flame the moment the fire passed through her hands it turn in to a blue fire. Jorge's body began to glow, his wounds began to heal till he open his eyes. "Ahhhhhhh." Jorge screamed seating up.

"Jorge!" Helga wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

"Wow Helga! You're not going to get me in trouble with Arnold, right!" Said Jorge with blushed cheeks.

Arnold join Helga in the hug "Don't expect a kiss from me Jorge. But its sure good to see you well" said Arnold.

Miles walked up to them "You son of a gun, Jorge you beat the odds! Arnold and Helga saved you!!"

Later that day, Arnold return the power of the rock by transforming it back to a green large emerald and once again, hid the emerald inside the secret cave. He carefully restored the eye of the forest rock to the sacred guardian statue and return the eye of the forest rock back to it.

That night Arnold and Helga we're laying in bed inside their temple, trying to rest for the long tiring journey they had to embark the next day to return to San Lorenzo.

"I had enough of this jungle, how could you parents lived here for months, I can barely stand a couple of days."

Arnold was quiet staring at the ceiling. "What are you thinking about Arnold?"

"Helga you're pregnant, now everything has change for us."

"I'm worry about what will my father say." She wondered , concerned for how her dad was going to react.

Arnold turned to gazed at Helga "You wont tell him alone, I'll be there with you and will tell him together."

"What if, he doesn't approve of my pregnancy." said Helga with a gloomy look on her face.

Arnold held her hand. "He doesn't need to approve anything Helga! I'll be with you and will get marry!"

Helga stare at Arnold unease by their future. "What's going to happen to you and me attending college."

"We can still go...will make it work, you'll see. What matters is that we're together and we are free from La Sombra." Arnold assured her as he caress her face tenderly.

Helga lay down next to him and kissed his lips slowly. "It's going to be difficult sleeping apart again, I gotten so used to sleeping in your arms football head."

"Who said will be sleeping apart, you're moving in with me love." Helga gazed at Arnold with wide eyes. "Do you think I'll let my pregnant fiancé sleep away from me. Your safety is my number one concern and... I know how your father is. I won't give him the chance to yell at you in your condition."

Helga gasped saying "All this changes, scare me."

"I was scare too, but after almost loosing you Helga, I'm ready to confront anything with you by my side." Arnold blew the candle and lay down next to Helga with his warm hand on her abdomen and whispered has he was falling sleep. "Now, I have two greatest treasures."

The next day the green-eyes escorted Arnold, Helga, Miles and Jorge back to the village were Jorge's mother lived. It was difficult for Miles to see the old home he left behind, but knowing his son had a bright future ahead of him, ease the hurtful past memories. Jorge followed Arnold, Helga and Miles all the way to San Lorenzo city and accompany them to the airport.

Arnold shook Jorge's hand in enormous gratitude. "You have done so much for us Jorge, when ever you want to visit us, our door will always be open for you."

"Gracias Arnold. I never had true friends till now." Said Jorge "Take care of each other and let's stay in touch."

"You have our phone numbers and email addresses right?" Asked Helga.

"I do...and Doctor Miles. It was a pleasure meeting you. I'll give this to the historias lady with your letter, I'm sure she will treasure it."

"She was very lucky La Sombra didn't kill her, I wish I could have seen her before I leave but...I want to go home and be with my family."

Jorge smiled "Claro que si, you deserve to be happy Doctor Miles. Well, I'll let you all go before you miss your plane."

Helga hugged Jorge "You find yourself a good girl Jorge." she said smiling.

"I prefer a bad one." He laughed "Just kidding. Bye guys and see you all later"

The gang wave good bye and boarded the plane.

The flight was long and tiring, by the time they arrived at the boarding house it was late. Arnold and Helga stared at the front door knowing their lives had change for ever. Not only they had come back has a family, but they came back with Miles.

"Dad are you okay?" Arnold saw his father staring at the building in sadness.

"The last time I saw this building your mother was with me, I left with her, and now...I'm coming back without her." Miles began to cry in silence.

"Dad...I spend my life without my parents. It's been eighteenth years and now you're home. Let's be grateful for what we have now...our new life together as father and son."

"Your right Arnold, I can't spend my life in sorrow for what I lost...when I have so much to look forward too."

"Remember Dad, Grandpa and grandma suffer your loss all this years, let's give them a miracle." Said Arnold placing his hand on his father's shoulder.

"I shouldn't be here Football head, this family reunion belongs to you and your father alone."

Arnold grabbed her hand tight and kiss it. "Helga we're a family, all of us, your rightful place to be is here with me."

Arnold opened the boarding house door and walked in first with Helga next to him.

"Grandpa, Grandma...we're home!"

His grandparents rushed in from the kitchen. "Arnold your home!" Said his Grandpa in excitement.

"Kimba, I was ready to travel to San Lorenzo to bring you back!! I'm so glad you're home!" Said his grandma.

Both of his grandparents embraced Arnold tightly. "Come here Helga you too." Phil grabbed Helga and pulled her to the group hug.

"What happen to you boy!? The last thing we hear was that Helga travel to San Lorenzo to help you and that was two weeks ago!! You better have a good excuse for not communicating with us all this time Shortman!"

Arnold's grandparent's didn't notice someone else had come home as well.

"Grandpa.Grandma. I have a surprise for you."

Arnold walked towards his father who was quietly seeing the touching moment between them. Miles lifted his face to meet his parent's eyes.

"Miles, son!!!" Phil embraced his son with tears in his eyes. "We thought you had died years ago!!!"

Pookie was still with her eyes widened, even if she was seeing her son in front of her, she couldn't believe it.

"Mom is me, Miles, your son." Miles walked toward her slowly.

"My...son died eighteen years ago in the jungle." Mumble Pookie with hurtful tears in her eyes.

"Mom, I was lost in the jungle for eighteen year, I thought I didn't deserve you, Dad or even my son...I felt unworthy to be happy once again with my family...Mom, please, forgive me...for being selfish and not thinking about anyone, but myself and my sadness. I was wrong to thing that way. I was wrong for not coming home, to you and my son." Miles felt on his knees in front of his mother. "Forgive, me."

Pookie kneel down with tears running down her face. "I had lost my son and now his home. There's nothing to forgive, I was willing to give anything to have my son again and now you're here." Pookie embraced her son sobbing in pure happiness.

Phil walked towards Arnold and said "You all must be hungry. Please come in to the kitchen, your grandmother made chicken soup, I'm sorry we don't have a bigger feast, we didn't know you were coming or we would have prepared..."

"It's great grandpa, chicken soup sounds perfect."

"Yes I'm sooo tired of jungle food." said Helga.

"Don't tell me you been eating greens all this time!?" Phil asked Helga.

"Greens and rabbit meat." She replied.

"Rabbit meat! What's wrong with that...why when I was young my father and I use to go hunting all the time and rabbit meat was our specialty."

"Now I know where Miles got that idea from." Said Helga rolling her eyes.

Everyone sat at the table to eat. "What has been going on since I left Grandpa?"

"Well after you left..." his grandpa said "Your friends Gerald and Phoebe came to ask if I knew your where about's, days later...I received a visit from Helga's Dad saying we were responsible for his daughter, we were all trying to figure out why didn't you call or anything. You have a lot to tell shortman."

Arnold began explaining about San Lorenzo, Eduardo and Jorge and how La sombra chase them through the jungle in search of the journal and the powerful rock. The more Arnold and Helga explained the more amazed his grandparents were. Miles told them about the prophecy and the green-eyes and how the great spirit eagle help them though everything.

"What happen to the eagle in the end Arnold?" Asked his grandfather.

"After La Sombra was defeated I never saw the eagle again."

"You know Arnold. The eagle's purpose was serve at the end. Probably that's why you never saw the harpy again." answer Miles.

"You're probably right Dad."

Phil look at his wall clock. "Holy moly it's one in the morning, it's best if you rest." We will Grandpa thanks.

"Helga you can use that extra room to rest."Suggested Pookie.

Helga blushed "awww...thanks."

"Grandma...Helga can stay in my room, she is after all my, fiancé and..." Arnold had his hand behind his head trying to say the right words.

"Go ahead son, tell them." said Miles with his hand on Arnold's back for encouragement.

"Ummm...Helga is...pregnant and..."

"She is, what!?!?" Phil was in shocked with his mouth open staring in to Arnold and Helga. "How did that happen!? When did that happen!? Didn't I talk to you about protection Arnold!"

"Dad it's okay." Miles stepped in "I know they are young but they're not alone, besides after everything they went through, they can do anything together."

Pookie stared at Phil letting him know it was time to rest. "I'm sorry shortman, you are a responsible young man, I know and..."

"It's okay Grandpa, will talk about it later, it's late and we're all tired."

"Right, good night shortman, good night Helga." Said Phil.

Arnold and Helga went inside their bedroom to rest. "Were home finally!" Said Arnold in relief as he fell backwards on his bed.

Helga was quiet standing in the middle of the room. "Why don't I feel relief." She mumble.

Arnold got up and walked towards her. "Are you feeling this way because of what my grandpa said?"

"I don't know...maybe, it's just that, I don't know how my parents will take it either."

Arnold grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the bed. "You're tired loved, here you can put this t-shirt're just tired and need rest. Tomorrow we will see your father and I'll talk to him."

"What if he gets mad?" She wondered.

"Let him, he can scream at me if he wants. But you...never." He assured her with his sweet green eyes.

Arnold placed the covers on top of their bodies and held her tightly in his arms. "Arnold...What ever happens I want you to know, I'm not sorry and I don't regret ever the intimate moments we had. I love you and I will always love you."

"I don't regret anything either Helga, actually...I'm glad I impregnated you. I always wanted to have a large family and...I feel blessed to have you and the new gift in our lives." Arnold breathe her in, treasuring that special moment in his heart. Helga embraces him tightly feeling his heat on her skin. She closed her eyes knowing Arnold will always be there for her.

The next day after breakfast and conversing more about their jungle adventure. Arnold and Helga headed towards Bob and Miriam's house.

Arnold knocked on the door grasping Helga's hand. The momento Miriam opened the door she jumped in joy embracing Helga. Bob stood up from his comfortable seat to welcome Helga back. However he didn't look excited about her return.

Arnold sat next to Helga on the couch to talk to both of them, about something very delicate. Arnold grabbed Helga's hand noticing how tense she was.

"Mr Paraki" Arnold stared the conversation. "Helga and I are getting marry."


"I will attend college Dad, even if I'm married!" She stated in fear.

"But why do you want to get marry so young Olga?" Asked her mother.

"It's Helga Miriam!" Helga corrected her.

"You can wait till you graduate college to get marry, I mean what's the rush." Miriam insisted.

Helga squeezed Arnold's hand knowing the time had come. "Well, we were going to wait to get marry but our circumstances have chance..." She was explaining.


"Helga is expecting Mr. Pataki, and I want Helga to move in with me and will get marry as soon as posible!" Declared Arnold.

Bob stood up and walked towards Helga with a death stare in his eyes. Arnold immediately got up and stepped in-front of Helga.

"MOVE OUT OF THE WAY BOY!!! !!I need to speak to my daughter alone!!!" Bob grind with his fist shut in fury.

"You will not be speaking with her alone with that attitude Mr.Pataki!" Replied Arnold with a firm look on his face.

"MOVE OUT THE WAY!!" Bob demanded in rage.

"No I'm not! If you have a problem you can talk to me sir!!" Arnold insisted.

Helga began to shake with her eyes wide in panic. "Arnold just let him talk to me alone and all this will be over soon!" She implored in fear. Arnold's body was firm with his fist shut ready to defend Helga from anyone.


"NO!" Shouted Arnold


Arnold strike Bob on his face. "DON'T EVER REFER TO MY UNBORN BABY SOO SHAMEFULLY!!" Arnold turned to look at Helga who was crying with her harms around her abdomen. "Let's go Helga, were not coming back here again!" Said Arnold with authority.

"YOU ARE NOT TAKING HER ANYWHERE!" Yelle Bob swinging his arm to strike Arnold. He immediately grabbed Bob's fist and twisted his arm. "We're living and you will not lay a hand on me or Helga again!!"Arnold pushed Bob against the ground and walked out the door with Helga.

The young couple were walking fast on the sidewalk when Helga bend forward in pain. "Ahhh..."

"Helga!! What's wrong!?!?" Arnold tried to look in to her eyes but she had them shut tight.

"My abdomen hurts horrible! I'm scared!"

"Ohh God!!I'll call my Dad to pick us up. Hang on love!!"

Arnold called the boarding house and told his father to pick them up. Arnold's Grandpa and Dad arrived and carried Helga in to the car. They drove to the hospital and rushed Helga in the emergency room. The nurse had Helga in bed waiting to be seen by an ultrasound Doctor.

"I'm soo scare!" Whispered Helga in pain. "What if I lose the baby!?"

"You wont Helga, our baby is strong...remember how your wounds heal and your heart began beating again."

"But that was because you still held the power of the rock and I was able to use your power through you."

"No Helga, Naku said that was you remember, the power comes from our unborn baby." Arnold placed his hand on her abdomen and caress it.

"Crimity! Why did I panic so much when I saw coming towards me, I should have stay calm!"

"Don't think about that anymore Helga. Stay relax as much as you can."

The doctor walked in. "How many weeks are you?" He asked.

"We're not sure Doctor." Arnold replied.

"Are you the Daddy?" Asked the Doctor has he was preparing the ultrasound machine.

Arnold didn't know what to say, it was strange for him to hear anyone refer to him as the daddy. "Ammm...yes, I am."

"First pregnancy?"

"Yes" They both answer.

"Okay Mrs. Pataki."Said the Doctor.

"Actually it's Mrs Shortman. Well I'll become anyways." She replied shyly. Arnold kissed her forehead.

"I need for you to spread your legs, so that I can slide the ultrasound tool."

"Will it hurt?" She asked.

"No, and it's the only way to properly see how far along you are Mrs Shortman."

Helga leaned back holding Arnold's hand. The monitor appear a small sack with a little baby fetus inside.

"So is everything okay?" Asked Arnold nervously.

"Well, according to the measurements...your baby is almost two months old or seven weeks."

"But we had relations...not more then tree weeks ago, how is that posible?" said Helga.

"Well young lady, either you conceived way before three weeks ago...or your baby is growing extremely fast."

"Is that normal?" Asked Arnold

"Normal no, unheard Still, I suggest for you to come back with me in two more week to monitor the pregnancy again and will take it from there."

"So everything is okay then?" Asked Helga again.

"Yes Mrs Shortman...your baby is growing strongly and if the growth continues nicely you will give birth in February or perhaps sooner."

Arnold and Helga stared at each other with wide eyes. "But why was my abdomen hurting and I still feel cramps."

"Since your baby is growing your wound is stretching and you will feel light or uncomfortable pain and perhaps spotting, but don't be alarm unless if you bleed a lot. Still drink lots of water, take vitamins and have a healthy diet, I also suggest to take it easy this first couple of weeks and no stressful situations."

"You see Helga, no stress." Said Arnold with a soft smile.

"We have a strong steady heartbeat." Announce the Doctor turning up the sounds for them to hear.

The heart beat sounded beautiful to Arnold and Helga, like their own little miracle melody announcing a new life to come.

Arnold and Helga walked out of the doctors office static in happiness. Arnold showed his father and grandfather the ultrasound picture and had saved on his cellphone the heartbeat recording.

Everything was perfect for them. Even if Helga felt bad about her parents not talking to her. A couple of days later Arnold took Helga to buy clothing. Gerald and Phoebe were with them at the mall having some ice cream.

"Is great for us four to be together again." Said Phoebe.

"You guys had a busy trip the way I see it, lots of things happen." Said Gerald. "So Arnold, you return the power of the rock back to the emerald, all of it?"

"Yes Gerald, why?" Asked Arnold.

"Because the way you explained it, it sounds like a very sweet power to poses."

"The power was too dangerous to keep Gerald, besides it didn't belong to me."

"But you are the chosen one, according to the prophecy right. So couldn't you keep the power to protect your family in case if an emergency or something."

"I was terrified of that power Gerald. Is not like I was born with it. I was born to handle the power that was all."

"So what your saying is, that even if La Sombra would have gotten the rock, he couldn't have control the power."

"The power in the emerald would have broken lose in his hands, like a boom ready to explode. The power would have destroy him and all of us as well. Only I could direct and use the power for good without letting the power destroy everyone."

"Now that's an adventure brother, I wish I could have been there with you man."

"Yeah me too but it was extremely dangerous. Our friend Jorge almost lost his life. Not to mention what happen to...Helga." Arnold look down remembering in sadness.

"About that Arnold, can Helga still cure herself?" Asked Gerald.

"There's a lot of mystery to that. Naku said once I return my power she was going to lose hers as well, but then he said...she carried pure light in her womb. So I don't know."

"Maybe he meant it as a metaphor." Added Phoebe.

"Maybe he did Phoebe. That man spoke in riddles sometimes." Commented Helga as she was drinking her shake.

"So what's the plan for going to college?" Asked Gerald.

"Helga and I register at the same college and she will attend classes with me this first semester and next year for her second semester she will take classes online."

"And, what about work Arnold? Are you planning to return to work soon?"Gerald asked.

"My Dad wants me to focus on school and he mention I could work with him during the summer. He will start working on his writing again and hopefully he'll be able to finish his book soon."

"What about when the baby is born, how are you going to pay for diapers and clothing, not to mention hospital bills."

"How do you know so much about that Gerald." Arnold asked.

"My father talks to me and my brother all the time about the expenses a child brings. He wants to traumatized us so that we won't have kids in till we're like forty." Said Gerald laughing.

"I have some money saved from when I sold the rights to the song I wrote for Helga when we were in middle school."

"Oh yeah about that, how much money did they gave you?"

"Let's just say...they gave me enough to buy diapers and pay for hospital bills."

"Nice man." Said Gerald.

"How come you never told me about that Arnoldo!?" Helga was upset crossing her arms.

"Because I knew you didn't want me to sell your song, love. But I received a very good offer for the rights and I could help us in the future."


"Yes love, I always knew you and I were going to be together."

"Are you guys afraid to become parents?" Phoebe asked.

"Yes and no...but we are very excited to meet our little treasure." Said Arnold placing his hand on her abdomen.

The months passed quickly for Arnold and Helga. Soon the time came for Helga to give birth.

"Come on Helga push!" Said the doctor.

"Grrrrrssssss..." Helga pushed hard gasping for air.

"You're doing excellent Helga..." Encourage the Doctor.

Arnold was next to Helga holding her hand. "You can do it love."

"I...I want to push again...grrrrrsssssss."

"Come on Helga push with your abdomen muscles. I can see the head." Said the Doctor.

Arnold's eyes widen seeing the little head poking out with lots of blond hair.

"Arrrrrgggggghhh..." Helga pushed one more time.

"Here's your baby mama." Said the Doctor "Go ahead and pull your baby out!" Helga grabbed her baby while still in pain and joy and pulled the rest of the little legs out. Embracing the baby on her bare chest. "Crimity! Oh my...Arnold look!! Our baby!!" Cried Helga with joyful tears.

"Helga you did it! Ohh Helga...I love you." Arnold embraced Helga and kissed her lips.

After cutting the cord and leaving the baby breastfeeding, Arnold rushed to the waiting room where his grandparents, father, Gerald and Phoebe were waiting for the news.

Arnold walked towards them and said with tears in his eyes.


Everyone cheer. Phoebe and Gerald embraced one another. While Arnold's grandparent and father embraced Arnold in happiness.

"Congratulations shortman, you are officially a Daddy!." Said his Grandpa.

"That is excellent news son, congratulations to you and Helga." Said his father.

"Come, follow me, Helga and the baby are ready to receive visitors."

Helga was feeding her newborn girl when everyone walked in to her room. Phoebe gave Helga a warm hug "Oh my...she looks like Arnold." Said Phoebe.

"No, she looks like Helga." Said Pookie.

"Actually she looks a lot like both of her parents." Said Phil.

"She is beautiful Helga, congratulations" Said Miles.

"What's her name?" Asked Gerald.

Arnold and Helga look at each other and then look towards them and replied together at the same time.

"Stella Geraldine Shortman"

Miles closed his eyes with warm heartfelt tears running down his cheeks. "Her name is perfect! Thank you." Said Miles trying to wipe his tears.

Two years passed by, Miriam and Bob eventually asked for forgiveness and arrived at the boarding house one day with gifts for their new granddaughter. Arnold was still hurt about the way Bob reacted but he let them see their granddaughter however, he never let them be alone with his baby Stella.

It was a beautiful warm summer's day. The boarding house was celebrating Stella's second birthday. Everyone was on the back yard preparing for the party. Helga and Pookie were placing the cake and food on the table, while Arnold and Gerald were talking next to the little playground Stella had in the backyard. Phoebe was decorating the yard with balloons and other decorations.

"Everyone look who's here!" Said Miles has he was entering the backyard accompanied with a well know friend.

"Jorge!" Yelled Helga has she rushed to Jorge arms for a hug.

"Helga you look amazing."

"Thanks Jorge it's been two years since we last saw you, you look great, did you gain weight?"

"A little Helga, but I think it did me good"

"It sure did Jorge, you were a skinny muchacho." Said Miles laughing.

Arnold walked towards them with Stella in his arms.

"Jorge it's great to see you." Said Arnold

"Cielos, this must be little princess Stella." Said Jorge. "She is gorgeous and she looks a lot like you Arnold, but she has her mothers eyes."

"Actually her eyes color is a blend between my eye color and Helga's." said Arnold.

"Yes I see that, it's like aqua color right."

"Some days her eyes look more green then blue, but yes it's blue with a touch of green in the middle." Said Helga touching her daughters cheek.

"How was your flight, Jorge?"

"Tiring Arnold, but I spend most of my time sleeping anyways." Jorge laughed.

"Well I'm glad you're here with us, how many days will you be spending with us?"

"Three days Helga...I need to go back to San Lorenzo by next week for the museum grand opening."

"It's good that the green-eyes gave you permission to place the artifacts that La Sombra stole from them, to be place in the new museum." Said Miles.

"Yes, I was amazed of how many treasure La Sombra had in his basement, but yes everything is now at the San Lorenzo museum and its bringing a lot of attention from around the world and tourists. It's very good for the country's economy."

"That sounds great Jorge." Said Arnold with a smile. "So you will be in charge is the new museum."

"Yes Arnold, it's like a dream come true."

Gerald and Phoebe walked towards them. "Here Jorge, let me introduce you to my best friend Gerald and his fiancé Phoebe."

Jorge extended his hand. "Gerald, yeah...Arnold told me a lot about you when we were running for our lives in the jungle."

"Yeah, Arnold told me a lot about you too." said Gerald as he was shaking his hand.

"Daddy, I want to play." Said Stella pointing at the little playground.

Arnold gave her a kiss on her cheek and put her down so that she could run to her toddler play set. The gang continued to talk while Stella climb on her little slide to play. A strong wind breeze through her blond hair as she look up and saw a large eagle purge on a thick tree branch.

"Harpy." She shouted with joy, pointing up with her little finger.

Suddenly her eyes began to change colors to a bright green and a small blue flame emerge from her little finger as she was pointing up towards the eagle.

Gerald, Jorge, Miles Phoebe and Helga were still talking when Arnold felt the presence, of the spirit of the jungle he had not felt for a long time. He turned around to look for Stella and found her pointing up in to the tree thick branches.

"Stella, what are you looking at?" Asked Arnold.

The little girl smiled with her adorable chubby rosy cheeks to her daddy and gave him a kiss.

"I love you Daddy!" She smiled with her beautiful green blue eyes.

"Daddy loves you too Stella. Come on, you have to blow your candles." Said Arnold as he was taking his little girl to the table. The candles were set and lighting, they all gather around the table and began to sing happy birthday to Stella.

The harpy eagle continue observing them from afar, after they finished singing to Stella, the eagle spread its large wings and flew away in to the blue sky.

Helga saw Arnold distracted with his eyes in the sky. "What are you thinking about?" She asked.

"I don't know if it was my imagination or if it really happen."

"What are you taking about?" She asked in confusion.

"I believe there's more adventures to come love."

"Really. What type of adventures football head?"

"I don't know, I just have a feeling. We're going to have to wait to find out."

"What ever life bring us, I will always be next to you Arnoldo. Besides, you can't do anything without me football head. You know you're lost without me." Helga kneel down to pick up Stella to give her a kiss.

Arnold smiled softly and embraced her and his daughter. "What ever you say Helga." He kissed Helga's pink lips, tasting the everlasting sweetness of their love. Knowing what ever happens, they will always remain together as a family.


The end.~

Author Notes:

Happy New Years everyone!!!

First of all, Thank you Craig Bartlett for creating Hey Arnold and for giving us the Jungle movie after so many years of waiting to see what happen to Arnold's parents and for allowing us Writers use your beautiful characters to create and write fanfic stories. I hope one day you get the opportunity to read my story.

Now about my story, I know I brought this chapter extremely late and that's because I wanted this charter to have everything and I took the time to try to make it perfect. ️

I wanted Miles to come home and wanted to make that special heartfelt moment amazing for everyone.

About the strong argument between Bob and Arnold. Bob has a horrible bad temper and even if he wanted the best for his daughter he didn't think about his behavior and said the wrong thing to Arnold and Helga, they can't all be happy endings and some parents will always have their faults no matter how many years past.

Another thing I want to point out is Helga giving birth, I wanted readers to feel as if they were inside the delivery room. Also the way Arnold announce. It's a girl! I loved it. His daddy's little princess.

I first started to imagine this story when I was in the middle of the writing for my first book "Arnold's greatest treasure" the first thing I saw in my mind was the blowing ending with Arnold on fire and I slowly I began to imagine the rest of the story. I knew writing about an adventurous, dangerous journey across the jungle would be a challenge, but the urge to write it was stronger then my doubts if I could actually write it and make it work. I'm extremely happy and proud of the results. Thank you everyone for following my story all this months and for your great comments.

At first I didn't know if Helga was going to be expecting in the end, but the sweet imagine of Arnold and Helga with a baby made me decide to added at the end. I also thought the name for their little girl was perfect and yes...she is just like her Daddy but, she was born with her power.

About a third book base on this story...mmmmm maybe, that's why I wanted to end it with that possibility. ️

Thank you again and leave me a comment. Also about my other stories.

I have two new stories I'm planing to write in English, right now their in Spanish.

One is called Rosa Adicion for adults only and the other story is a love cute one shot story base on Brainy and Lila for all ages.

I have huge plans for my writing and I will extend it to other fics and also to an original story I want to write as well. Son stay tune and follow me on Wattpad tumblr Instagram and Facebook as Samypama.

Till next story.