Author has written 1 story for Inuyasha. ツ Ello loves, my name is ღღ ℐℐღღ short for Jessy J. I have always loved creating stories, so from this point on I will give writing a go and share my creative idea's with you lovely folk. Although I have written on here before under a different name and got very positive feedback that was back in '05 and feel it is time for me to get back into the go of things as the experienced writer I feel I have become since then! I will do everything in three's as three is a wonderful number to accompany my writings, so we will start with 3 romance stories with 3 unfinished chapters and see if I should build up my collection from there with the reviews and private messages. I love feedback rude, nice, positive, negative don't matter to me all of it is constructive in one way or another. So I hope you enjoy what will be coming from my mind to your eyes so please do be blunt and let me know what you think! Let's begin. Signed, ت ℐℐ ت |