Author has written 6 stories for Zootopia.
Heya folks.
My name is Panoctu, and I'm a longtime reader and relatively new writer when it comes to Zootopia fanfictions, though I'm slowly finding my way around.
I don't know how many stories you can expect from me and I'll leave it to you to judge their quality.
What you can expect, though, is lots of fluff and romance, since I'm a sucker for both.
Tragedy and violence is not my forte, so there won't be much in that regard unless I decide to go for some kind of horror AU since I'm a huge fan of that genre (which happened now that I wrote "Through the Veil").
And you will definitely never see anything from me that contains outright smut, gore, vore, torture, extreme fetishes (what I deem those to be, at least) or anything along the lines of rape or child abuse. Sadly I feel that I have to point this out since I have gotten some 'requests' over time :-(
What else to say? I'm actually a shy guy, but if you have anything you want to tell or ask me, feel free to do so.
Also, I'm working for a big blood donation service as a medical-technical laboratory assistant, what might be the reason why I sometimes tend to overthink things (better safe than sorry... or something like this) and why I can be quite meticulous at times.
Hmm, small profile is small, but hey: brevity is the soul of wit :-S