Author has written 5 stories for Darren Shan Saga/Cirque Du Freak, Coraline, and Labyrinth. Um. Hello. I never really thought I'd publish any of my stories, but I have. So, yay I'm actually an ESL student, but my mother's an English teacher. So, yeah. My English is sort of neither here not there. I write mostly on my mobile phone, so the stories I write aren't spellchecked and I end up updating my stories several times after uploading them. And sometimes I blank out while writing(I swear, this actually happens), so I don't really notice what I'm typing. Is it just me or do I seem to be just listing out excuses for my writing here? I have so many stories I want to write... All romance, of course. But I don't have the time to do it. There's just too many to write and so little time! And in case you haven't noticed, I'm all for gender-bending! And making pairings between the protagonist and antagonist. I guess there's just something about bad guys and villains that appeal to me... Anyway, profile. Confusion in Publishing Stories: The genre always throws me off. I always wonder, which one is it? And the summary. I never know what to write. Things I'd like to write a fanfiction about: Darren Shan Saga (Which I already have), Coraline (MaleBeldamXCoraline fic, completed!), Van Helsing (I've been weighing the pros and cons of making a next generation fic for this category) and Slam Dunk(femHanamichiXRukawa, also in progress). Lately, I've been working on my original stories, and thinking of what fanfic I should work on next. If I could own something one day, what would it be?: It would be Rilakkuma. Of course. I just thought I'd add this on my profile for anyone who's interested - if you want the MA versions of my fics, like that of The Impossible and The Trade (which I don't want to get banned for on this site) you can go to adultfanfiction/./org. I have an account with the same pen name, and some original fics posted under it. If you're interested. I just thought I'd write this here, because I can't seem to contain my excitement, but for anyone interested - LuluCalliope and BlackNGreen have started a sequel to the Coraline fanfic The Trade! It's called The Exchange and it's up on LuluCalliope's account. Please read it if you loved The Trade, because it's awesome. It really is. |
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