A/N: Here it is, my dear readers. The very last chapter of The Labyrinth's Queen. I'd like to take a moment to thank each and every one of you that read, favorited, followed, and reviewed. You really did make my day with every alert and word you sent to me. Please leave me a review to tell me what you thought of this story (the good, the bad, and the ugly).

Disclaimer: I still don't own any of this wonderful movie or its creators.

P.S: There is an excerpt at the end of this chapter of the next update to Summer Solstice.

The Labyrinth's Queen

Happy Endings


After the Battle of the Labyrinth, life went on as time ticked forward. Sarah's coronation was still the talk of the realm. The Goblins, in their zeal to celebrate their new queen, nearly destroyed the elaborate ballroom. As she had promised, the entire kingdom was invited to her coronation. The celebration lasted for a week, until the ale finally ran out. The inhabitants of the Labyrinth were still finding evidence of the party for months after.

Eurwyn kept his promise and invited young Sara to the coronation. As they approached the newest monarch, the little girl was giddy in her anticipation.

"Sarah," he said, tapping his new sister on her shoulder.

Sarah turned with a smile. "Hello, Smooth Talker. Who's this adorable person you've brought with you tonight?"

"I'm Sara, my Lady."

"Hello, Sara. I'm Sarah, too. Don't we have the best name?"

"Yeah," replied little Sara, her blue eyes wide with adoration.

"Princess Sara, here, wanted to meet you. She's your biggest fan," Eurwyn explained.

"I'm very pleased to meet you, Your Highness. Let's enjoy some punch and get to know each other, while King Eurwyn does some boring grownup stuff with your sister. They might even want to…dance."

Sarah grimaced, dramatically, causing little Sara to giggle. The two new friends left Eurwyn to his own devices and went to get some cake. This evening was still one of young Sara's fondest memories. It was the night she met the Goblin Queen and learned that she was even more wonderful than she could have imagined. Little did she know that Queen Sarah felt entirely the same way about her.

Services for the fallen were held throughout the Underground. Sarah insisted that they attend as many of them as physically possible. At Sulwyn's funeral pyre, Sarah wept openly with Jareth matching her tear for tear. It was hard to believe the sacrifice that he'd made. The couple vowed to honor their friend by living a life of love and happiness. It really was what he would have wanted.

The largest service was held for Oberon. It seemed as if everyone in the realm was in attendance. Sarah tried to console her husband, but he was going to have to grieve in his own way. The loss of his father was hard on Jareth, especially due to the circumstances. With Bledig left as a child in the Above, he had no one left to blame. He could only hope to bring some measure of comfort to his mother as she mourned her lost husband. The memory of that tearful goodbye still haunted the Goblin King to this day.

"Oh, Oberon," Titania cried, clutching her sons' shirtsleeves in her hands as she attempted to rein in her tears. It wouldn't be appropriate for the High Queen to wear her emotions on her sleeves, even if it were to grieve for her husband.

Jareth and Eurwyn led their mother to the body of their father for her final goodbye before they sent him off. They could feel her clinging to them and tried to be strong for her. She was always there for them and now it was time to return the favor. Each step that brought them closer to the late king was agony. The weight of everything that had happened had settled on their shoulders and they struggled to bear it.

Eurwyn was first to reach their destination. He knelt by the cold body of his father and said, "ffárwel, fy nhad." (Farewell, my father)

It was soon Jareth's turn to say goodbye. In a similar fashion to Eurwyn, he knelt and said, "orffwys heddychlon i dragwyddoldeb." (Rest peacefully for eternity)

The two sons of Oberon stepped out of the way to allow their mother a private farewell. Like her sons, she knelt by the slain body of her husband. "Nid hwyl fawr am byth, fy cariad." (Goodbye is not forever, my love)

Titania lifted herself up and, with her head raised high, made her way back down to the bottom of the pyre. Sarah had never seen someone with so much dignity in the face of heart wrenching grief. Her admiration soared for the beautiful queen. With her own husband at her side, she watched as the older woman crept closer to the logs and kindling at the base of the pyre. A complete silence fell among the onlookers as their queen created the spark that turned into a mighty blaze. She watched as flames engulfed the man with whom she shared her life and love.

"Farewell, my love," she whispered.

On the wind, she swore she could hear, "Until we meet again, beloved."

Once the business with Bledig was over, it was time to punish those who had aligned themselves with him. Phelan was recovered from the Goblin castle and brought before the council. His cowardice knew no end as he tried to lay the blame for everything at the feet of his nephew. Unfortunately, for him, there were even more cowards among his compatriots. They all turned on him to save their own hides. The council was far less generous to Phelan than they were to Bledig. His magic was bound and, since his ability to talk got him and others into so much trouble, the gift was removed. He was banished to a small kingdom, where he was soon forgotten.

Without Michl, Eurywn would have had a much harder time getting the goblins ready to fight. When word of his subject's bravery reached the ears of the Goblin King, he was quick to make the little Goblin one of his top generals and Goblin Advisor. He was given a new house, a new title, and his sovereign's oath that he would never be sent to the bog. Michl proved to be a perfect choice, giving Jareth sound advice and guiding his fellow goblins well into his old age. The day of his death is still commemorated with a day off of work and a solemn celebration every year.

Sarah's three friends were not without their commendations. In a ceremony that rivaled her own coronation, Hoggle was knighted and given the duty of guardian of the Queen's Garden. Though he acted cross and surly, Sarah could tell that he was honored to be given a title. She couldn't help giggling whenever she thought about the fairies coming to give their appreciation of the newest knight. He grumbled and swatted at them as they laid kisses upon his brow.

Sir Didymus was given a special award for bravery, which he wore as a medal upon his chest. Sarah had never seen him so proud. He walked so upright through the city that she thought he'd fall backward from puffing out his chest. His brother-in-arms, Ludo, was made the Lord of the Rocks. His new title afforded him many perks, including his own body guard. Never again did he have cause to fear nipper sticks or the goblins that wielded them.

Bledig grew up in the Mortal Realm, completely ignorant of his previous life in the Underground. As suspected, he turned into a happy and loving man. Any trace of the fae he once had been was gone. He lived a good life, marrying a wonderful woman and fathering two children of his own. If his dreams consisted of magic, he never told anyone. His own brand of magic was felt by his wife and children as they grew and touched the world. It was a sad day when he finally passed on and there were many friends and family in attendance at his funeral. No one noticed the twin blonde men with beautiful women at their sides standing at a faraway tree watching his internment.

Over the years, the Underground prospered in its peace. Sarah and Jareth quickly settled into family life. The births of each of their children was cause for great celebration throughout the land. They were the first ancient beings to be born in over a millennia. One day, they would marry and spread the ancient magic throughout both realms. However, today, they were still children and more interested in playing than their destiny.

A feeling of contentment filled Jareth as he watched his family doing the ordinary things families do in any realm. Currently, his youngest daughter and twin sons were running amongst the goblins. They were playing tag or some other such game and were creating a merry havoc. His wife was sitting with Puck, thoroughly engrossed in conversation. Her training was nearly complete and now they were simply friends instead of teacher and student.

The amused voice of his mother broke through his musings. "Jareth?"


"Where were you? I asked what you thought of my plans?"

Titania frowned at the blank look on her son's face and frowned. "I said, we should begin Margaret's training soon. I'd like to retire before I'm too old to enjoy it."

"She's only a girl," Jareth protested.

Titania laughed. "She's a young woman now. As eldest, she needs to start learning how to be a good Goblin Queen so that you can take my place and I can..."

"Retire before you're too old to enjoy it. So you've said."

"Your mother's right," Sarah interjected. She joined Titania at her side.

Jareth narrowed his eyes. Damn her acute hearing. "Well, I can see I'm not going to win this fight."

"Why must it be a fight?" Titania asked, annoyed.

"I'm just not ready for her to grow up," Jareth confessed.

"No parent is, my child."

"Very well, when do you wish to start her training?"

"Sarah and I have been talking and..." She stopped, watching her son glare at his wife. Oops, she wasn't supposed to let that slip.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?"

"And we'd like Puck to begin her training on her next birthday," Sarah finished, ignoring her husband's ire.

"Am I the last to know about this?" he asked, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Probably," Puck answered.

"That was a rhetorical question, nuisance. Why is it that you haven't been banished?"

"Because your queen would never allow it."

"Another rhetorical question."

"Anyway, what do you think of the plan?" Titania continued.

"It seems sound enough," Jareth conceded. "I have no other objections."

Sarah beamed and climbed into his lap. Putting her arms around his neck, she planted a happy kiss upon him. "Thank you, my king."

"You're welcome, my queen."

Titania coughed at the display before her and said her goodbyes. She had much to do to begin her eldest granddaughter's training. Puck decided to go with her rather than face Jareth's temper later. Sarah grinned at her teacher's haste to make himself scarce. A pair of fingers turned her face towards a pair of awaiting lips. Their kisses hadn't lost a single ounce of passion in the many years they had been married.

"Ewwwww!" chimed a chorus of young voices.

Jareth looked towards his children with a stern look. "Sulwyn, Oberon, and Keely, I have just one word for you."

"What's that?" asked Obie.


His youngest daughter gave him the same defiant look that he often saw in his wife. "Why?"

"Because I'm it!"

Sarah hopped off of his lap as he bounded off of his throne, laughing at her family's antics. The children yelped and began to run from their father's tickling hands. Soon the goblins joined the game and chaos ensued. Sarah sat on the massive throne and kicked a leg over one of the arms. Watching her husband, children, and subjects play, she felt the same sense of contentment as Jareth. In good times and in bad, this was what life was all about: family, friends, and love.

It may not be perfect, but this was her happily ever after and she was loving every minute of it.

As previously announced, here is an excerpt from the next chapter of Summer Solstice:

"Try again," Jareth urged.

"Argh! I'm never going to get this!" Sarah cried.

"Not with that attitude, you're not," Jareth argued. "Now, try again."

Sarah let out an exasperated moan and tried to do what he had been teaching her. 'Be the animal…be the animal…be the animal,' she chanted to herself. Jareth had told her that this was one of the more difficult spells. Every Fae had their own animal form. Jareth, of course, could turn himself into a handsome barn owl. He had informed her that it could take years for her to perfect her form. Most young Fae begin their training as children.

Continuing her chant and trying hard to relax, Sarah felt the first stirrings of a transformation. Her skin began to tingle. It started out as a slight tickle and turned into a full blown pins and needles feeling. The next thing she noticed was a sense of vertigo. The room seemed be going around in a circle while she was standing still. It was as if her perspective of the world had begun to change. Taking a deep breath, she was overwhelmed by the powerful scents she began experiencing. It smelled a lot like roast beef, but the kitchen was in a completely different wing and floor. There was no food anywhere near her, but she'd bet her life that she was smelling the succulent meat.

With her first step, she came to the realization that her transformation was complete. Instead of walking upright, she was down on all fours. What was she? Her bulk felt too big to be a dog and the fur along her skin meant she was still a mammal of some sort. Looking around, she spotted Jareth looking at her in awe. Sarah attempted to speak to him; to ask him what had happened. The sound that left her throat was definitely not human. It sounded like a growl followed by a sharp snort. She looked at him, bewildered.

"Precious, you are such a wonder," he breathed.

Wordlessly, he created a crystal and dropped it to the floor where it transformed into a mirror. Sarah crept to it, noticing the power in her arms and legs as she walked. Steeling herself, she took her first look at her new form. Nothing could have prepared her for what she saw in her reflection. Staring back at her was a large, beautiful black bear.

* For updates, thoughts, and more, check out my blog (the link is on my profile).