A/N: Yes I know…it's me again. My muse has been very busy lately, giving me all sorts of ideas for new stories. I am still updating all my other WIP, but I thought…what the heck…what's one more. Please read and review! I update the stories that get reviews faster.

Disclaimer: Again…I don't own anything but my own crazy ideas.

The Labyrinth's Queen

Whatever Keely Wants Keely Gets


"Gér ámx e vemfl xú, qs klvá ?" Nerys asked, putting her hands around her intended. He watched her curly red hair swaying in the breeze. She looked up at him with her big blue eyes.

(Where were you, my love?)

"Flí qé ek jéeglemrx pimw er Labyrinth, qu hesv," Jareth replied easily. He caught one of her curls and twisted it around his finger. Backing up, she looked at him with admiration. Today, he had on tan breeches, a blue poet's shirt, and a darker blue jacket.

(I was seeing to the Labyrinth, my dear)

"Glempp qé xú," she said, pouting. Jareth rolled his eyes at the beautiful woman before him. He hadn't even been gone an hour. If she was acting like that after an hour apart, when would he have any time to himself?

(I missed you)

"Rí jémhmv posq e flimxl mr émrieglx piex kegl heve, qu pis.," he replied. At her distressed face, he continued, "Eil fimhl qé e flimxl err ryemv e gosqlemvieql wé."

(I cannot be with you every second, my pet. But I will be there when it counts)

This seemed to appease her for a moment. He looked over her shoulder, out into the Labyrinth. He could practically feel it shrinking away from him. Jareth knew that it wasn't pleased with him, but his hands were tied. He had been forced by the High Council to find a Queen. The neighboring Princess of the Nymph Kingdom was as good as any other. It would bond the two kingdoms and get the council off of his back, in essence, killing two birds with one stone. He didn't love her, but she was young and would produce an heir. That was all that mattered. He didn't think he'd ever love again. He'd crossed that bridge several years ago and hadn't looked back.

"King Jareth, a word with you," came the voice inside his head.

He sighed and pulled away from his fiancé. "Yes Keely," he said in his mind.

"I must see you at once," Keely replied.

"Can't it wait until morning?" Jareth asked, a little impatiently.

"No!" Keely replied, angrily.

"I'll be right there," Jareth said.

"Er vemfl ko Keely? Er floymp xú ek hyp ko hxí e evíw?" Nerys asked, pouting again. She had noticed the strange silence that had overtaken him.

(Was that Keely? Are you going to her again?)

"Yes it was and yes I am, it cannot be avoided," Jareth replied, turning to leave.

"Gér jáxl e floymp xú ek peflemyx we xierke piexlglierr hi re quvxepy?" she asked, irritated.

(Why do you speak in the idiot tongue of the mortals?)

At the flash of anger in his eyes, she flinched. He noticed it and tried to reign in his temper. "It is the language of the Labyrinth, my dear," he explained.

"Kimsrxeísrr wé qu gopyewe ," she said, allowing her own temper to flair.

(It offends my ears)

"It is the language of the Labyrinth," he said coldly. "If you want to be my Queen, you had better learn to love it."

"Yes, my Lord," she acquiesced. "But why does it have to speak in the Mortal language?"

"That's better," he replied. "It speaks, not only in the language of the runner, but in the language of it's victor."

"That mortal chit again?"she sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Hold your tongue," he ordered. "I will not have you speak of the Champion in that way. As Champion of the Labyrinth, Lady Sarah commands the same respect as you."

"Hah!" she exclaimed, sarcastically.

"You'd better open your ears to me and listen good," he demanded. "You will not be Queen if you continue this attitude towards the Labyrinth and it's Champion."

This got her attention and she obeyed immediately. "I'm sorry, my King," she apologized, smiling. "I'm just out of sorts today. I will watch my tongue from now on."

"Good," he replied. "I shall return after I'm done." He kissed her cheek and walked out of the room. She frowned, thinking about Keely and Sarah. One thing Nerys detested was competition. Now she was completing with two women she had never met for the affections of a man. This was going to have to stop. She would see to it's end once she became Queen.

Jareth materialized in a small room with no windows. It was quaint and cozy with tapestries on the walls and modest furniture. A tiny woman with blond ringlets sat in an overstuffed chair in the middle of the room.

"Come in, my King," she said.

Jareth stepped into the room and walked to another chair opposite the one holding the blond beauty. Her eyes were mismatched, like his own. She had a rather ethereal quality about her. She practically glowed with her luminescent skin.

"Greetings Keely," he replied. "What can I do for you tonight?"

"I need to talk to you about your upcoming wedding," she said, her mouth turned down in a frown. He knew she was unhappy about his marriage to Nerys. If she could only see the predicament he was in.

"You need to give Nerys a chance," he implored.

"I do not," Keely replied. "I have an alternative for you."

Jareth looked at her, stunned. He had no idea that she had given it much thought. "Who would you have me marry?"

"My Champion," she said. "Only she is fit to rule me."

"My dear Lady Keely," he began. "I would love nothing more than to have her at my side, but you forget one thing."

"What's that?" she asked.

"She detests us," he replied.

"Then you will have to change her mind," she directed.

"I cannot," he refused. "Even I do not have that kind of power."

"Then go, Your Majesty," she ordered. "If you marry this Nerys, that will be the last you will hear of me."

"You'd dare threaten me?" he growled, getting angry.

"I'm sorry, Jareth," she apologized. "But you really leave me no other choice as I cannot allow myself to be ruled by that twit."

Jareth said nothing, but walked through the door. He slammed it on the way out. The sound made Keely jump and she began to cry. Outside, the creatures of the Labyrinth noticed the sudden rainclouds. It began to pour over the land.

'It's not over yet,' Keely thought. 'I must take matters into my own hands.'

She dried her eyes and disappeared. The rain outside suddenly stopped. Dark clouds still loomed, but at least it was dry again.

Sarah was sitting in her dorm room studying alone. Her roommate was at some party. Of course, the pretty brunette had been asked to come, but she just wasn't a party kind of girl. She stared at her textbook and groaned when she realized that she had just re-read the same passage for the tenth time. She was studying psychology, but she took this mythology course as a fun elective. At least she thought it was going to be fun before she realized how much work it really was. This was only the second week of school and she was reading her eighth book. Her eyes were going cross-eyed from all the reading.

Suddenly, she realized she wasn't alone in the room. Sarah turned to see a beautiful blonde standing behind her.

"Hello Sarah," the woman said.

"H-how do you know my name," Sarah stammered.

"I have known your name for millennia," the woman replied.

"Who are you?" Sarah asked, frightened.

"Not who, but what," Keely replied.

"Well then," Sarah said, "what are you?"

"You don't recognize me?" Keely said, dejected.

"Should I?" Sarah asked. She looked really close at the woman before her. She didn't recognize her at all.

"You are my victor, my champion," Keely replied.

"No," Sarah said, "it can't be. Y-you're the Labyrinth."

"See, I told you you knew me," Keely replied, happily.

"But how can this be?" Sarah asked, confused.

"I am the heart of the Labyrinth," Keely explained. "You can call me Keely. I appear in this form to better communicate with my sovereign."

"You mean Jareth?" Sarah asked.

"Him and my Champion," Keely replied.

"What are you doing here?" Sarah asked. This was just a bit too much.

"I have come to beg of you to return to the Underground," Keely replied. "There is a matter I need you to attend to at once."

"What matter is that?" Sarah said, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"My King is getting married," Keely explained. "I have told him that I will approve no other Queen but my Champion."

"Q-queen?" Sarah asked. "I don't want to be a Queen. I want to stay here and finish my degree, get a real job, then live my life."

"You have to," Keely begged. "I will cease to exist should Nerys take the throne."

"Nerys," Sarah said, rolling the name around her tongue. "Is that Jareth's fiancé?"

"She's a vain, arrogant creature," Keely explained.

"Sounds like someone else I know," Sarah said.

"That's why it will never work," Keely said. "Jareth needs someone who will be his compliment."

"There's only one small problem Keely," Sarah replied. "I don't like him."

"Please give him a chance," Keely begged, giving Sarah the worst case of puppy dog's eyes. Sarah almost wanted to give in…almost.

"No," Sarah replied, adamant.

"Well then," Keely said sadly. "I will take my leave."

"Wait," Sarah replied. Keely looked at her with renewed hope. "I feel like I know you. Can you visit me? You see, I don't have many friends here. I guess I just feel a connection to you."

"Of course, Sarah," Keely said, her mind busy working on a plan.

"Then I will see you again soon," Sarah said, smiling.

Keely returned the smile and transported back to her little room within the Labyrinth. This was not going to be 'a piece of cake' as her victor was so fondly remembered as saying. She was going to have to work harder than she ever had before to put those two together again. By the Fates, she would succeed. She had to. The lives of herself and all that dwell within her depended on it.

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