Author has written 3 stories for Lord of the Rings, Wheel of Time, and Silmarillion.
Alias: Aleacus
Gender: The fairer sex.
Am quite the Tolkien fan. I love the LotR books and the movies, mostly books more than the movies. My favourite Tolkien book has to be the Silmarillion, though. Out of all the Elves, Noldor especially, I have to admire Fingolfin the most. You know, the guy who took on a Valar because he was so upset? I am also a Wheel of Time fan (thanks to Sprunkit), and a Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy fan (thanks to mum) and... yeah. Most fantasy and sci-fi really appeals to me. I am currently on the 10th book in the WoT series, along with various other books that are on my list: Pride & Prejudice, Hiroshima, Knife of Dreams, Frankenstein, Prince, and Sex Lives of Cannibals. I'm heading off to college at FIDM to study Graphic Design. _
From Normality to Elvenly: The Quest Joined-- my first fanfiction.
Summary: A girl, visited by the Fellowship, finds herself in an unlikely sequence of events that leads her back to Middle Earth with them, turned into an Elf, and helps the Quest to destroy the One Ring.
Chapter 1: posted
Chapter 2: posted
Far Dareis Mai
Summary: Wetlanders, Treekillers, and Oosquai, oh my! What happens when you throw a Cairhien into the Waste to die? Will she survive? Seek revenge, or perhaps romance? My first WoT fanfic, hope you enjoy!
Chapter 1: Posted
Chapter 2: Posted
Chapter 3: In the works
Labels Are For Soup Cans, Are YOU a Soup Can?
Summary: Can you imagine the Ainur as highschoolers? Story only intended to bring laughs, and poke fun at stereotypes. No offense was intended to any persons. Rated T for mild coarse language and some violence.
Chapter 1: Posted
Something Different Well, I kinda p00fed. Or rather, was driven away by screaming hoards of 'burn the Mary Sue!' and what not. Ok! I have taken your opinions to full thought and heart. I still question the whole Sue-buisness, but... I am thinking of creating a new fic, entirely unrelated. I
was going to make a different LotR fic, but recent personal events have caused me to change my mind. Hopefully I'll get to writing my next newest fic, and with perhaps some maaaajor fixing of my previous one (or the guts to just post it up to the good part, around chapter 12) the other might make some progress aside the weak thing I wrote.. what... three years ago now?