Hermione sighed as she walked around Diagon Alley. It helped her take her mind off some things. Come to think of it, not just some things, everything, actually. Why she had gotten fired as an Auror, why Harry died, why Ron was drinking too much trying to cope with Harry's death, and why Viktor had divorced her, leaving her to look after their two month old baby named Hailey.

Hermione stopped in front of Olivander's, and much to the surprise of passersby, broke down and collapsed on the pavement, sobbing. She couldn't take it any longer. When she left Hogwarts, she had so many things she wanted to accomplish; so many dreams….that had blown up in smoke when she got pregnant with Hailey. And what's more, Viktor had hardly been there for her. And she thought he was sweet when she first met him! But it only took a week being married to him to unleash his true colors. An uncaring, poor excuse for a husband. And now, he she was, jobless and single.

Hermione realized how much attention she was beginning to attract when an old man asked if she needed anything. She looked up and said no, and looked around and saw a number of people staring with concern at her. She took a deep breath and stood up. She stifled the remainder of her sobs and started to walk toward her apartment building, where her positively lovely baby was waiting.

Hermione rang the doorbell of her apartment, and Ginny opened it for her, holding Hailey in her arms. Hermione smiled at Ginny appreciatively. "Thanks for watching over Hailey, Ginny. You don't know how hectic my life is right now." Ginny smiled. "I understand. Being a single mother isn't a piece of cake, Hermione. Just call me when you need anything, okay?" Hermione nodded. "Thanks, Ginny. You're a lifesaver." "I know. Anyway, I need to go, okay? I'll see you soon. Bye, Hermione!" "Bye."

Once Ginny shut the door behind her, Hermione's smile faded, and she looked at the baby tiredly. She had just put Hailey in her cradle when she started bawling. Hermione groaned. "What the hell do you want now?" It didn't need to answer, because an appalling smell reached her nose, and Hermione almost couldn't suppress the urge to scream. She changed Hailey's diaper and rocked her until she heard Hailey's even breathing. She gently put her in her cradle and went to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Hermione got into bed, and fell asleep as her head hit the pillow.


Early the next morning, Hermione got up and ate cereal, fed Hailey, took a shower, and got into the best outfit she could find. She dressed Hailey, and put her in a stroller. She got out of her apartment with Hailey, and started towards the daycare center to drop Hailey off. (Thank Merlin she had enough money at the moment to pay for the daycare center. You see, she couldn't make Ginny watch over Hailey all the time. Ginny was busy sometimes, and therefore not available.) Once she did, she went inside The Leaky Cauldron. While she was ushered into the manager's office, she fought down all the tears that threatened to escape; she fought down the urge to scream and sob.

She had sunken so low. So low, that she didn't tell a single soul what she was applying for. So low, that she felt she was slipping into a depression. The Hermione Granger, Hogwart's bookworm and overachiever, Hogwart's valedictorian, was about to apply for a position as one of the housekeeping staff at the Leaky Cauldron.


Hermione exited the Leaky Cauldron, with a smile plastered on her face. She had gotten the job! It wasn't a very good job, but she knew she would get promoted into….something else! Maybe assistant manager or…ah hell, she'd think about it later on. But for know, she was ecstatic. She could finally work again. But how could she explain this to Ginny? It would be humiliating, that's for sure, but she couldn't keep it from Ginny. Hermione's smile widened. She could finally feel like she was productive again, even though it was through making beds and cleaning toilets.

Smiling, she made her way to Hailey's daycare center. She decided, Hailey and I are going to have a stroll in the park.

And with that thought, she pushed open the door of the daycare center and went inside, revealing a very happy Hailey.


Hermione was at home, and she took a deep breath before Apparating to Ginny's house with Hailey. She got there safely, and she rang the doorbell, and it was answered be Ginny herself. Ginny looked surprised to see her, but ushered her in. "Hermione, what is it?" Hermione smiled. "I got a job!" Ginny smiled and clapped her hands. "You did? Already? So…what's the new job?" Here, Hermione sobered, and she took a deep breath before replying. What she answered was barely audible. "Housekeeping." Ginny's face fell, and Hermione broke down. Ginny wrapped her arms around her. "Come on, sit down, and let me take care of Hailey." Ginny was gone for a second to put Hailey inside a crib, but came back and comforted Hermione. "Hermione…it's alright…"

Hermione looked up at Ginny with miserable, bloodshot eyes. "No it's not, Ginny! Hermione Granger, Hogwart's valedictorian…housekeeping? Ginny, it isn't right! I'm not supposed to be someone who cleans up vomit on floors! I'm supposed to be successful…I'm supposed to be president of a company! I'm supposed….to…be…" Hermione stopped talking, she was crying too much to be coherent. "Oh, Ginny, I can't believe how much of a failure I am!" Ginny looked her straight in the eye. "Hermione Granger, you are DEFINITELY NOT a failure! You know why? Because you're strong! Look at all the unfortunate things that have happened to you! But have you given up? No! Hermione, you are not even close to a failure! You will be promoted to something else, you will be successful, and so I want you to stop crying RIGHT NOW!"

Hermione looked up at Ginny's stern face, and attempted to smile. Ginny understood and smiled back. "Good. Now, dry your tears, and let's talk about something else." Hermione hugged Ginny. "Thanks, Ginny. I feel so much better." Ginny hugged her back. "Anytime, Hermione. Anytime."


Hermione woke up early the next day and did the exact routine she did the day she applied for the job. Once she dropped Hailey off, she made her way to the Leaky Cauldron, and went to the manager's office. When she entered, the manager was talking to a tall blonde girl. Hermione was about to excuse herself when the manager told her to stay. "Well, Hermione, since you're new, I have put you under the supervision of the head of housekeeping for the day, to show you the ropes. Hermione Granger, this is Andrea McGregor, Andrea McGregor, this is Hermione Granger." The two shook hands, and Hermione noted how friendly Andrea looked, and relaxed. "Well," Andrea said, "follow me."

Hermione did as she was told, and Andrea led her to a door labeled "Housekeeping". She opened the door. Hermione stepped inside the room, and there were quite a number of ladies in the room, doing whatever they felt like doing. Andrea spoke. "Okay, Hermione. These are not all of the housekeeping staff. The other half of us are doing their rounds around the hotel, cleaning rooms. The rest of us here are going to do the next round. Since you're new, you will be with me the whole day, and when I clean a room, you will help out and remember what I teach you." Hermione nodded. Andrea smiled. "Good. Now, housekeeping is harder than it looks, so I want you to prepare yourself for whatever, okay? But meanwhile, you can get to know the other girls here. Actually, you can do whatever you want until I call you, okay?" Hermione nodded again. "I know memorizing all this is hard, but don't worry. The lot of us are really friendly. You can approach anyone and they'll help you. Just remember that."

Hermione relaxed a bit more, and set off to get to know the others.


By the time the day ended, Hermione was exhausted. Housekeeping really was tiring. Andrea was almost always called to clean a room, and Hermione was beginning to get sick of following Andrea. She basically knew everything she needed to know, including what to do when the toilet overflowed.

Hermione sighed as she made her way to Hailey's daycare center. She was going to have to work very hard if she were to keep this job.



Hermione entered her apartment happily. She was glowing. The manager had changed her company! She was no longer part of the Leaky Cauldron staff, but part of the Three Broomsticks staff, and not as a housekeeper, (why would they need one?) but as a barmaid! It was definitely a better job. Not only did it not involve cleaning toilets, the pay was a lot higher! Finally, giving Hailey a better life seemed possible. But the reason why her manager thought she was fit for an entirely different job was anybody's guess.

Hermione beamed at Hailey, who, sensing her mother's happiness, was smiling too. Hermione took Hailey in her arms and fed her, and lulled her to sleep. Hermione had to tell Ginny. She dialed Ginny's number, but non one picked up. Hermione put the phone down. That was weird. Ginny's cell phone was always on. Hermione shrugged and got ready for bed. It was going to be her big day tomorrow.


Hermione entered The Three Broomsticks and went inside the manager's office. "Mr. Evans?" "Yes?" "Well, I was just wondering…no one really told me what to do as a barmaid, I mean, I don't know-" "Ms.Granger, all you need to do is pour drinks." "Oh." There was awkward silence before she spoke again. "Well….I suppose I'll get to it then. Good day, Mr. Evans." Hermione made her way to the bar and thought. She didn't think pouring drinks was the only thing she would have to do.

Well, it may be interesting. All I have to do is wait.

But not for long. Before she knew it, she was swarmed by middle aged fat men who were trying to hit on her and getting so drunk some passed out on their chairs. It was rather disgusting. But Hermione was strong, and she controlled her temper when some commented on her ass and when some refused to pay. It was nearing closing time when the bar finally emptied. Hermione rubbed her eyes sleepily. Being a barmaid was one of the hardest jobs she ever had. She was thinking these things when she heard an impatient voice call out to her. "Hey! Lady! Can I get a fucking beer?" Hermione turned around, extremely annoyed, and she was about to give the person a piece her mind when she realized who the person was, and lost the ability to speak.

Draco Malfoy, the worst possible person to meet in her position.


Draco cursed angrily as he exited Gringotts. He was fucking fired. Dammit! He rubbed his temples as he walked through Diagon Alley. He then Apparated to Hogsmeade because he felt like it. He needed to clear his head, or forget about what had just happened to him. For some reason, walking around Hogsmeade made him feel better. He walked around for a while, thinking, when he found that his feet had taken him to the entrance of The Three Broomsticks. He stood there for a minute, wondering if he should go in or not. He finally came to a decision and walked in. He needed a beer.

He made his way to the bar, and sat down. Where was the fucking bartender? He looked around to see a woman cleaning glasses. A barmaid, eh? Draco called out. "Hey! Lady! Can I get a fucking beer?" The barmaid turned around, a pissed off expression etched on her rather attractive face. But the pissed off expression slowly changed to a look of shock, and then a look that said she wanted to be anywhere but there. Meanwhile, Draco was also beginning to realize who he just spoke to. He smirked.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the Hogwarts valedictorian." That succeeded in pissing her off. "Shut your fucking mouth, Malfoy." "Granger, if I recall, barmaids are supposed to ask their customers what they want to drink." Granger narrowed her eyes at him. "Fine. What do you want to drink, asshole?" "Beer," he said, ignoring her insult. She glared at him as she poured him a pitcher of beer. "There. Now, drink your beer and shut up. I'm not in the mood to talk to you." "I don't think you ever were." "True. Didn't I tell you to shut up?" Draco rolled his eyes at her. "Come now, Granger! Don't you want to chat with an old friend?" Hermione snorted. "Old friend my ass! Drink your fucking beer, Malfoy." "Aren't you supposed to call me Sir?" Hermione glared at him. "No."

Draco downed his beer in one go. "Pour me another pitcher, will you?" She did. Neither talked and Draco once again downed his beer in one go. "Pour me another." Hermione looked at him incredulously. "Do you want to get drunk or something?" "As a matter of fact, yes, I do." "Why?" "None of your business." "Fine, sir." She poured him another. And another. And another, and when he asked for another, she refused. "You've had enough beer for one day, Malfoy." "Why do you care?" "I care because I don't think your girlfriend would like to see you come home drunk." "I don't have a girlfriend." Hermione looked shocked. "Really. But I still don't think you should drink another pitcher of beer. You've had enough. Now go home." Draco paid and left without another word. When he left, Hermione cleaned up, and went home to Hailey. She lay in bed for a while, thinking. Today had been interesting, and she couldn't help but wonder if she was going to see Malfoy again.


Author's whatever: Hoped you liked this chapter! I worked on this new story for a while, so please review:)