"Well…you are going to have to kiss."

Ron and Pansy looked at each other in horror, and tried their best not to glare at the little girl in Pansy's lap when she giggled innocently.

"You think this is funny do you?" said Ron.

Hailey nodded, a big smile on her face.

He sighed.

"Hermione…come on! Why do we have to do this? Can't we do something else…like hug?"

"No." came the simple reply.

"Granger, I am going to kill you when we get out of this stupid closet…where is it, anyway?"

"Oh, somewhere no one will ever look for you…and you'll end up dying in there with my baby if you don't-"

"Hermione, be reasonable!"

"Hey, there's a very strong attraction between you guys, and you aren't getting out of there until you admit it by-"

"WE KNOW!" came the exasperated reply.

Hermione chuckled, though she was getting impatient.

"Well…do it."

She heard groans, and a giggle.


Ron looked at Pansy wearily. "Let's just get this over with, Parkinson, so we can just go home and pretend like nothing happened, okay?"

Pansy looked grave, but nodded. "Fine. Let's make it a quick peck on the mouth, and get out of here."

They looked at each other, and Ron leaned forward…and kissed her.

And it was definitely not a quick peck on the mouth.


The closet door swung open to reveal Pansy Parkinson and Ron Weasley in a tongue war. Hermione's mouth opened in surprise.

She did not expect this, in front of a baby.



They broke apart, looking at her in daze. "You do know you're doing this in front of my baby, not even a year old!"

Ron looked at her, confused. "But you told us to kiss!"

Hermione realized this, but tried not to make it a big deal.

"Sure, I did, but I didn't tell you to try to stick your tongues down each other's throats!"

It was then that Pansy and Ron got up.

"Hermione, it's done. Let's just go home-"

"I cannot believe you would be this insensitive-"

"Granger, honestly-"

"In front of my little girl-"

"Hermione, you told us to-"


"Granger, it's done, it's over, I'm going home."

"Parkinson! Haven't you realized that you should be with-"

"Hermione! Don't get started on that-"

"Parkinson, Ron is perfect for you-"

"Shut up, Granger. Goodbye." Pansy Apparated, leaving Hermione extremely frustrated.

"Hermione…let's go home. Come on."

"Ron…I'm so sorry for locking you up in the closet." She sighed dejectedly.

Ron smiled. "It doesn't matter-"

"And nothing good came from it! I thought the plan would cause Pansy to realize that-"

"Hermione, you tried."

"But I failed miserably!"

"No you didn't. Pansy will come around. Let's go."

Hermione stood up. "Alright. Hailey, let's go…Hailey?"

Ron looked around, and realized, horrified, that Hailey was gone.


Draco immediately knew something was wrong the second Hermione and Ron entered her flat.

"How'd it go? Is something wrong?"

Hermione looked like she wanted to cry. "Hailey…"

Draco realized that Hailey was not in her arms. She wasn't in Ron's either.

"Hermione…what happened?"

"Draco…Hailey's missing."

His jaw dropped open.

"Wha…what! Where is she? Come on, we need to-"

"Draco, we don't know."

"We have to contact the others!"

Draco was alarmed at the news of Hailey's disappearance, and Hermione's deflated, defeated state was just worrying him more. Shouldn't she be panicking? Shouldn't she be hysterical?

"Hermione, what's wrong with you? We have to find her, NOW-"

"It's all my fault!" Hermione whispered, and started to cry. Draco cursed. Oh great. Hailey was missing, and Hermione was just acting like a stupid mess!


"If I…hadn't…left her there for a…second…she wouldn't be…who knows where…"

Draco wanted to shout at her. Couldn't she see she was being inconsiderate? They had her little girl to look for!

"Hermione!" Hermione just kept on crying.

Draco gave a frustrated groan. "Weasley, contact your sister, and Blaise. Tell them to contact the ministry, and Apparate to the closet immediately."

Ron looked confused. He wasn't sure if he should be angry at Hermione or Draco, he didn't know what to do-


Ron broke out of his bewildered state, and did as he was told.

That left Draco with Hermione. "Hermione, stop it. Crying won't get us anywhere. We cannot afford to lose time. We need to find her."

Hermione looked at him through despairing eyes. "Draco…anything could've happened to her-"

"That's exactly why we need to find her as soon as possible! Hermione, I love you, but-"

He was about to ramble on when Hermione froze. "Wha…what did you say?"

Draco took a few seconds to comprehend what he had just said. It had just…slipped. He didn't even realize he…



"Draco! What did you say!"

"Didn't you bloody hear what I said!" He said irritably, wanting to change the subject very badly.

"I want to hear it again!"

"There's no time for that, we need to find-"

"I'm aware of that! Acutely aware, but I'm not budging until-"


"I love you too. Now…let's look for her." Hermione smiled at him, her tears drying, and together, they Apparated to the godforsaken closet.


Once they arrived there, they found Ginny, Blaise, and Ron already there, looking extremely frantic and worried. "Hermione!" Ginny exclaimed. She was a bit confused at the dreamy smile she wore. Wasn't her baby girl missing? She saw an identical look on Draco's face. A connection? She would confront them later. But right now, they had one primary focus. Where was Hailey?

"Hermione, the Ministry's been informed. A couple of representatives will be here soon." Ron said.

She nodded, and sat on the floor, waiting, while everyone looked worriedly at her, and occasionally searching the closet and calling Hailey's name.

They had no knowledge of any spells that could locate the missing girl, but the ministry probably did…

They stopped their restless behavior when Ministry officials popped up. There were two of them.

The taller one spoke first. "My name is Alvin Barker. This-" he said, motioning to the shorter, stockier one, "is Peter Godfrey. I heard there's some sort of missing person-"

"My little girl. She's eight months old, brown hair, black eyes-"

"What was she wearing last time you saw her? When was the last time you saw her?"

"About an hour ago. She was wearing a blue dress."

"Anything else you would like to add?"

"I don't think anything else is relevant."

"Ma'am, the littlest thing could be relevant. Tell me how she disappeared, and what you think happened.

"Oh. In that case then, ummm…she just disappeared, when I turned around to talk to people. When I looked back, there was no trace of her. I honestly don't know what to make of it."

"I see. Interesting…very interesting indeed, Mrs.Granger."


"Oh. I see…" Hermione rolled her eyes.

Draco, who had had enough of waiting for them to do something, cut in. "Well, are you going to do something about the issue here!"

They looked annoyingly solemn, and seemed to be taking their sweet time doing everything.

"Mr.Malfoy, is it? Yes, Mr.Malfoy, it is quite easy to locate this girl, all we need is time, and-"

"WE DON'T HAVE ANY! PLEASE JUST GET ON WITH IT!" Blaise spoke, or rather, shouted, for the first time.

Alvin and Peter looked at each other nervously. "Oh well…umm…alright..." They nodded at one another, and started reciting a extensive list of words that Hermione, who had graduated the top of her class, had never heard before. It sounded extremely complicated, and all of a sudden there was light, it looked very much like lighting bolts, that shot out of both their wands, but something strange happened, that seemed to shock them out of their wits.


The lighting bolts, which had joined together to form a blinding light which was rocketing skyward, reversed, and hit them square on the chests, knocking them out.

The adults stared open-mouthed at the scene. About ten seconds after that, Ginny decided to speak. "Umm…something tells me that was not supposed to happen."

The others nodded, Hermione momentarily forgetting about Hailey. "Should we…do something?"

Draco, once again, took charge. "Okay, Blaise, why don't you report what happened to the Ministry?"

Blaise Apparated away. Draco checked the pulses of Alvin and Peter. Everything seemed absolutely fine, except for the fact that both were unconscious, and looked like they were electrocuted. The pulse was completely normal though.

Seconds later, more ministry officials came, four of them, and they looked perplexedly at the bodies. Hermione looked worried. "Excuse me, can we please focus on finding my-"

"Oh! Right!" Said one. "Come on, let's all try the spell. Maybe it will work this time."

Ron had a better idea. "Why don't half of you do it first, since it might have the same effect?"

"Good idea." Said a guy who looked like the leader.

The leader, and one other man stepped forward, and began reciting the exact spell that had backfired minutes before. Hermione tried to listen. She had no idea what they were trying to achieve. Would the lighting bolt stop right on top of the spot Hailey was? Would it spell out her exact location?

She concentrated on the words. "Accurate Lokasyon-"

The rest, after those two words, sounded like a series of mumbles to her.

Finally, the lightning bolt emerged from the tips of wands, and…

…they were on the floor, right next to Alvin and Peter.

Draco cursed, and Hermione, once again, started to cry.

The two remaining ministry workers looked very much like they'd rather not perform the spell. But they had to, once they saw the desperation on Hermione's face, and the glare Draco was sending them.

They did everything over, and…they were on the floor.

"BUGGER!" Draco swore.

Blaise looked calmer than the rest. "Well, I suppose I'll contact the Ministry?" He left before anyone could reply, which didn't matter, since he knew the answer anyway.

Ron looked around. It was a good thing this place was secluded. If it wasn't, there would be a crowd! Surely the lightning bolts attracted people! It was already sundown, making the lightning more evident. It was actually a good thing it wasn't attracting attention, especially the press'.

Blaise returned with not only with MediWitches and Ministry officials, but with Pansy Parkinson.

"What the hell is she doing here?" asked Ginny.

"Parkinson was in the building, and I bumped into her, and told her what was happening. We need all the help we can get, you know."

Everyone watched as the six unconscious Ministry officials were carted off to a hospital by the MediWitches, and two other Ministry workers began to interview Hermione.

"Miss, how old is your child?"

"Eight months old."

They looked at one another. "Miss, we think we've come up with an answer. We're not sure if this is good of bad news for you, but your daughter is probably completely safe-"


"We aren't finished! Do you know something called a wizard/witch baby's ability called their "first magic"?"

Hermione's eyes widened. "Yes, when the baby accidentally causes magic?"

"This is it, Miss. Your baby is shielding herself from being found. This is her first act as a powerful witch."

"You mean that this is her first act as a witch and I'm MISSING IT!"

"Well, you could say that, Ms.. But, this is highly peculiar, you see, normally, when a baby first causes magic to happen, it isn't this powerful or this early. I think your daughter is more powerful than we realize."

A flicker of pride showed in Hermione's eyes, but it was once again replaced by worry. "Alright…well…what do we do now?"

There was a sigh.

"We don't know, Miss."


Hermione's eyes filled with tears a third time. "Oh my God…my innocent baby girl…"

Draco hugged her. "Be strong, we'll find her…"

Ginny, Ron, Blaise, and Pansy looked at each other. What could they do?

It seemed everything was lost.

"Well, I guess all we have to do is hope-" said Ginny.

"WAIT!" said Pansy. "Granger, Draco, I think I heard something."

Everyone turned to look at her. "Di…did any of you yawn just now?"

They looked at her like she was crazy. But they all shook their heads, causing hope to become evident in her features. She turned around, and started to attack a pile of boxes. And they heard a squeal.

Hermione cried out in happiness as Pansy lifted a newly awakened Hailey out of one of the boxes.

And from that instant, Pansy was looked at in a new light.

And from then on, everyone realized that Hailey had bound them all together, and that was magic itself.



A/N: I hope you all liked it, I loved writing this. I'm sad now actually. This took five months to write. It's finally over.

Please, please review for this, I love you all.

Overwhelming Amount of Thanks to:







flip chick






. stfu its Kaley .



Daichi Kasai

Beautiful Suicide15






Elizabeth lovergood


Eternally Night






Spooky Biscuits of Doom











Alaskan Chick








Charlie/The Holey Jacket

not telling










Michelle Felton





Sam's Firefly




Terra Draconis


bea poli

Again, THANK YOU! If there are any errors in your name or something, email me and I'll edit it.

Thanks for all the support! Check my homepage now and then to see if I have any new ideas, etc.