Author has written 11 stories for StarTrek: The Original Series, StarTrek: The Next Generation, Harry Potter, and MI-5/Spooks. Hey all. I'm working on "The Life and Times as an Old Ex deatheater" at the moment, and really enjoying it except for the insy winsy tiny fact that nobody else seems to be enjoying it as much as I am. Perhaps it's because the main characters are an odd pair, Severus and Draco. It's not slash. I think it's worth a few minutes of your time. I would think that though wouldn't I. I have my prefered types of stories too but my favourite thing to on is to pick a very random character off the character list, like Barty Crouch Jr. or somebody, and read one of the stories written about them. I love seeing how people can wind the most unusual pairs together or just throw side-characters into the spotlight for a bit of a whirl. If I have any ambition with my Harry Potter fanfiction it's to see every single one of the characters listed with a story of their own. Anybody else up for it? And now, a poem about what I LOVE to see in a review, and what I don't like so much as well. Reviewing by Galleena I’m searching for a meaty review Something to sink my teeth into; No more ‘Good’ or worse still ‘gud’ I’ve had enough of all that crud. Keep chat speak to the mobile phone Reading it is such a drone What I’d like is criticism; Opinion laden with decision. This was good but that was not (I appreciate that a lot) Explain your comments for the writer So their next plot will be tighter. Do have a look at The Life and Times won't you? Thanks! |