Disclaimer: All recognisable characters are not mine.

Feed back is very much appreciated and I will return the favour.

'Lieutenant Banroller reporting for duty sir'

Chief engineer Geordie La Forge lifted a hand in response and continued to fine tune the food-processor wires. Several moments later he gave a sigh and dropped the hand-held valve-adjuster back into its slot.

'I'm afraid our last engineer to leave left us a parting puzzle to solve and I can't figure it out. What did you say your name was again?'

'Lieutenant Banroller sir'

Geordie froze and winced half way through putting back on the door,

'I am so sorry Lieutenant Banroller, my brain is completely fried recently what with all these systems failures and back up breakdowns. I was just saying the other day that we could use an extra hand around here and –whoa!'

He had turned to face Banroller but her aura was painfully bright in his visor, quickly he raised his hand to compensate for the visors re-action time and was surprised to see her mirror the action. When the fuzz cleared he was astonished to see that,

'You have a visor too! Wow, that's incredible! I never knew anybody else with one' catching himself he coughed slightly then said 'I mean; welcome aboard Lieutenant, now if you'd care to follow me I'll give you a quick tour of engineering…'

Lieutenant Banroller, whose true first name was 'Htch¬dsan' (in other words: unpronounceable), went by the name of Yimi among friends. Her most noticeable facial characteristic was her one-eye visor which unfortunately gave her a Borg-esque look in a solemn mood. Right now she was in such a mood. Her transfer to the Enterprise was, in her opinion, an unnecessary fiasco. She had been very happy with her post on the Debatte but then a letter came ordering her reassignment and informing her that she now held the rank of 'Lieutenant'. To Yimi promotion in exchange for many years' fun and friendship did not seem a good deal. But here she was and no doubt the people here would be kind to her and nice to her but a Galaxy-class star ship was so much more impersonal that Interstellar had been. Yimi had never liked crowded rooms much but they were so much worse when you were alone in them.

Guinan watched the new lieutenant sip her Romulan Ale and make a face at the taste. She took this as a sign to move and advanced towards where the woman was sitting alone.

Synthesised rubbish. Of course. The flagship of the Federation wouldn't know what to do with real Romulan ale if it poured itself down their throats

'Can I get you something else?' A black lady bartender with a weird hat stood looking in a friendly manner at the new Lieutenant, whose mouth twitched in an 'as if' way.

'Not unless you have some real drink in this hulk of metal'.

The bartender smiled,

'Not unless you count engine grease and I hear even that's in short supply recently'

Despite herself Yimi was interested,

'Why, what happened?'

'Well… As you may have heard when the last engineer was moved he left a parting gift for his colleagues. He rewired the food dispensers to drain from the engine tank and made a mess of it. By the time they decided to check his logs he was on the other side of the galaxy and they were all drunk, Geordie was telling me about it earlier' at this point a rowdy birthday party came into ten-forward and Guinan sighed 'That's my cue I'm afraid, I'm Guinan by the way'

She stuck out her hand to shake Banroller's. Yimi glanced at it briefly then handed her the nearly full glass of ale.

'Lieutenant Banroller' she replied curtly, and got up to leave.

Well, I know this was quite short but there is more to the story and the plot will reveal itself soon! In the meantime please review, I love reviews, they make me feel appreciated ;-)
