![]() Author has written 79 stories for Beyblade, I'll Generation Basket, Alice 19th, Horatio Hornblower, Harry Potter, Dead Poets Society, Star Wars, Prince of Tennis, Alex Rider, Super Sentai, Eragon, Inkheart, Merlin, and D.Gray-Man. Update : Messing Around (D.GrayMan - Yullen) - 11/02/2010 About me: - Name: Thinydith, Kana, K, … - Age: 23 - Gender: Female - Location: Antwerp, Belgium - Hair Colour: Blond - Eye Colour: Blue - Horoscope: Sagittarius, Fire Tiger (Chinese one) - Study: I'm working! - Hobby: Volleyball, Ju-Jitsu, Swimming, Reading and of course Writing, Shopping, Watching Movies, Listening to Music, Hanging out with Friends, … - Languages: Dutch, English, French, and the basic of German - Weapons: Katana, Bow and Arrow, Lightsaber. - Element: Actually a mix between Fire, Water, Wind and Ice... : ) But Water the most. - BitBeast: Yama: A Black Unicorn with Demon Wings, Silver Manes, and Bright Blue Eyes... She's a Water BitBeast but she can also handel Fire :p. Well, what more do you need to know about me? Oh yes, I have a very good connection with my Inner Child. : ) My Fav’s: - Manga/Anime: Prince of Tennis, Beyblade, I’ll Generation Basket, Gundam Wing, Rurouni Kenshin, Alice 19th, Combination, Black Cat, Saiyuki, FAKE, Kizuna, Legal Drug, Count Cain/God Child, Yellow, Vampire Knight, Samurai 7 … - Book: Harry Potter, Jedi Apprentice, Artemis Fowl, DragonFlight, Sabriel, Across the Nightingale Floor, Alex Rider Serie, Star Wars, Chronicals of Narnia, The Wheel of Time, Temeraire... - Tv-Serie: Merlin, Battlestar Galactica, Hornblower, Stargate SG1, 24 … - Movie: Heero, House of Flying Daggers, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Elizabeth Town, Les Miserables, The Phantom of the Opera, Dirty Dancing, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Chocolat, Dead Poets Society, Moulin Rouge, Master and Commander, Last Samurai, Peter Pan, Finding Neverland, Gone in 60 seconds, Save the last dance, Remember the Titans, Tombstone, Top Gun, Van Hellsing, Howl’s Moving Castle, Chihiro’s Journey, BrokeBack Mountain, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensebility, Memoires of a Geisha, Stormbreaker, G-Force, Kung-Fu Panda … - Musical: Absolute King Rikkai feat. Rokkaku - First Service - Second Service, Dream Live 3rd - 4th - 5th, Hyotei in Winter, les Miserables, The Phantom of the Opera, Miss Saigon, Cats - Colour: Red, Black, Ice Blue, Gray, Silver, Purple,… - Music: Freedom Call, Movie Songs, Musicals, Green Day, Within Temptation, Keane, DragonForce, Sonata Arctica… - Animal: Horse, Eagle, Phoenix, Tiger, Wolf, Dragon, Falcon, Unicorn, Cat. - Country: Japan, Russia, Egypt, Turkey, Ireland, Scotland, New-Zeeland. - Season: Winter. - Candy: definitely Chocolate. Fav pairings - Beyblade: KaiRei, KaiTala, TalaBryan, ReiBryan, KaiBryan, TalaRei, MaxTakao - I'll: AkanaHitonari, YamazakiTakaiwa, YamazakiTakuya, TakaiwaNaruse - Gundam Wing: DuoHeero, TrowaQuatra - Kizuna: MasaKai, RanKei - FAKE: DeeRyo - NYNY: KainMel - LOTR: LegolasAragorn - Star Wars: Obi-wanQui-gon - Harry Potter: SiriusRemus, DracoHarry, DracoLucius, SeverusHarry, SeverusDraco, SeverusLucius, SiriusLucius - Hornblower: HoratioArchie - Rurouni Kenshin: KenshinSano, KenshinHiko - Alice 19th: FreyEric, FreyKyo - Black cat: TrainSven - Saiyuki: GoyjoHakkai, GokuSanzo - Count Cain/God Child: CainRiff - BattleStar Galactica: ApolloStarbuck - Alex Rider Serie: YassenIan, YassenJohn - Prince of Tennis: TezukaFuji, TezukaAtobe, FujiEiji, RyomaMomo, EijiOishi, InuiKaidoh, FujiTaka, YukimuraSanada, SaekiFuji, SaekiEiji, SaekiYuuta, Fujibrothers, TachibanaKamio, KamioIbu, TachibanaChitose, SanadaAtobe, MomoKaidoh - Samurai 7: KyuzoKambei, KyuzoKatsushiro, Hei-chanGorobe My Stories: - One-Shots: Brother, By Your Side, Coming Back For You, Dirty Dancing, First Kiss, Haven’t We Already Broken Every Rule, Making Things Right Again, Reaching Out, Together Forever, Valentine, Winter Light Winter Love, Lies and Friends, Truth and Love, Anger a cold and a friend, Dancing in the rain, Only your love, Dreams and Life, Faith, Next Time It's Your Turn, Kiss Away My Pain, Love and Protection, No More Lies, The Truth Is Out There In A Kiss, Glasses, You Gave Me A Scare, Little Angel, Rooftop Confessions, Don't try to understand me just love me, Magical Love, A long walk, Brownies and Dancing, Home, Can I touch you to see if you're real, Too much light, A jacket for protection, Catching up, Boring/frustrating workdays, Bird, They all make mistakes and so did I, Dangerous love, Every moment hesitated is a moment gone from life, Don't let go of the things you believe in, There are so many faces I know, Welcome back, You become responsible forever for what you have tamed, Dance, My night-time lover, Anyone belongs somewhere, Please come back to me, There is no right or wrong, I'm sorry, Time is running out, Tell me lies, Detention art, The Scent of Mint, Midnight Snack, Feathers, Preparing a Bath, A Pile Of Dry Leaves, Our Freedom, Soap Bubbles, Past and Present, Melodies of Life, Memories, Messing Around. - Complete: A Living Hell, Thinking Of You, When Nothing Eases The Pain, Photographs fade with time, When the nightmare comes true, Tales Tell Your Dreams, DangerMark, Train Travelling, Oui c'était un rêve, Furry namesakes. Links: - Authors to check: http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/440771/: this is the link to Elves of the Moon. It's a "shared" account. Namely by Lhune (and me).:p http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/571411/: this is the link to Lullaby Lily. A very good friend of me. And well, you know, there are just to many wonderfull authors out there. Go check my Favorite Authors/Stories if you want to read some more : ) - My other links: http:///users/dark_kana/: This is my lifejournal. You can find a complete list of everything I've written over here. http://www.fictionpress.info/~sadnesswaterfall: My account on FictionPress. If you want to, go visit it someday. And if you do so, leave a review. : ) They are highly appreciated. Quotes: - Reaching for your hand in the middle of the storm, please, not again, don’t run away. - They say children never lie for their pure eyes are able to see things we can’t. - There is said that snowflakes are the frozen tears of the Angels above. - They say eyes are the windows of the soul. Some windows should never be opened. - You once told me white is the full moon. You once told me blood is red. You told me blue is the endless sea. You also told me you loved me. And to accept these simple truths, just to accept them, my soul wishes, my soul longs, that my heart could. - Memories are always beautiful, but with only that you can’t life. - Don’t try to understand me, just love me. - Rules are to be broken. - Insanity is relative… So is logic. - Nobody knows what they don’t know, so they think they might know me. - You are who you think you are, unless you are told otherwise. - I want that pillow, it’s fluffier. - Le ciel n’a pas de limites. J’aime cette sensation. C’est rassurant. - Sometimes life seems impossible when you’re expected to live it. - Happiness is what you make of it. - There is no right or wrong, only the consequences of your actions. - What is and what should never be. - Life isn’t fair. It’s just fairer than death. - Screw the rules. I never did like following them anyway. - So many tears of sadness, I know on the other side of them I’ll find you. - Keep dreaming your dreams. - Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around. - Tomorrow only comes when today is over. - A man is a bird without wings, and a bird is a man without sorrow. - Somewhere in a dream are traces of tears/sadness to find. - Death smiles at all of us, all a man can do is to smile back. - We are all meant to shine like children do. - Some voices stay with you forever. - Peace Love Yay! - If knowledge is power, power corrupts, corruption is a crime, and crime never pays… Does knowledge, in the end, leave you broken? - It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. - If you can’t be a good example, you’d better be a horrible warning. - I found your letter tonight. I found the flower you left on the table tonight. I found the memory of your soft voice tonight. But not you, not you, not tonight. Maybe tomorrow night, I’ll find you by my side… - And I had claimed to be strong. I had prided myself to be immune, I had really believed I had killed my heart. Foolish pride. It’s still beating, damned heart of mine, it still bleeds when it’s being torn apart… - He wakes slowly, coming out of darkness. Only to be greeted by a deeper blackness. Glitters of flames dance all around. Is this the place mortals call Hell? A place inside your inner mind, where the only thing you can feel is loneliness… - Si tu veux être heureux, oublie la logique! - She knows it by now; there is something in all our fears... - Never trust a man to do a woman's job... Author's note Oh yes, one important thing. Because I always seem to forget the disclaimer... I own nothing, except for the story itself... Well, One of my stories is translated in German. If you want to, here is the link to it: Dreams and life by MembarisMortem. Thanks a lot! Another one ( Love and Protection ) is translated in Chinees by nightowlling . Unfortunally, I can't seem to enter the site she putted it on. But thanks for translating it! And, Kiss Away My Pain is translated in Russian by: Joanna. Here is the link: http:///index.php?act=ST&f=3&t=1469&st=0 . Thanks a lot! Well, that’s it I suppose… Oh yes, and if any one wants to discuse some stories, or just wanna talk, this is my MSN adress: love_ya_L@ . Not that I am online very often... Yet, sometimes you might see me appearing... : ) See ya ~huggies~ K |