Reviews for Boys Day In Or Out?
ken black sword chapter 2 . 8/24/2019
I really like the way you put the relationship between kai and ata well... i do ship kai and tala together anyway
and in this fantastic fanfiction they are waaaay cuter than I ever imagined them to be so thank you so much for your great fanfictions I really like the personality you gave to tala here and I like it I really hope you consider writing a fic for those tow as lovers
ken black sword chapter 3 . 8/24/2019
this chapter was soo freaking cute I loved thus prequel so much
VBK-VereorBlackKing chapter 11 . 5/22/2017
Loved it!
Seriously, brilliant writing style as always, adorable characters description, super cute friendship between Tala/Ata-Kai and hot hints (if there were, and it wasn't just my imagination) of Tala-Bryan.
And it goes without saying that because of you I made a fool out of myself again for burstubg out laughing randomly on the train, again.
whiskedaway chapter 11 . 7/14/2011
Oh god, oh goood! I laughed myself so freakin dead there! Awesome! xDDD
Chaseha-Wing chapter 11 . 1/11/2011
lol, that was nice. ooc (sort of) but a cool prequel. To think, that was his opinions of his two new team mates, and only 1 of hem changed . lol, i liked, it was cool. but could have been placed in the comedy, a dramatic comedy, sounds cool.
phoenixandtiger chapter 11 . 8/21/2010
This fic is just magical - the ways they express their friendship and devotion to each other is just magical. And the idea of friendship isn't screwed up, like what Yugioh did to it (sorry - I've been watching too many episodes lately).
Soko Ikovan chapter 11 . 1/14/2009
Three words/letters: OMG!

I loved 'Untold Truths', and this one is just as amazing, if not better! I love the way you portray the D-Boys, especially Tala. Your portrail of him is why I love him so much! XD

I hope that there will be more stories in the 'Untold Truths' universe.
Frenchowl chapter 11 . 5/22/2008
Loved it!
thegreatwhitewolf chapter 11 . 4/29/2008
This was so cute! I thourougly enjoyed this from begining to end. I seriously wanted to kill James for what he did to Tala/Ata but I think Kai took care of that...

Heh, I kept wanting to nudge Bryan towards Tala/Ata. Those two make a great couple. Keep up the great work!
Era Fey chapter 11 . 3/24/2008
that was so adorable, such a cute ending!

Now I really want to have Bryan as the MAN of the house!

He is so cute the way you describe his attitude!

God, you are god Lady , way too good for humanity!

Glad the story is complete, I dont have to go berseck waiting for another chapter to be uploaded!
Purrrfect Kitty chapter 11 . 1/4/2008
Awesome job on this story! it's really great! i really like how you made Ata/Tala act in your stories, especially the part where he was *ahem* seducing poor wittle Bryan. *snickers*
HEather chapter 11 . 12/31/2007
a really well written fic... I love how you characterized everyone.
Sodium Bicarb chapter 11 . 10/30/2007
lol, I smiled so hard my cheeks hurt! great job!
LuckyDespair chapter 2 . 10/14/2007
Aww, cuteness! Deliciousness fanfic even if it's not shonen-ai! _ I could make do with just the super slashiness! XDD
the original sin chapter 11 . 2/26/2007
Hey there!

I just wanted to say that I absolutely loved this story! I read both the prequel and untold truths and I really really loved it! The humor is just great (as well as the rest... I just find it "clean" for a lack of a better word and really "in style"... :)I can so easily picture them behaving that way... Also the fact that my favorite charactesr are in it and my favorite pairing helps a lot!

All in all I just wanted to say that it's a beautiful fiction that actually has a very good plot.

P.s.: I hope you don't mind this long review...hehe... It's actually the first one I write... I've been "here" for quite the time bit I've never written a review... But this time I couldn't help myself because this is such great story...hehe..

Ok, it's time to stop annoying you now :)

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