Reviews for Life sucks
White kitten 202 chapter 10 . 6/29
LOVED IT A LOT! And yes, Yuriy is really a great friend
I believe. And Kai, speaking of him, he's so damn hot
and handsome! And lastly, our Rei-Rei, he's...umm...
Feminine! -(grabs a pillow to defend herself from Rei's
punch)- But the story was great!
lynneerwell chapter 10 . 5/12/2018
Jahahahaha, I was about 14 or 13 when I read your fic the first time XD It is honestly very funny. The characters are quite dramatic and theatrical hahaha, but probably many of those things actually go through their minds (at least through my mind, even if in the outside I look quite composed XD).

I absolutely adored the ending. Woaa, those are skills. How you made the loop with the beginning quoting the 10 reasons. Your writing skills were really good here, and they continued being so later on the next years. I absolute love your writing. Happy grapes with chocolate!
lynneerwell chapter 9 . 5/12/2018
XDDD You are crazy (or were crazy) in the time you wrote this fic. It is a bit absurd, and very hilarious! It is wonderful! :D You have amazing thoughts going through your mind _
peonyfics chapter 10 . 1/3/2017
I FREAKIN LOVED IT I really liked Tala in this fic without Tala in any beyblade fic its just not the same.
levios chapter 10 . 3/25/2016
There were plenty of things that was good with this story, I liked the irony which Rei were thinking, like the last line in chapter 9, it was hilarious! I liked that it was angsty and humorous at the same time. I am not that fond of alcoholic stories but it didn't bother me too much..
I liked how you ended it, I like when you feed back to the beginning, it rounds up the story good and you did it perfectly! Loved both of the lists ;) A pleasant read all in one :)
mamika chapter 10 . 7/1/2013
that was gorgeous.
the only thing that was off was Kai saying love in the end. but hey, he got the guy, he can be a little soft on the first morning.
tala, I mean yuriy, was nice. crazy, which is by any means a bad thing. his laughing attacks were a great amuse.
and I especially enjoyed rei's admiration for Kai. all the praising and stuff. and laughed when rei was rambling and loosing it. so refreshing and lively.
thanks. it was great reading ;D
akin 'to38 chapter 10 . 6/20/2012
Awww... I love kai so much...
beckylovesgigs chapter 10 . 6/1/2012
aww i love how you ended it, really sweet
KedakaiOkami chapter 10 . 5/18/2012
rofl I love how you actually had a list at the end too and that some things hadn't changed, just Rei's perspective of them.
Potasi chapter 10 . 6/17/2011
OMG I loved this story! it was so hilarious and... i can't find words haha! Just had to say that i loved this story!
Chaseha-Wing chapter 10 . 7/31/2010
lolz, that was fun nice work.
Lu-chan-san chapter 10 . 5/13/2010
Aaaaw I love it ... I'm an absolute KaRe fan *grin*

And the Tala/big brother/father/mother-thing ... it's kinda funny

But the Tala/Boris pairing is new for me and I have some questions ... you wrote that Boris is the teammember and that he is the one who put Rei in the hospital ... it's a few years that I saw the anime but isn't Boris the one who works for Voltair and trained the Demolition Boyz? And I thought Bryan was the teammember who put Rei in the hospital ... *scratches head* ... did I confuse them?

But that aside ... I really like Life sucks


ColdBlackRaven chapter 10 . 4/7/2010
I was so down before this, untill i read in someone's profile about your story and I read it one go and I loved it! It lit my mood, made my fever go away :p and this story is the best on humor. Ray's head seems to be like that to me too D Really good and Im glad that you put an end to it only in one day. Some stories just seem to be stretching and never ending. I loved it! 3
Alice's-Love chapter 10 . 4/5/2010

i fucking loved it mother fucker!

sorry about the cussing!

just cant contain how much i loved this very cute adorable story!

i wish it was longer!


love, Alice's-Love
Kinomiya chapter 10 . 4/7/2009
Wow. That was definitely the worst/best day of Rei's life. Who knew one person could go through so many things in the span of 24 hours? the joy of fanfictions ;P

I really loved this story, i thought it was super cute! Kai/Rei is my favorite pairing so im really glad i stumbled upon your page since you've written so many . i hope you continue to write stories about them, they're so cute.
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