Author has written 14 stories for Naruto, Harry Potter, Inuyasha, and 07-Ghost. I'll keep this nice a simple:) Age: 19 Gender: Female Nickname: Slacker... yeah, I know... Story: Okay, so basically, as you probably already know, I've been gone for quite a while. This was due to a few dreadfully boring and annoying hospital visits. And it caused me to miss a whole load of school senior year, causing me to have to continue school in the summer... Yeah, sucks balls. Anyway, I hope to keep you all more updated on my status (story wise). Intoxication: Working on the next chapter, should be done relatively soon. It's my top priority. The Eyes that Only Belong to Her: Not happening, lost interest in writing Harry Potter. Sorry. The Moon and the Sun: Yeah, it's a fun story to write, but it might be a while. I'll try my hardest! The Deal: About the same as the top one, not too much interest left... So yeah, There it is! Any questions or requests, P.M.'s are always welcome! Ja, ne. |
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