![]() Author has written 11 stories for Inuyasha, Shaman King, One Piece, Xiaolin Showdown, and Final Fantasy X. Hi ALL! I'm Raikku of the Darkness, named for my other half (split personality)! My Real Name: You would like to know! My age: Be my friend and I'll tell you! My b-day: February 10 My fav. things: My t.v, my playstation (my precioussssss), my computer, bunnies, my cable, bunnies,manga, anime, did I say bunnies? Mylowest rated stuff: Stupid people, bad attitudes, people who kill bunnies, and people that don't like me (yeah I said it! What ya wanna do'bout it?) My Fav. Anime/ Manga/ Video Games: Shaman King: Amidamaru (you can stab me anytime _), Faust VIII (delciously dangerous!), Tao Ren (Oooo! Feisty!), Lyserg (Quit the X-laws and we'll talk!), and Asakura Hao (Cute but Psycho!) Inuyasha: Sesshomaru (Words should have sent a poet!), Koga (Bad Boys4-life!), Naraku (Smooth Criminal!) One Piece: Roronoa Zolo (Hurt Me, Hurt ME!) Yu Yu Hakusho: Hiei (dark and mysterious, my kind of man), Kurama (what else can you do with those plants, big boy?) Full Metal Alchemist: Edward Elric (transformable arm, nuff said), Roy Mustang (I'll salute to you!) Final FantasyX:Auron (Cool, but old) Kingdom Hearts: Riku (Silver solider), Cloud (big sword, and I'm not talking about the weapon), Squall Leonhart (Rough good looks) Samurai Girl: Realbout Highschool- Ryoko Mitsirugi (cool samurai girl), Shizuma Kusinagi (Cutie with a uni!), Azumi Kiribayashi (coolest fighting chic!) Rockman EXE (Megaman NT Warrior): Blues (aka Protoman; One of the best looking navis I've ever seen), Enzan (aka Chaud;what-a-mystery) Samurai Champloo: Jin (glass-eyed cutie), Fuu (funny girl, annoying at times), Mugen (weird Spike from Cowboy Bebop lookalike) My fav. Movies: Lord of the Rings: Faramir (my captain!) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban: Sirius Black (Jailbird= cutie) Most Hated Couplings Sesshomaru/Kagome (Just not believable) Hiei/Kurama Ed/Winry Koga/Kagome Naraku/Kikyo Naraku/Sesshomaru Kagura/Sesshomaru Riku/Kairi Riku/Sora Jin/Mugen Amidamaru/Kino Enzan/Yai Enzan/Netto (or Lan) Blues/Rock (or Megaman) Auron/Rikku Most Liked Couplings Sesshomaru/OC Naraku/OC Koga/OC Koga/Sango Sesshomaru/Rin Zoro/OC Luffy/Nami Riku/OC Ryoko/Shizuma Shizuma/OC Jin/Fuu Jin/OC Mugen/Fuu Mugen/OC Netto/Maylu Enzan/OC Blues/OC Amidamaru/OC Auron/Lulu Lulu/Wakka Yuna/Tidus Paine/Baralai Rikku/Gippal (hehe, Gippal, Nipple.hehe) Recent Obessesions: Recently, I've begun to read more yaoi fics, preferably Zolo/Luffy ones. But my absolute favorite is Chase/Jack... ... ...sorry, drool moment. Finally, my pics for "If it Takes Forever" have been posted! 1.Rayna: http:///albums/y18/Raikku13/3a63fc98.jpg 2.Raikku: http:///albums/y18/Raikku13/6e045732.jpg Now these are characters that haven't been introduced: 1. Cassandra: http:///albums/y18/Raikku13/f23dd29c.jpg 2. Her Guardian Ghost, Daniella: http:///albums/y18/Raikku13/c219106f.jpg 3. Vale: http:///albums/y18/Raikku13/Vale.jpg 4. Her Guardian Ghost, Talym: http:///albums/y18/Raikku13/Talym.jpg 5. Ness: http:///albums/y18/Raikku13/00a3ae64.jpg The wait is over! Raikku News Well, I know most of you are pissed that I've not answered your reviews, but it's not my fault! See, my internet is out and I haven't been able to answer. But be patient, all of my stories except Kirei are not on hiatis...repeat NOT ON HIATUS! Ok thanks much! -Raikku- |