![]() Author has written 11 stories for Warriors. hOWDY sorry Heya y'all! The name's Flame, writing's the game fandoms n stuff: hamilton, heathers, warrior cats, the phandom, sherlock, the book of mormon , 21 chump street, be more chill, dear evan hansen, les mis, natashia, pierre and the great comet of 1812, falsettos, in the heights, a very potter musical NAME: Flame AGE: 13 GENDER/PRONOUNS: female. I go by she/her pronouns, but they/them pronouns are fine if you can't remember! LOCATION: i'm british! #theaspentree . in honour of aspen , a fallen friend. OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA/SITES Youtube: Flamespirit_ . (not very active) Google Plus: Flamespirit_ (active) Instagram: Flamespirit_ (active) (if u were to dm me or pm me (whatever its called) i'll ever scream oR tYPe LikE thIS FORUMS: The night stalkers - AMAZING forum run by the fabulous winter. Go check out her profile! FRIENDS ember - /u/7117385/Ember-grieves-for-Aspen moon - /u/7574617/The-Moon-s-Silent-Echo winter - /u/5682802/Frozen-Behind-the-Mirror pia - /u/6898580/Quilava-s-Storybook xander -/u/7053122/Frosty-the-Glaceon willowpool -/u/7118565/Willow-is-Hungry MUSICALS I'VE SEEN/ LISTENED TO listened to: hamilton (amazing omg check it out! its amazing!), heathers (really good. hits me in the feels), wicked (IM DEFYING GRAVITYYYY AND YOU CAN'T BRING ME DOWNNNN), sister act (this is really funny) , the book of mormon ( HELLO I WOULD LIKE TO SELL YOU THE MOST AMAZING BOOK) , in the heights ( in washington hights!!), les mis ( do yoU HEAR THE PEOPLE SING) , 21 chump street (whaT THE HECK I GOTTA DO TO BE W/ UUUUU) Be more chill (bless up) , dear evan hansen (bLESS up) , falsettos (andrew rannells omg) seen: Wicked ( THis wAS BRILLIANT! I SAW IT FOR MY BDAY IT WAS SOOOO GOOD!) , Sister Act ( at my local theter. one of my friends and my spanish teacher were in it and they were hilarious.) Charlie and the chocolate factory ( i saw it when i wasn't into musicals why) In the heights (blessED MUSICAL) Quotes: "We all have our flaws. But we overcome them. And sometimes, it's our flaws that make us who we are." ~ Erin Hunter "May you always be satisfied"~ Angelica Schyler (Hamilton) "Hey Yo , I'm just like my country , I'm young , scrappy and hungry and I'm not throwing away my shot!"~ Alexander Hamilton (Hamilton) "We''ll tell the story of tonight ~ Hamilton,Laurens,Lafayette and Mullugain (Hamilton) "Talk less. Smile more" ~ Aaron Burr (Hamilton) "We can't change our destiny. We can only have the power to know what it is and accept it" ~ Bluestar (Warrior Cats ) "I am inimitable, I am an original"~ Aaron Burr (Hamilton) "There's a million things I haven't done. But just you wait. Just you wait..." ~ Alexander Hamilton (Hamilton) "Cold in my proffesions, warm in my friendships, I wish, my dear Laurens , that it might be in my power to convince you by actions rather then words that I love you." ~ Alexander Hamilton to John Laurens "Those who stand for nothing fall for anything." ~ Alexander Hamilton "My name is Blurryface and I care what you think" ~ TOP "And love is love is love is love is love is love, and love cannot be killed or swept aside." ~ Lin Manuel Miranda "I am made of love and I am stronger then you."~ Garnet , SU If you guys know a good quote , pm me :))) Spotify playlist thingy OPENING CREDITS: Piragua- Reprise(ith) - LOVE LOVE LOVE this song WAKING UP: I am Africa(BOM) - yes i am africa in the morning only FIRST DAY AT SCHOOL: I'm breaking down (falsettos) - me @ school anyways MAKING YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND: the end of all things (p!atd) whoops sorry ember FALLING IN LOVE: Lovely Ladies (Les mis) ummm, sorry BREAKING UP: Girls/Girls/Boys (p!atd) um, sorry i apologize FORMAL/PROM: Rent(RENT) ultimate hype song GRADUATION: La Via Boheme B (RENT) iTS pArTY tIme KidS LIFE’S OKAY: I Am Moana(Moana) nah(love the song tho) DEATH OF A CLOSE FRIEND: Natashia Very Ill(great comet) au where natashia dies MENTAL BREAKDOWN: New Americano (halsey) nah (GOOD SONG) DRIVING: hasa diga eebowai (bom) 10/10 would drive to that WEDDING SCENE: Everything I Know (ith) kinda????? not really?? CAR ACCIDENT: Migraine (top) whoops i got a headache and FRicKEN crASHED a Car FINAL BATTLE: Stay Alive(interlude) (ham mixtape) - yEs Yes DEATH SCENE: tRUE colours (trolls) i accidentally added the entire trolls soundtrack to my playlist. i crave death FUNERAL SONG: I'll cover you (reprise) (RENT) Oh My gOD this fits!!!! END CREDITS: Look down/paris(les mis) no my self like a year ago was tragic, i didn't even like memes I enjoy eating salad relish |