Author has written 3 stories for Pokémon, Naruto, Evangelion, Kuroko no Basuke/黒子のバスケ, and Maze Runner Trilogy.
About me? Gee... Where do I start...?
Well, I'm a 19 year old guy from South Africa, currently on my Gap Year, and I'm trying to make myself as productive as possible. I fu*king love all forms of animation, especially Anime, and I'm aspiring to become an Animator. Whilst writing fanfics, I'm also working on actual stories, stories that I hope no one else has yet to think about, starting with four in total.
If you asked me two years where my fanboy allegiances lie, I'd tell you that I'm a Naruto-fanboy till I die, that story captivated me more than any other long-running anime out there. I'm glad I've grown out of that now, I can safely say I respect all of em, as well as new ones to come soon, except for Fairy Tail... fuck that series!
Have a friend who just died? Are you in a pinch with a difficult enemy? Need a way to make the deadline? Introducing NAKAMA POWERTM by the pioneers over at Shounen Tropes Ltd.
Order it now and get not one, not two, but three random asspulls to stuff into one chapter to boost your ranking.
May cause a decrease in the overall quality of your work. Shounen Tropes Ltd. Does not take responsibility.
Religion-wise, I'm Atheist, because Reasons!
Race-wise, I'm brown, because I blame the Sun!
I'll list my interests en sh*t later...
Most discipline is hidden discipline, designed not to liberate but to limit. Do not ask Why & Be cautious with How. Why leads inexorably to paradox. How traps you in a universe of cause and effect. Both deny the infinite
“True creations, the sort that interests me, eventually becomes independent of its creator. Evolution and experience take the original product far from its origin, with an uncertain outcome.” – Erasmus, Reflections on Sentient Biologicals
"No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness." -Mary Wollstonecraft
"You are the only victim of your negative thoughts."
"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time". - Bertrand Russell
"The only reason you can't let go of things that hurt you is because that was the only thing that made you happy."
"Hate is a poison you drink yourself, hoping it kills another."
"Never argue with idiots first they will bring you to their level and then they will beat you with their experience"
"Your first thought on something is what the world has trained you to think, the second your own opinion."
"Nothing which is true or beautiful or good makes complete sense in any immediate context of history;.." - Reinhold Niebuhr
“Just because somebody doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with everything they got”
Oscar Wilde: "To define, is to limit."
"Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid"
"Sometimes, the light at the end of the tunnel is a train"
"I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget"
"Once the stillness comes into your life, then the mind also becomes absolutely still. When your mind becomes still, your intelligence explodes."
"When your happiness is dependent upon what is happening outside of you, constantly you live as a slave to the external situation."
"You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."
“Most histories are written by the winners of conflicts, but those written by the losers-if they survive-are often more interesting.” -Iblis Ginjo
“Any man who asks for greater authority does not deserve to have it.” -Tercero Xavier Harrkonnen
“Is the subject or the observer the greater influence?” -Erasmus
“The mind commands the body and immediately it obeys. The mind orders itself, and meets resistance.” -St. Augustine
“There is a certain hubris to science, a belief that the more we develop technology and the more we learn, the better our lives will be.” – Tlaloc
“Only those with narrow minds fail to see that the definition of Impossible is ‘Lack of imagination and incentive.'” – Serena Butler
“Religion, time and time again, brings down empires, rotting them from within.” – Iblis Ginjo
“Each of us infuences the actions of the people we know.” – Xavier Harkonnen
"Humans are survivors. They do things for themselves and then attempt to conceal their motivations through elaborate subterfuges. Gift-giving is a prime example of behavior that is secretly selfish.” – Erasmus
"Racism will never die, it will only multiply"-Chris Rock
“In surviving, shall our humanity endure? That which makes life, sweet for the living- warm and filled with beauty- this, too, must be. But we shall not gain this enduring humanity if we deny our whole being- if we deny emotions, thought, and flesh. If we deny emotions, we lose all touch with our universe. By denying thought, we cannot reflect upon what we touch. And if we dare deny the flesh, we unwheel the vehicle that carries us all.” – Primero Vorian Atreides
“Talk is based on the assumption that you can get something if you keep putting one word after another.” – Iblis Ginjo
“”Systematic” is a dangerous word, a dangerous concept. Systems originate with their human creators. Systems take over.” – Tio Holtzman
“PSYCHOLOGY: The science of inventing words for things that do not exist.” – Erasmus
“Consciousness and logic are not reliable standards.” – Cogitors fundamental postulates
“Often people die because they are too cowardly to live.” – Tlaloc
“Science, under the guise of benefiting humankind, is a dangerous force that often tampers with natural processes without recognizing the consequences. Under such a scenario, mass destruction is inevitable.” – Cogitor Reticulus
“Animals must have move across land to survive- for water, for food, for minerals. Existence depends upon some kind of movement: you move, or the land kills you where you stand.” – Imperial Ecological Survey of Arrakis
I Pledge to Forever Being a Pokemon Special Fan(I DON'T EVEN PLAY POKEMON!!!!):
When I think of Red, I’ll remember to fight.
When I think of Green, I’ll train with all my might.
When I think of Blue, I’ll think of mischievous plans.
When I think of Yellow, I’ll think of healing hands.
When I think of Gold, I’ll remember that I belong.
When I think of Crystal I’ll remember that completing something will take long.
When I think of Silver, I won’t let the past effect me.
When I think of Sapphire, I’ll set my wild side free.
When I think of Ruby, I’ll keep up with the fashion.
When I think of Emerald, I’ll make my height my passion.
When I think of Platinum, I’ll remember my grades.
When I think of Diamond, I’ll remember the friends that I made.
When I think of Pearl I’ll be stubborn as ever.
When I think of Black, I’ll hold onto my dreams forever.
When I think of White, I’ll remember to be strong.
When I think of the Dexholders, I’ll remind myself that there’s nothing wrong.