Author has written 47 stories for Forever Knight, Digimon, Doctor Who, Justice League, Flash, Green Lantern, Touched by an Angel, and Nightwing. July 05, 2014: That settles it. Thanks to things like ObamaCare I have both taken a major wage pay hit on my only job, but am now facing the loss of my employer's benefits plan--including affordable health care options that suited me to a T--all so that I can (supposedly since I'm borderline poverty level) pay the multiple more times per month for 'Affordable (ha!) Healthcare."...which I can now afford neither the costs of nor the 2015 onward fines for doing without...because my hours/pay dipped by 25% and other jobs are scarce...due to ObamaCare convincing employers to drop their benefits in favor of dumping everyone on the states/feds incredibly inefficient and utterly security-nightmare sites. In other words, unless I can spend all my waking hours working my ass off to pay the ever-growing/grabbing government taxes for the privilege of still being alive in order to pay for government freebies to government 'interests' (friends/business cronies), I, the working barely-above-the-official-poverty-line going to die out on the streets. No, this is not a plea for money. This is a plea to START PAYING THE F' ATTENTION TO THE MORONS WHO WANT TO BECOME OUR 'SERVANTS' BEFORE YOU VOTE THEM INTO OFFICE! They don't go after the rich...they ARE the rich--rich several times over-- and if you notice you'll see that they pay less taxes than anyone. They go after where the not-their-own money is and that includes the lower middle classes and the upper and middle lower classes. They downgrade education so as to give rise to a tide of ignoramuses who can't tell how to judge a candidate for character and experience if their lives depended on it. They keep us as poor as possible so that our every waking hour is devoted to the physical bare necessities rather than in questioning what they are up to in office...because we are too busy working to pay their taxes which they give to their special interest groups...which then go bust on the taxpayers' dimes. Again, get the f* off the damn video games and sexting and open your eyes before they decide to tax your video games to pay for their new business suits. I'm probably doomed to cardboard box living, but you're likely not far behind me. Remember, freebie government charity help is not charity if someone else is being forced to pay so that the politician looks good to the 'poor' voter. Nor is it free if the fine print beneath their thumb is calling for you to eventually be under their thumb. Plus, the charity will dry up amazingly fast if the contributors are being turned into receivers. Who will fill the coffers then? The fat cats? Fat chance. Heh...they'll be on their way to their European mansions while it goes to hell where we are, watching the riots while they sip rare wines. |