Part 5 of this thing. If anyone knows how to make pause marks (three
periods together) stop disappearing from Word Docs, let me know.
"There's something here? Wizardmon, is this you? I can touch you?!"
Quickly she rid herself of the bulky attack gloves she usually wore in order locate his limbs and hands and then trace them upwards back to his shoulders and down his torso. The feel of the fabric of his clothes as well as the outline of the humanoid figure was unmistakable under her touch even if it *looked* like she was feeling empty air. Yearning to verify it even more, she pressed harder in order to feel the contours of his body beneath the garments.
"Oh, Wizardmon, it is you! I can finally touch you again!" A mewling sound issued from deep within Gatomon's throat before she tightened her grasp around his body, eyes closed in happiness.
Wizardmon was less then thrilled by her revelation.
No, that wasn't quite accurate: he was more like utterly dismayed!
For years he'd dreamed of being able to touch her--- fought to be able to even just talk to her--- only to watch in shock and despair as his incorporeal hand had sailed right threw her paw that day in the television studio.
Ghosts could not touch the living.
And then Myotismon had come into the picture the very day he'd managed to get back into the Digital World, back to his former level, back to the Real World to look for Gatomon. It had been either capture the virus digimon's disembodied darkness in a web of magic or let it go to wreak future havoc like before when Myotismon had possessed a very troubled human.
Wizardmon had chosen the former option and as a result had had to squash his desire to reveal himself to Gatomon. She wouldn't want to be near Myotismon and he couldn't in good conscience let the evil vampire be free again.
Or that had been the plan before he'd managed to sabotage himself!
~How am I going to explain this to Gatomon? Why is it that everything I do just makes things worse? I must have been out of my mind! I.. I.. Great Azulongmon's Beard!~
The data mage's fit of self remonstrating was cut short when he realized that he was--- well, the polite phrase for it was 'being felt up'! Looking down, Wizardmon saw that his feline friend's expression was less then angelic. Hell, it was downright smirky!
"Gatomon?" His voice trembled a bit. What was she up to? She couldn't possibly be thinking what he thought she was thinking?
Was she?
"Wizardmon," Gatomon purred his name as she reached under his vest's hem, paw traveling steadily upwards towards a goal she couldn't see but knew was there nonetheless.
Good grief--- she was!
Wizardmon licked lips gone suddenly dry as claws found and hooked into the zipper tag, pulling the metal down in one smooth motion. The sound was obscured somewhat by the deep moan that came unbidden from his throat.
Oh Sovereigns! Dear Sovereigns! That felt so..!
Wizardmon didn't protest as his coverall was snagged so as to bring his body its knees and thus more to a gatomon's level; he just went with the motion.
"I've wanted you for so long, Wizardmon," she whispered. "When you died, I thought I'd never be able to tell you how much I love you--- or to do this."
Paws---reaching by feel alone---tugged down on his cowl just before she kissed him.
Caught by surprise, Wizardmon tried to move away, but Gatomon was one determined cat and of a level equal to his own. Grasping both of his ears, she held his head steady as she explored what could be reached between the gaps in that stitched-up mouth. Within seconds Wizardmon forgot why he'd been about to protest the kiss and instead returned it with equal fervor; forgetting everything but having her pressed close, feeling her wanting him. He had to have more! To treasure every bit of her!
So he slipped into her thoughts.
Love. Want. Need. Desire!
He was in heaven! Gatomon loved him as much as he loved her and everything was right in the world! Everything was wonderful!
And then he felt it
Like unto the slipping of a rope, the unclasping of the lock, the breaking of a chain. Darkness breaking free of its moorings and---
Wizardmon's eyes snapped open in alarm. Concentration lost, he was fully visible again; but that was of minor importance to the mage as he pushed Gatomon away--- hard.
For a moment as he struggled to calm down Wizardmon thought that maybe he'd just imagined it. Maybe---just maybe--- it was all right still? He'd separated from her fairly quickly. Everything was fine.
But then Gatomon got slowly back to her feet and looked at him with eyes as deep and as blue as a digital sea. Eyes which grew hard under velvety lids as they narrowed into twin orbs of malevolent amusement.
"Well, well. isn't this an interesting development?" A voice similar to Myotismon's chuckled. "Normally, I wouldn't be caught *dead* wearing white," an ivory paw smoothed down ruffled fur "but I think I'll make an exception in this case. What do you think, Wizardmon? Does it make me look. good?" The cat regarded him disdainfully as if waiting for a dullard to catch on to a punch line.
"Oh no. No. No no no no no no!" Wizardmon mumbled as he stumbled backwards and fell. He sat there, caught in a vice of horror that was rapidly stealing his ability to move or think. This wasn't happening. No-- - this couldn't be happening!
The cat leaped the distance between them. He felt a paw trailing lazily along the still open flap of his coveralls as she--- it! --- sauntered over to his head and placed the other paw over his open mouth. The tip of a claw plucked teasingly at one of the taunt stitches. "My, what's the matter, lover? Cat hasn't got your tongue--- yet. Don't you like the new me?"
As his love's head was thrown back to utter all-too-familiar demonic laughter, Wizardmon felt his own mind shut down and wrap itself in oblivion. His body slumped unto the grass as he fainted. ===============================================
Damn Myo! This was not the direction I wanted to take this! Rotten vampire's taken over my fic! Now what am I gonna do?
"There's something here? Wizardmon, is this you? I can touch you?!"
Quickly she rid herself of the bulky attack gloves she usually wore in order locate his limbs and hands and then trace them upwards back to his shoulders and down his torso. The feel of the fabric of his clothes as well as the outline of the humanoid figure was unmistakable under her touch even if it *looked* like she was feeling empty air. Yearning to verify it even more, she pressed harder in order to feel the contours of his body beneath the garments.
"Oh, Wizardmon, it is you! I can finally touch you again!" A mewling sound issued from deep within Gatomon's throat before she tightened her grasp around his body, eyes closed in happiness.
Wizardmon was less then thrilled by her revelation.
No, that wasn't quite accurate: he was more like utterly dismayed!
For years he'd dreamed of being able to touch her--- fought to be able to even just talk to her--- only to watch in shock and despair as his incorporeal hand had sailed right threw her paw that day in the television studio.
Ghosts could not touch the living.
And then Myotismon had come into the picture the very day he'd managed to get back into the Digital World, back to his former level, back to the Real World to look for Gatomon. It had been either capture the virus digimon's disembodied darkness in a web of magic or let it go to wreak future havoc like before when Myotismon had possessed a very troubled human.
Wizardmon had chosen the former option and as a result had had to squash his desire to reveal himself to Gatomon. She wouldn't want to be near Myotismon and he couldn't in good conscience let the evil vampire be free again.
Or that had been the plan before he'd managed to sabotage himself!
~How am I going to explain this to Gatomon? Why is it that everything I do just makes things worse? I must have been out of my mind! I.. I.. Great Azulongmon's Beard!~
The data mage's fit of self remonstrating was cut short when he realized that he was--- well, the polite phrase for it was 'being felt up'! Looking down, Wizardmon saw that his feline friend's expression was less then angelic. Hell, it was downright smirky!
"Gatomon?" His voice trembled a bit. What was she up to? She couldn't possibly be thinking what he thought she was thinking?
Was she?
"Wizardmon," Gatomon purred his name as she reached under his vest's hem, paw traveling steadily upwards towards a goal she couldn't see but knew was there nonetheless.
Good grief--- she was!
Wizardmon licked lips gone suddenly dry as claws found and hooked into the zipper tag, pulling the metal down in one smooth motion. The sound was obscured somewhat by the deep moan that came unbidden from his throat.
Oh Sovereigns! Dear Sovereigns! That felt so..!
Wizardmon didn't protest as his coverall was snagged so as to bring his body its knees and thus more to a gatomon's level; he just went with the motion.
"I've wanted you for so long, Wizardmon," she whispered. "When you died, I thought I'd never be able to tell you how much I love you--- or to do this."
Paws---reaching by feel alone---tugged down on his cowl just before she kissed him.
Caught by surprise, Wizardmon tried to move away, but Gatomon was one determined cat and of a level equal to his own. Grasping both of his ears, she held his head steady as she explored what could be reached between the gaps in that stitched-up mouth. Within seconds Wizardmon forgot why he'd been about to protest the kiss and instead returned it with equal fervor; forgetting everything but having her pressed close, feeling her wanting him. He had to have more! To treasure every bit of her!
So he slipped into her thoughts.
Love. Want. Need. Desire!
He was in heaven! Gatomon loved him as much as he loved her and everything was right in the world! Everything was wonderful!
And then he felt it
Like unto the slipping of a rope, the unclasping of the lock, the breaking of a chain. Darkness breaking free of its moorings and---
Wizardmon's eyes snapped open in alarm. Concentration lost, he was fully visible again; but that was of minor importance to the mage as he pushed Gatomon away--- hard.
For a moment as he struggled to calm down Wizardmon thought that maybe he'd just imagined it. Maybe---just maybe--- it was all right still? He'd separated from her fairly quickly. Everything was fine.
But then Gatomon got slowly back to her feet and looked at him with eyes as deep and as blue as a digital sea. Eyes which grew hard under velvety lids as they narrowed into twin orbs of malevolent amusement.
"Well, well. isn't this an interesting development?" A voice similar to Myotismon's chuckled. "Normally, I wouldn't be caught *dead* wearing white," an ivory paw smoothed down ruffled fur "but I think I'll make an exception in this case. What do you think, Wizardmon? Does it make me look. good?" The cat regarded him disdainfully as if waiting for a dullard to catch on to a punch line.
"Oh no. No. No no no no no no!" Wizardmon mumbled as he stumbled backwards and fell. He sat there, caught in a vice of horror that was rapidly stealing his ability to move or think. This wasn't happening. No-- - this couldn't be happening!
The cat leaped the distance between them. He felt a paw trailing lazily along the still open flap of his coveralls as she--- it! --- sauntered over to his head and placed the other paw over his open mouth. The tip of a claw plucked teasingly at one of the taunt stitches. "My, what's the matter, lover? Cat hasn't got your tongue--- yet. Don't you like the new me?"
As his love's head was thrown back to utter all-too-familiar demonic laughter, Wizardmon felt his own mind shut down and wrap itself in oblivion. His body slumped unto the grass as he fainted. ===============================================
Damn Myo! This was not the direction I wanted to take this! Rotten vampire's taken over my fic! Now what am I gonna do?